"Damn mortals! Forget about the tree, let's start the spiritual array together!"

The leader of the Otsutsuki team saw that the 'sun' was actually controlled, and instantly realized that this was a strong man from the human world.

The people sent before failed to return, so they are now luring out the target person!

After finding the target, the six people surrounded the sacred tree that had stopped growing, and each of them cut off an arm.

The activation of this array looks really brutal.

"Stop them!"

The God of Death threw a disc-shaped weapon in his hand, and at the same time, the God of Death injected divine power into the disc.

The two cooperated tacitly and directly controlled the disc injected with divine power between the tree and the 'sun'.

Space blockade!

Under the control of the God of Death, the Pure Land suddenly split into two from the position of the disc.

The disk is a parallel dividing line. Above is Fei Yu who is grabbing the "sun" and swallowing it. Below are the six Otsutsuki who are activating the spiritual array and trying to forcibly draw the power of the "sun".

"Damn it, that guy said that the god of death is a waste. He is going to kill us!"

After the leader of the Otsutsuki team found that the energy could not be completely extracted, he cursed and looked at the other people.

The spiritual array that was opened after breaking an arm must not be interrupted at this time.

If the energy is insufficient, then another method can only be used.

But they will definitely pass the message back. The guy who gave the false news has long told the adults that the guy with half human blood is not to be trusted!

But now there is no time to entangle. The adults have given them life, and now it is time for them to dedicate themselves!

"Do it!"

After a roar, the six Otsutsuki rushed directly into the half-opened spiritual array under the curious gaze of the two gods of death.

It turned out that they used themselves as sacrifices and used their lives to activate the spiritual formation!

"These guys, are they controlled puppets?"

The God of Death looked at the Otsutsuki who did all this without any hesitation, and he was a little more afraid of this race.

Life seemed to be completely beyond doubt in their eyes. It was not strange to sacrifice oneself in this situation, but it was so neat and there was no thought at all...

Normal people would at least think about it, right?


A roar came from the formation. In addition to the death of the six Otsutsuki, the tree was also sinking gradually.

This is even the tree turned into a sacrifice...

"The sacred tree is coming out? Xiaohei, is this Otsutsuki all wood?"

Feiyu was still absorbing the power of the "sun". It had only been a short while, and only an empty shell with little change was left.

But he was a little curious at the moment. Is this Otsutsuki clan really only the sacred tree?

Or is the God Tree the real Otsutsuki?

"Whether it's a person or a tree, they are all Otsutsuki, just wood..."

Xiao Hei jumped out and lay on Feiyu's shoulder, looking at the God Tree that was summoned below and shook his tail.

The relationship between the Otsutsuki clan and the God Tree...

In short, the relationship is very subtle.

"They are all wood... The God Tree is the Ten Tails, and the Ten Tails is divided into nine tailed beasts, so... can we also think that the nine tailed beasts are also related to the Otsutsuki?"

Feiyu stopped absorbing the power. He could easily crush this false shell, but now he needed to observe what this tree with thoughts was like.

"Not really. Basically, the Ten-Tails was originally an empty shell, but the maid of the sacred tree was with humans. Although she swallowed the fruit of the sacred tree later, she dispersed her power after giving birth to a child. The Ten-Tails' later power was the chakra swallowed again. The nine tailed beasts have no direct relationship with Otsutsuki, but if we trace it from the direction of the Ten-Tails, it can be considered a joint relationship..."

Xiao Hei had studied the matter of the nine tailed beasts in detail before. They are chakra energy bodies, and each of them has consciousness after being separated, so it is impossible for them to be involved with Otsutsuki.

"Then how can you become the one below? Swallow the fruit, and then the maid and the sacred tree merge into one, and then you can become this?"

Fei Yu's eyes gradually narrowed. Half of the Ten-Tails had already appeared in the summoning magic circle below. After the upper body came out, it seemed to feel that it was being watched, so it first turned into a head full of white hair with two finger horns on its head.

This image is somewhat similar to Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the pure white eyes look angry.

There is only one line on the forehead, temporarilyIt is hard to tell what kind of eyes that is.

"It's almost like that. Of course, not all of them are female. After those men devour women, they can also merge with the sacred tree, but the maid is the companion of the sacred tree. They must first obtain the power of the maid before they can merge and become this powerful sacred tree. According to the data comparison, this one should be a truly complete member of the Otsutsuki clan. The others are basically semi-finished products..."

Xiao Hei has studied a lot of these things. The appearance of the Otsutsuki is actually an opportunity for it.

But how to use it still needs to be considered.

But no matter what, it is impossible for the Otsutsuki to destroy the ninja world.

"I see, but it took so much effort to get out. Wouldn't it be stuck halfway through the spiritual transmission?"

After confirming the situation of the Otsutsuki, Feiyu now wants to help this guy. It's uncomfortable to see it stuck halfway.

The most important thing is that this half is in a state where it may not be completely destroyed even if it is killed. It will not be fun if the message is passed back.

"A bunch of trash..."

The complete version of Otsutsuki, who was struggling to crawl out with half of his legs left, cursed repeatedly. He finally found a human in this world who could fight against them, but now the energy of the formation was insufficient...

If he had to break his legs to get out, it would really be a complete loss of face for Otsutsuki.

"Do you need help?"

A curious voice sounded behind this Otsutsuki, and Feiyu suddenly showed a gentle smile when he turned around.

At the same time, the blood-red eyes also blinked at this time, and the curiosity revealed in the eyes was clearly visible.

"No, no, I can do it myself..."

Although he knew that it was an enemy, this Otsutsuki still answered his question and shook his head seriously.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come out before coming over..."

Feiyu retreated in an instant and stood at a safe distance and watched.


The Otsutsuki looked at Feiyu who was moving away in an instant, and a few strange feelings rose in his heart, but at this time he had to get out first.

As his own power was injected into the summoning circle, a ray of light emerged, and this Otsutsuki was finally able to successfully stand on the ground of the Pure Land.

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