Wife Please Be Obedient

Chapter 373: : Every year

It was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

It was still snowing on New Year's Eve, and the fine snow particles were blown into chaos by the wind and hit the face cold.

There were crackling firecrackers outside, and the sound of a little fat dun screaming, I don't know what I was yelling.

The old street here is much busier than Tonglin Road during the New Year. The family reunited together, moved the small table to the living room, gathered together to make dumplings, mixed stuffing, and rolled dough, while listening to the TV’s chattering sound, while chatting at home. Xiao Anya held a bell in the walker and shook her two steps from time to time.

"Guanglin bought a bottle of soy sauce, there is only a little left."

Qin Ma shook the soy sauce bottle in the kitchen, and told the idle Qin Guanglin to run errands.

"It's about to celebrate the New Year, and I think of soy sauce."

Qin Guanglin murmured, took the coat from the hanger and put it on, opened the door and took a step, shivered by the chill outside, then stepped back and put on his hat and ran out facing the snowflakes.

Because of the snow, but at five o’clock in the afternoon, it was already dark. The gloomy sky didn’t light up. The street lights turned on early. There were few people on the cold street, only the children waiting to eat with firecrackers. It’s not too cold to be on the streets. He walked a few steps quickly and went to the convenience store across the street to pat the door.

Bang bang bang!

"It's closed, it's Chinese New Year today!"

Old Pan's voice came from inside.

"Uncle Pan, I, Guanglin."

Qin Guanglin shrank his neck and shouted, "While making dumplings, take a bottle of soy sauce, otherwise you won't be able to eat dumplings."

After a few seconds, the window snapped and opened, and Uncle Pan's head came out and looked at him with a chill.

"Xiao Qin... wait a minute, which one do you want?" Uncle Pan's son installed a rolling door in the Lao Pan Convenience Store. It was inconvenient to open and close the door, so he planned to hand it out to Qin Guanglin through the window.

"Um... just pick a good one."

"Hey, pick the good ones... wait a minute."

Uncle Pan retracted his head again. Qin Guanglin was waiting there while copying his sleeves. No matter what soy sauce he usually uses at home, he didn't pay attention to what kind of soy sauce he had.

After a while, Uncle Pan showed his head from the window again and handed the soy sauce out from the window, "Here, this one is the best! The dumplings are delicious and delicious."

"Thanks to Uncle Pan, my brother Pan and they haven't come back for the New Year?" Qin Guanglin looked at the large pot of noodles on the table in his room through the window, and said casually while paying.

"Hey, go to Xiaoli's house for the New Year, wait a few days and then come back here."

"You can't eat noodles for those who are celebrating the Chinese New Year. Wait a while, I will bring you two bowls of dumplings when they are cooked."

"You kid...haha, don't bother, I have a refrigerator if I want to eat, I don't want to cook."

Uncle Pan smiled and waved his hand. His gray hair made him look a bit older. The folds on his face were piled up, and he opened his mouth and happily said, "Go back, I'll delay making dumplings for a while."

"Then you are busy."

Qin Guanglin tightened his collar tightly and did not delay any more. He walked home in small steps, his chubby body twisted and twisted, he entered the door with cold air, stomped his feet and took off his hat and coat, handed the soy sauce to Qin's mother, and pia Waiting for dinner on the sofa.

"Don't look at how fat you are now, you don't know how to move around when you lie there every day." Why not roll your face and despise.

Madam Qin helped out: "That's right, it's almost heavier than your Aunt Wang."

Qin Guanglin pretended to be dead, what can he do? He is also desperate.

Obviously, I went on a diet as much as possible, and my weight continued to grow every month.

It's all blame for feeding so well.

He took out his mobile phone and pretended that he couldn't hear the two of them spit. He clicked on the browser and thought about it, and typed "Why do men get fat after getting married", and couldn't help but enjoy watching it for a while.

"Eh, eh."

Qin Guanglin interrupted the two of them, stood up laboriously, and shook their phones at them on the back of the sofa, "This is scientifically reasonable...cough, cough..."

He cleared his throat lightly, and read to his cell phone with a sense of fact: "Usually it is men who feel happy in marriage are prone to get blessed, because on the one hand they have a rich diet, live a comfortable life and are taken care of, on the other hand he feels that someone hurts. Someone loves and is spiritually happy..."

"What's the mess?!" Why not turn his face to look away, although the old man is old, but in front of Qin Ma, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he heard what he said about love.

The fat man's skin is getting thicker and thicker, and he is proud on the sofa, "Hey, this is happiness, look, look—" He patted the flesh on his stomach, and said proudly: "I am happy as a symbol of happiness, I wish I could no longer Get fatter."

"Meaning why no one hurts?" Qin Ma always found Huadian easily.


Qin Guanglin got stuck and leaned back on the sofa with counseling, "Different physiques, that physique is different, men and women are different."

"After the New Year, give me exercise, or keep running."

Why not take a look at the baby bicycle in the corner of the living room which was put away by Qin's mother, and said, "Gym, run."

"I can't run, look at this meat, it... Sigh."

"Baba, Baba!"

Xiao Anya swayed over while pushing the baby walker. Qin Guanglin didn't bother to pay attention to the two women. She reached out and copied her daughter up and put her on her belly. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw her chuckle. Fat father?"


"Look, my daughter likes me to be fat." He turned his head.


As the night fell, the sound of firecrackers became lively outside, Qin’s dumplings were already wrapped, and the dining table was set facing the TV by Qin Guanglin, so why not go to the bedroom to celebrate the New Year with a mobile phone and Qin Guanglin went to fry some side dishes.

When the time is almost the same, the dumplings are cooked, why not come out of the bedroom, holding their daughter and waiting for the meal, the family gathered around the table to eat and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

"By the way, there is news that our area is going to be demolished." Qin Ma said, holding the bowl, with a touch of melancholy on her face.

Demolition is a good thing, but the old place that has lived for decades will always be a little bit reluctant.

"When? Who did you listen to?" Qin Guanglin didn't have that many thoughts. Anyway, he was not too short of money. It would be fine if he didn't open it, but he would be happy if he did it.

"Everyone is saying that someone has come here to investigate."

"Oh, that should be fast."

Qin Guanglin turned his head to look at what's wrong, and just asked this big baby to know everything.

Why not shook his head lightly and didn't say anything, Qin Guanglin knew that it was mostly false news. He was so happy that he turned the topic and stopped discussing it.

The New Year passed quietly like this, and there was nothing left except one more year. Time always slipped away inadvertently. When I looked back, I suddenly realized that those yesterday were already a few years ago.

Why not go back to Hecheng in the third year of the junior high school? The snow is too heavy and it affects the high speed. Fortunately, Qin Guanglin is carrying the bag, why not holding his daughter to enter the station, waiting for the train to enter the station in the waiting room.

The custom in Hecheng is like this. Normally the second or fourth day of the middle school, but only one parent is present, you have to pick the odd number back.

"Do you remember the first time I went to my house? It was also in a train. The bus frightened you." Why not tease your daughter to chat with him.

"How could it be possible to forget that the first time I went to your house, I got a scoop." Qin Guanglin talked about it and couldn't help but raise his hand to touch the back of his head, his memory is deep, "Those guys..."

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly stopped.

"What are you looking at?" As he was talking, why not see him looking outside and couldn't help asking.

"Oh... nothing."

Qin Guanglin shook his head, and just saw a tall figure standing out from behind carrying a travel bag into the station, almost recognized as Sun Wen, and when he wanted to say hello, he had rushed into the platform and boarded the train.

"It may be the wrong person."

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