"Uchiha Obito, what are you doing!"

The Otsutsuki just absorbed two strands of power, but the next moment he felt something was wrong.

After he looked down at Obito who was suddenly sacrificing his power on the altar, his ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

"Of course it was a sacrifice. The power was given by you. Now I will give it all back to you..."

Obito's eyes were filled with a crazy smile, and the power continued to merge into the altar until it was completely integrated.

While he was doing all this, Sasuke and the other four were already around the altar, fighting with the Otsutsuki whose sacrifices were interrupted.

The Otsutsuki who was about to explode in the air was really stunned.

Active sacrifice, this is indeed good, he also likes Obito's self-sacrifice.

But I always feel that there is something wrong with this power. It is enhanced after absorption, but I just feel that I can't use it...


"They are indeed at the god level, but how did you make them fight here? This is impossible..."

Otsutsuki's sight turned from the altar to the surroundings. He looked at the strength of the four people and confirmed that they really reached the god level.

But his power has absolute suppression on the gods. The gods in front of him may not be as likely to resist as a human strongman.

This is why he can always let the Otsutsuki tribe go to other worlds to devour the world's power.

Because as long as the gods are related to the world, they will be suppressed by him inevitably, and there is no possibility of resistance.

"You can't figure it out. Now we should try it carefully to see who can survive."

Feiyu didn't tell Otsutsuki the reason. The god level is just a level.

What can be suppressed by Otsutsuki is the god position.

Without a godhood, you are not a god after all. So far, Otsutsuki may not have encountered an existence that has many benefits but does not want a godhood.

"It's useless. You can't hurt me. Even if you are a god that is not controlled by me, I am an immortal existence. Any attack from you is useless to me. Those Otsutsuki clansmen are just saplings planted by me. Even if you kill them all, they can't hurt me in any way..."

Otsutsuki's voice was full of sarcasm. Although he didn't understand why he was not suppressed by the power of the world, it didn't matter.

He would destroy these guys and those Otsutsuki together.

Even this world dedicated to cultivating saplings does not need to continue to exist!


Feiyu looked at the Otsutsuki who was undergoing transformation. Was this guy actually going to change his form after feeling that his power was out of control?

It was really interesting, but...

It's meaningless!

Obito has waited for so long, and now he has finally completed his mission. Now Obito can really die.

"Uchiha Obito, what did you do?"

The half-transformed Otsutsuki was indeed stuck, and his twisted body looked extremely hideous.

In this case, if he still couldn't feel where the problem was, he would have lived in vain.

"Me? I just sacrificed my power to you, that's all..."

Obito's figure appeared in the air. His body had gradually turned into a dead tree at this moment. All his power was drained at this time, leaving only a trace of his soul to make the last persistence.

"I can give you everything you want, why do you do this, I can even make you the strongest god!"

Otsutsuki stared at Obito. He couldn't understand why this guy who had been abandoned by everyone would betray him.

Everything now was given by him, why doesn't this Uchiha Obito know how to be grateful...

"God? Sorry, I just want to be with the one I love. The one I love died under the conspiracy of you Otsutsuki, so as long as I can give you a gift, I don't mind destroying myself at all..."

A stiff smile appeared on Obito's face, and his voice became fainter and fainter at the end. He really finished the end of his soul and spirit here.

This result shocked Otsutsuki. He couldn't understand why this complete destruction was for.

Obviously, he had promised Obito before that when he went to that world, he could turn back time, and then Obito's lover could return to his side...

But now, Uchiha Obito actually gave up on his own initiative?

It's impossible for it to be like this!

"What a love-struck young man, right?"

Fei Yu looked at Otsutsuki's shocked expression, and the smile in his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

This Obito is quite good at acting. At this time, he still wants him

If it weren't for the resurrected Obito and the newly awakened Nohara Rin who had appeared beside Orochimaru, he might have believed it a little.


Obito was beside Nohara Rin, talking proudly about what he had done before and how much effort he had made to get rid of Otsutsuki...

This guy, in order to let Nohara Rin praise him, really lost all his image.

But these are not within the scope of this Otsutsuki. Now this Otsutsuki still doesn't understand what Obito did.

The power of the world was swallowed by Otsutsuki from multiple worlds. After destroying countless worlds, so much was gathered. After finding a satisfactory world, he was ready to absorb all of it, and then go to the world he likes to become the new master.

The current situation is that he has set his sights on the ninja world.

"No matter what you do, I won't die, not now, not in the future, and never!"

The feeling of uncontrolled power was too uncomfortable, and Otsutsuki's expression was even more distorted, but in the next moment he exploded directly, and the entire space began to collapse.

"It's really ugly!"

Fei Yu raised his finger, and a black chain flew out, circling around the two of them. No matter how the Otsutsuki exploded, he could only struggle in the circle in the end.

"It's useless, the altar is absolutely impossible to destroy. The more brutally those people attack the altar, the faster they will die..."

Otsutsuki looked at the collapse of the world, and his smile became brighter.

His plan was indeed disrupted, but it didn't matter, the result he wanted would not be changed.

"Don't worry, they are just helping you absorb the power faster."

The chain extended again, circling around them again and again, and gradually turned into a sphere. The ball was very large, but the chain only slowly bypassed it. The power from the altar was still flowing towards Otsutsuki.

The four people around the altar had killed the Otsutsuki, who had little power left.

At this time, they were using the weapons they took from Orochimaru to destroy the altar, and these weapons were gradually melting.

"Alien, you can't trap me. As long as I absorb the power, there will be no one who can restrict me..."

Otsutsuki sighed. He was about to succeed, but why did he feel a little empty in his heart?

"It doesn't matter. I just want to take a gamble. What I like is absolute success, not defeating you when you are weak."

Looking at Otsutsuki who was absorbing more and more power but whose consciousness was becoming increasingly unclear, Feiyu smiled and waited for the moment when he completely collapsed.

He is indeed not as good as Orochimaru in playing dirty, and he has to admit that.

This poison was developed by Orochimaru and Xiaohei, and the Otsutsuki is completely unaware of this change.

A tree, obviously rotten from the heart, only the bark is left, but the leaves on the treetops are still growing.

This is probably the current state of the Otsutsuki.

But he still thinks that he is flourishing and will become a pillar...

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