I'm not going to die!

Looking at the ignorant child, Gong Jian's eyes were full of reluctance.

At this moment, Gong Jian saw a beautiful female soldier appear in a daze, and it was An Ran, whom he fell in love with at first sight.

Am I hallucinating?

Gong Jian suddenly became energetic, and his eyes were full of An Ran's figure.

She has a lovely figure, red lips and white teeth, she is really beautiful, is she an angel?

Feeling that he was about to die, Gong Jian became bolder and suddenly grabbed An Ran's white arm, "Violet, I'm dying."

At this moment, An Ran, who returned, looked at Gong Jian who looked like a bloody man, and couldn't help but be stunned.

She didn't expect the other party's injuries to be so serious, especially the wound on the chest, the blood kept "gurgling" out, which made people palpitate.

Before she could react, her arm was grabbed by the other party.

The other party was very strong, and her arm felt faintly painful.

Looking at Gong Jian who seemed to be on his deathbed, An Ran resisted the urge to pull out her arm, "Don't talk yet, we'll call an ambulance for you right away, don't get excited, and don't fall asleep."

At this time, Gong Jian suddenly murmured, "Violet, I've actually liked you for a long time. Today is the second time I've seen you. I'm very happy..."

Like me... An Ran was startled, stunned and stunned.

She came to see Gong Jian's injury, but she didn't expect to be caught confessing to him.

If the other party hadn't called out her nickname, she would have thought that the other party had recognized the wrong person.

"We... met for the first time... on March 2, 1:10:02, do you remember?"

Gong Jian was confused and intermittent, affectionate as a dog, his eyes were frozen, and he just looked at An Ran.

"Hey, don't get excited, you're talking nonsense..."

An Ran was stunned, but she was also shocked when she saw the other party's injury.

It was too serious. The knife wound was just near the heart. I didn't know if the heart was stabbed. There was blood everywhere.

At this time, she didn't dare to break free from the other party's palm, nor did she dare to provoke the other party casually.

Looking at the other party's pale face without a trace of blood, the pale lips kept chattering.

"That day, the weather was very good. We met in the electronic classroom. That day, I stood with Lei Zhan..."

Hearing this, An Ran couldn't help it and said unhappily: "Okay, don't say these words, save some energy, calm down, what time is it, and still say such things."

"I... I just want to say... I want to say..."

At this moment, Gong Jian seemed like a child, more childish than Chen Haonan, and continued: "I'm dying, I want to tell you everything, you listen to me..."

An Ran frowned slightly.

"The first time I saw you, you were wearing a royal blue military uniform, looking dashing and heroic, with red lips and white teeth, you really looked like my dream girlfriend..."

Gong Jian's voice was not loud, he murmured, "I heard that Lei Zhan was also pursuing you. As the instructor of the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooter, I don't think I am worthy of you, so... So I promised Fan Tianlei to go to Langya as a staff officer..."

"I will confess to you when the time comes. I think Lei Zhan, a rough guy, is not suitable for you..."

At this moment, An Ran finally knew the identity of this 1.8-meter-tall "child" and tried to recall that she might have really met him.

When she went to the Iron Fist Group to do business, she heard about this person, who seemed to have returned from studying in a foreign army.

But she really couldn't remember that she had dealt with him.

And at this moment, after Gong Jian finished saying these words, she felt that all the strength in her body had been drained away, as if she was about to die and faint.

So she didn't have any scruples and continued to tell a lot of little secrets.

"Since I first saw you, I secretly wrote you love letters every day, but I didn't dare to send them out."

Gong Jian held An Ran's hand more tightly, as if he was worried that she would disappear if he let go. "These love letters have accumulated to more than 100,000 words."

"And... I also wrote poems for you. I'll read them to you. Wait, I'll read them to you."

After a slight pause, Gong Jian said, "Look, the moon is kissing the sky, the sea is kissing the rocks, my beloved girl..."

Only Gong Jian's voice was echoing at the scene.

An Ran's face showed a tangled expression, and her goosebumps rose up.

The main thing is that she didn't have much interaction with Gong Jian, so she didn't think about it at all. This feeling was like a beggar on the roadside suddenly knocking on your car window and saying to you, I am your father, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, child, let's recognize each other...

Go, go, go... Stop talking... An Ran covered her ears with her other hand, but she could only cover one, and the other hand was still held by the confused Gong Jian.

JustAt this moment, three "pa pa pa" sounds suddenly rang out.

An Ran was startled, and her eyes fell on the child who had been silent for a long time.

Chen Haonan was silent, and suddenly, three big idiots hit Gong Jian's shoulder hard.

After three muffled sounds, Gong Jian's wound, which was originally "gurgling" with blood, did not dare to bleed for some reason, but was beaten by him, and the blood shrank back instead, which looked very weird.

"You... what are you doing... hit him hard!"

An Ran was startled and immediately stopped him, "Stop it."

This child would not beat the other person because he confessed to him... Looking at Chen Haonan, who clenched his fists and looked serious, An Ran was also at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

She was a little overwhelmed. No wonder such a young child would be jealous?

But this would really kill people.


The severe pain hit Gong Jian, who groaned in a daze, just like being slapped just now, and was awakened by the slap.

Seeing Chen Haonan's small palm turned into a small fist, he was shocked and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing again? Killing people? Stop it..."

"Instructor, I'm very strong, just bear with it."

Looking at the wound, Chen Haonan showed a satisfied smile. Such a smile, facing Gong Jian's stern, evil, and scary.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're still hitting me? I'm going to be killed by you, Violet, grab... grab me, damn..."

He responded with three more punches.

Bang, bang, bang...

Although Chen Haonan's fists were small, they were very powerful. Every punch made Gong Jian's body tremble, like a small boat shaking on the waves, or a bird's nest in a typhoon.

In fact, Chen Haonan's fist did not hit Gong Jian's wound directly, nor did it hit randomly, but hit the acupuncture points at the location of the wound.

This is the Great Black Witch Doctor.

Block the blood vessels and cut off the qi and blood.

This is also what Chen Haonan just realized after integrating the skills of the Great Black Witch Doctor.

Naturally, Gong Jian is the first guinea pig.


Gong Jian was so angry that he couldn't speak at this moment. Looking at the child with a serious face, his heart was like being trampled by ten thousand alpacas, muddy.

Chen Haonan said seriously: "Instructor, don't misunderstand, I definitely didn't hit you because you confessed to my wife, I am saving you, I am doing this for your own good."

"Save me?"

It would be better if Chen Haonan didn't explain. After saying this, Gong Jian's face turned pale and ugly.

Is there such a way to save people? Even if the Chinese medicine saint Mu Nanshan came, he would not dare to say that beating people is saving people.

"Look, do you feel much better? The bleeding has stopped."

As if knowing that Gong Jian didn't believe him, Chen Haonan pointed at his wound and continued.

Gong Jian lowered his head and realized that although the wound was still in great pain, the wound that had just been "gurgling" with blood gushing out and could not be stopped no matter how hard he pressed it, had stopped bleeding at this moment.

An Ran also noticed this strange scene, her sexy lips slightly opened, her expression frozen, and she was stunned on the spot.

"Wife, why are you still standing there, are you in heat?"

Just then, Chen Haonan interrupted An Ran's thoughts, "If you do this again, I'll be angry, call an ambulance quickly."

Originally, An Ran was very embarrassed and coy when Gong Jian caught him, but she suddenly reacted when she heard the baby's baby voice.

She quickly pulled her hand out, "Don't be angry, you won't beat him to death, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Haonan stood on one foot and stepped directly on Gong Jian's face with the other foot.

In a flash, several size 28 footprints were left on Gong Jian's face.

"How could it be? I'm saving people, I won't get angry. If you know the black medical skills, the source of the disease is cut off on the face. Instructor, it's the other way around, one more kick."

An Ran couldn't understand such a coquettish operation, and felt that if it continued like this, Gong Jian would be beaten to death by Chen Haonan.

She looked at the angry child and hurriedly shouted: "Don't step on it, don't step on it... I said, I like Chen Haonan, I'm your wife, is this okay..."

At this moment, Gong Jian couldn't speak.

Because when he opened his mouth to stop the child from going crazy, his front teeth were almost stepped loose.

At this time, He Chenguang, who came over, shouted in surprise, "Oh my god, it's really effective, the bleeding has stopped completely, what kind of kick is this?"

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