"The Otsutsuki's teleportation array has been destroyed. What should we do now?"

Ban leaned outside the kitchen, listening to the sound of Feiyu cooking, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

She knew what the Otsutsuki's teleportation array was used for before, but now it was suddenly destroyed. How can we be sure that the Otsutsuki will only put the teleportation array on the moon?

If a bunch of teleportation arrays are opened at the same time, the ninja world will really collapse at that time.

"They are preparing to launch a full-scale attack, hoping that we can relax our vigilance and come directly from the moon, but... the moon is going to be destroyed this time. After this incident is over, you and Hashirama will build another moon."

Feiyu looked back and explained Madara's concerns.

This time Naruto suddenly broke out, and was regarded by the Otsutsuki as a limit upgrade that they were quietly carrying out after leaving quietly for two days.

In order to take over the ninja world in one fell swoop, the Otsutsuki side has made sufficient preparations, and this time the Otsutsuki Yuyi will also come with it.

So what we have to face next is really the important military force of the Otsutsuki.

But the leader of the Otsutsuki, the one called the adult, still took some people and stayed with them to continue waiting for the result.

As a reformed Otsutsuki after being taken there, Obito's current treatment is not good or bad.

But it seems that the "adult" values ​​him very much. Recently, he not only takes him with him, but also prepares the fruit of the sacred tree for him, which seems to mean that Obito will completely become the complete form of the Otsutsuki.

"After destroying the Otsutsuki, it's about time to get married, right?"

After a moment of silence, Madara suddenly spoke, and Feiyu was stunned by his words.

Urging marriage, it's really being urged to get married!

But the first person to urge marriage was actually Uchiha Madara...

"Well, when this matter is over, we will get married!"

Although a little entangled, Feiyu still turned around and made a serious promise to Madara.

"I wanted to wait for you to take the initiative, but you are too slow. Since people can live on the moon, let's make the new moon a new home after the Otsutsuki incident is over. I dislike the ninja world more and more..."

Leaning against the wall, Madara began to talk about her plan.

After a period of observation, she disliked the ninjas in the ninja world more and more, and even felt a little disgusted.

Some things were invisible before, because although they were strong, they could not see what was in other people's hearts.

But now it is different. He can feel the emotional changes of those people and discover the little thoughts of countless people in the ninja coalition.

The more she understands the human heart, the more she hates it.

"Okay, when the time comes, we can build it the way we like, and we can also raise some pets, such as the nine-tailed slug..."

Feiyu can understand Madara's psychological changes very well.

He doesn't like to see people's hearts, so he can block them directly, only keep the parts that are malicious to him, and remind himself that the maliciousness exists and then erase it.

But Madara couldn't reach that level at this time, so in order not to be upset, it would be better to stay away and live comfortably, anyway, they have already left the scope of human beings.

As for the others...

Build a teleportation array at home and on the moon respectively, and go to whichever place they want to see their mood.

"Hashirama should go to the moon, she is a little disappointed with people's hearts now..."

Thinking of Hashirama, Madara's smile suddenly widened.

Hashirama once tricked her and made her become a woman without the right to decide.

But now, she finally returned.

After she had this ability to perceive people's hearts, she directly gave it to Hashirama.

At first, Hashirama thought it was a good thing, and thanked her after learning it.

But now...

Hashirama has returned to the yard, and his expression is obviously because he saw something he didn't like.

Just say that you can't believe it, but she won't listen. Now you finally understand, right?

In the future, you don't have to listen to this guy saying good things for those people anymore!

"There can be both disappointment and hope, but the current fluctuations in people's hearts are too strong. There will still be things that satisfy him in the future, although it will be very rare, after all, people's hearts are fickle..."

Fei Yu shook his head. He felt helpless about people like Madara and Hashirama, who always thought of each other first, whether it was good or bad.

Obviously they were his wives, but they spent more time together than with him.

In addition to them, there are Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura and Ino...

Family harmony is good, but the relationship is too close, and he occasionally feels ignored...

"We are back!"

Naruto shouted directly when he came back, and also indicated that she came back with others this time.

In addition to a few people hereThe owner of the house, there are more people who are eating for free.

My relatives, classmates, leaders of various ninja villages, Akatsuki organization...

The space in the front yard is very large. Except for the small black statue in the middle, it is all open space, but even so, it is full of people tonight.

"Do they really think I am a chef?"

Fei Yu stopped and stood in the kitchen, looking towards the door with some entanglement.

You can't work so hard to eat for free, right?

Can we go to the specially built meeting room to discuss things?

It doesn't matter if it's my relatives, and he is happy to receive classmates, but...

All members of Akatsuki organization eat for free, do you feel embarrassed?

"The God of Death said that you have a lot of delicious food here, so I brought them here to eat for free. Just make more, or let the God of Death come to help. I believe that if you tell them that the God of Death helped to cook the food, they will definitely not eat much tonight."

The evil god still used the identity of Fei Duan. After coming here, he stood outside the kitchen and laughed happily at Fei Yu's glaring expression.

Who asked you to destroy everything directly? Not only eating for free now, but also not letting go of opportunities in the future.

It is unknown when the bastard God of Destiny will appear, and it is even more unknown who will win or lose in the future. Every day is extremely precious for him now.

"Be careful that the God of Death gets angry and locks you in the Pure Land. There are two of them now, and you can't beat them alone!"

Feiyu glared at the evil god and didn't want to bother with this brain-twisting guy.

Thinking about the God of Death...

Does he really think that the God of Death is just a low-level god with no fighting power?

He is the master of a world, and he is not good at fighting because of different attributes. If he really drags you to the Pure Land, you, a low-level god, are not good enough for him to play with.

Moreover, there is a black-bellied God of the Dead, who has watched the battles between other gods and gods.

"I can't afford to offend you, I am alone, and I can't compare with you..."

The evil god turned and walked away.

He didn't want to be hit here.

But he must eat the food later.

Anyway, he is here, so he can't be embarrassed to drive him away. Just now, he and two Death Gods went to set up the formation. After the remains of the Otsutsuki were transformed, the breath of this world made the gods feel more and more comfortable.

Maybe when the God of Destiny appears, he can really clean it up, and then freely return to his previous life as a god...

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