Wait, who is that idiot leader talking about?

After a moment, Kang Tuan reacted and exclaimed "Fuck!" He glanced at the child in front of him, took a deep breath, and held his stomach with difficulty.

Dignity, keep dignity in front of the child!

Kang Tuan took a deep breath.

At this time, Chen Haonan handed the hung up phone back to Kang Tuan and complained, "Really, such a big person, but his emotions are unstable. What do you mean by "ah"? Fortunately, it's my dad, otherwise other people really don't know what it means."


Kang Tuan looked at the serious child and couldn't help it anymore, blurting out the national quintessence.

The next moment, he covered his mouth and asked in disbelief: "No, your family believes you so much?"

"What's so strange about this."

Chen Haonan then sorted out the family situation of the richest man in Donghai City for Kang Tuan, "My father is the head of the outside world, and my mother is the one who makes the decisions at home."

"Have you ever played Mengmeng Fighting Beast Chess?"

Looking at Kang Tuan who was still confused, Chen Haonan suddenly asked.

Playing chess... Kang Tuan's face was more confused.

Chen Haonan sighed, "Let me put it this way, in my family, my father listens to my mother, and my mother listens to me, but every time I make the decision, she will cry and have no opinion."

The richest man in Donghai City has tracheitis, and what kind of eyes does this child look at me, and he actually has a sense of disgust... Kang Tuan didn't know what to say at this moment.

But he still felt that some things were better explained in advance, mainly because this child looked like a child, but he didn't look like a child at all.

Kang Tuan immediately took Chen Haonan's hand and said seriously: "Little guy, you also know that you are young and cannot be included in the organization now. You have made meritorious service, but you have not been promoted. Do you understand?"

Seeing how enthusiastic Chen's father was, if he didn't make it clear, he was really worried that the other party would chase him to the Iron Fist Group, or report it randomly, and he would have a headache at that time.

"We soldiers are not pursuing honor."

Chen Haonan raised his head and chest, with a serious face.

This child's awareness is higher than Lao Hei... Kang Tuan was stunned and secretly sighed in his heart.

As a result, before he could react, the child continued: "Kang Tuan, you can help me remember the military merits first. When I come of age, I will submit them to the military department at one time. By then, I should be able to accumulate the merits of a general."

Kang Tuan staggered and almost lost his balance. Several "Fuck" floated in his mind.

I still don't know this child well enough!

Kang Tuan, whose mouth was about to crack into a chrysanthemum, immediately pulled Chen Haonan to sit down in the office, and they chatted for more than an hour.

Finally, Kang Tuan was sure that this was not a baby.

Originally, he decided on the spot that the child was the company commander of the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooter. After calming down, he also felt that it was a bit hasty.

After all, the other party is still a child, and his mind is not mature yet. You don’t know what he will do next.

It is estimated that the child was also on a whim. Kang Tuan wanted to understand the child’s true thoughts. As a result, he found that the child had a clear mind and spoke in an organized manner.

What’s more outrageous is that the child knows a little about astronomy and geography, and he actually talked a lot about how to lead troops to fight, which makes more sense than Lao Hei.

In this way, the two sat around the tea table, and it actually tasted like brewing tea and discussing Taoism.

Kang Tuan’s hanging heart immediately fell back into his stomach. Finally, he couldn’t help asking again: "Why do you want to join the army?"

This is a question that confuses all of them.

Chen Haonan sighed, "Captain, I'm not afraid to tell you, I don't want to go to school. Every time I see the principal talking on the stage, and he's still talking half an hour later, I want to go up and kick him off the stage."


Kang Tuan slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "Yes, yes, I beat the director and dropped out of school to join the army..."


Be steady, stay steady in front of children... Kang Tuan, who reacted, coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, "That's not what I meant... What I meant is that it's good to have aspirations."

Now, Kang Tuan has decided that Chen Haonan can stay for a while.

First, with strong physical strength and a mind far beyond his age, this little guy really seems like a mystery that attracts him.

Second, he is a combat hero.

After leaving the hospital, Kang Tuan really checked it out, and found that An Ran was not exaggerating at all, and even said it conservatively.

Everyone was shocked by the fact that the kid killed 19 people, but ignored how the kid tracked down the drug dealer's villa and how he sneaked into his office?

Abnormal long-distance running, weird shooting skills, mysterious tracking skills... This is what Kang Team initially determined Chen Haonan's ability.

Maybe this kid can really stimulate the four-gun company!Kang Tuan leaned forward, looking at Chen Haonan with burning eyes.

He had a dream, that is, one day, to build the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun into a special commando team that is not inferior to the Wolf Fang.


Suddenly, Chen Hao interrupted his thoughts, "I can build the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun into a commando team that is not inferior to the Wolf Fang."


Kang Tuan was stunned.

He just wanted the child to stimulate the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun. As for what the child said, he had this dream, but he would not pin his dream on a child!

And how did he know my idea?

In an instant, astonishment and surprise surged in his heart, Kang Tuan was a little confused.

"It's me."

Chen Haonan said firmly, "As long as you meet my three requirements, I will definitely transform the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun."

Kang Tuan's eyes showed some interest, "Tell me."

If it was at the beginning, Kang Tuan would definitely not say such a thing.

Chen Haonan raised three fingers and bent one immediately, "First, you give me a letter of appointment and order a few sets of military uniforms."

Military uniforms... Kang Tuan was stunned when he heard this, and the "idiot commander" mentioned by the child's father came to his mind.

Military uniforms are fine, but you must not take photos with this child.

Kang Tuan reminded himself secretly in his heart and nodded immediately.

After all, he promised that the other party would be the company commander, so this request was not excessive.

"Well! I am the company commander, and you have to give me a shoulder strap."

"You haven't been awarded a rank yet, so you can only get shoulder straps without a rank."


Damn it! Wait for me here... Looking at the child who agreed, Kang Tuan was stunned and almost didn't react.

Finally, he opened the drawer, took out the file paper with red letterhead, unscrewed the pen cap, and wrote a letter of appointment to Chen Haonan in a serious manner.

Finally, he solemnly signed his name and stamped it at the end.

Chen Haonan looked at it carefully, nodded with satisfaction, and then raised his second finger, "The second request is to give me 100,000 bullets."

Kang Tuan, who had just put down his pen and taken a sip of tea, turned into a jet fighter in an instant, not even bothering to wipe the table, "What did you say?"

You thought you heard it wrong.

"I want 100,000 bullets."

Kang Tuan was stunned and silent for a moment, "Are you going to practice their shooting skills?"


Chen Haonan shook his head, "I shot it myself, and I will finish it in a month at most."

This time, Kang Tuan almost fell to the ground with his four feet in the air.

One person shoots 100,000 bullets a month, which means more than 3,000 bullets a day, which is the amount of the entire 4th Company of the God Gun.

Didn't this kid learn math well?

Besides, shooting a gun is a recoil, you can't shoot as much as you want.

As if knowing Kang Tuan's doubts, Chen Haonan continued to explain: "My shooting method is called the Big Black Shooting Method. It feels too fierce and is specifically used to hit the lower body. I want to practice to shoot the upper body and headshot. Ten thousand is not enough."

"I also know that you can't approve me more at once."

Chen Haonan shook his head helplessly, "The third request..."

He bent his last finger.

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