Wife Please Be Obedient

Chapter 376: : And work very tired

The air in Belvedere is very good.

Surrounded by green hills on all sides, streams of water flow through alleys.

On the corner of the street, there are two big red lanterns hanging at the entrance of the inn, with the words "Twenty-eight first before late" on the right, and the book on the left "Look at thirty-three when the **** crowing". There is also a small wind chime hanging on the edge of the door frame, blowing with the breeze , Occasionally makes a crisp sound.

Why not lie under the eaves next to him, half lying on the log rocking chair, with a thin book covered on his belly, squeaking slowly, looking up at the wind chime.

After living in Belvedere for three days, she almost greedily enjoyed the comfort of this moment, leaving everything behind.

No matter how beautiful life is, there will always be a little tired after a long time, so take time to relax and let yourself change your mindset-whether it is work or life, there must be tension and relaxation, and moderate tension.

The inn is a small inn with a duplex structure. It is divided into upper and lower floors. The area is not large. In addition to the lobby, the first floor has only the kitchen and utility room, as well as the boss’ room.

The lobby is divided into three parts, a dining area, an activity area, and a small reading area separated by wooden railings-just a wooden bookshelf, and a few small tables with pens and papers on the bookshelves. It is not a celebrity biography or a literary novel, but the stories of the travelers staying here in the past. Some have written them by hand, or after telling them to the boss. The boss thinks it is good, and the ghostwriter with permission to write it becomes a book of stories. The stories in the books are different, and they are all periods of life.

The boss is very thoughtful.

Qin Guanglin thinks so.

Most of the people who open inn in Belvedere are talkative, and the owner of this house is the same, hospitable and knowledgeable, and can talk to people for a day no matter what topic.

According to him, it was the summer of more than ten years ago. He traveled back from Belvedere and couldn't fall asleep one night. He had a thought lingering in his heart. After tangling for a few days, he returned to Licheng with all his belongings. In the city, this small inn was under the control and has since become a treasurer of the inn.

"Free and easy!" Qin Guanglin had to give a thumbs up.

"Hi, I was young then."

The innkeeper just smiled, holding the shells in his hand and stringing them. Whether he was talking or silent, his movements never stopped. After stringing, he hung up, it was a string of exquisite wind chimes.

Seeing Qin Guanglin turned around and changed a book from the shelf, he asked, "Are there any stories left here?"

The forty-year-old boss spoke very softly, as if he had never spoken loudly, and his polite appearance made Qin Guanglin a little envious.

It must be very good to run such an inn with his wife and children.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it, this kind of life is not suitable for him.

"Story...I don't have any story." Qin Guanglin shook his head, "I have lived in Los Angeles for the rest of my life. What story can I have?

Draw every day...Well, as I said before, I draw cartoons. In addition to drawing every day, I accompany my wife to buy food, cook and watch the children. He turned his head and gestured towards the doorway, and said with a smile: "Come out to gather inspiration and find inspiration." "

Compared to the life on the bookshelf, his life is indeed the dullest one, far from a story.

"I read your cartoon, it's great."

"Thank you, is there your story in this?...I'm quite curious." Qin Guanglin asked.

"Mine?" The boss seemed to be startled, and said with a laugh: "I'm almost like you. Every day is just a trivial matter...I occasionally encounter interesting travelers who will record it. On the far left over there, the middle one is. "

"Well, take a look at some time."

After chatting for a while, Qin Guanglin didn't bother him anymore. Why don't you go out to find it? It's a bit hot in the afternoon in August, but it's cool here. It's nice to sleep in the eaves in the afternoon.

"How do you feel? There is cherry blossom avenue over there, when do you go shopping?"

"Wait for the afternoon, when the sun goes down." Why not squint lazily, glance at the book in his hand, reach for it, and put the book on the lower abdomen in his hand to complete the exchange.

Qin Guanglin didn't express much to her behavior. He looked at Yuankong and took a deep breath. The environment here is really good. Living in a slow city is much better than Los Angeles.

"This inn is quite stylish, if you want, we can also take one down and live here leisurely like him." He said.

"Can you serve people every day?" Why not glance at him.

"Yes, it's enough to serve you and your daughter every day."

Qin Guanglin glanced at the boss in the lobby. He really couldn't do this work. Why didn't it be tiring to wait for the wife for more than a year when she was pregnant.

"This one looks good. I heard that many other inn bosses are pretending to be humans. When they meet the girls who travel alone, they are close to them. After getting familiar with them, I ask people: Would you like to stay as my boss ?"

Why not look at the top of your head, dangling on the couch, "Then break up when you get tired of playing, and wait for the next girl to put on the set."

"How do you know?" Qin Guanglin was surprised, turning his head and looking at the inn on the street, feeling a little unimaginable.

"My roommate was cheated while traveling here, for nothing..."

It's not a panacea to start again. She has been vaccinated with Chen Yan, and even found many examples to send to Chen Yan, but Nizi really thinks that if she finds true love, she can't get out of it.

The gods are also hard to save those who want to go their own way.

"Hey, the boss, it's quite tempting. If I were a woman, I would really be given to by this boss..."

Qin Guanglin looked at the lobby and smacked his tongue. The boss's wife and daughter were all here, otherwise he didn't know how many people would be charmed.

"Do you still like men?" Why frown.

"...I mean if, if I were a woman."

"If it doesn't work, it's disgusting."

"All right, let's not suppose." Qin Guanglin pulled her lips with his finger, "Would you like to drink something to eat?"

"No more, I'll go back to my room and take a nap, you can rest here."

Why not stretch out and stand up, the body of more than 30 years old has faded away from the green, like a ripe peach, with the elegance of a mature woman.

This is what she originally looked like...Although she was young and beautiful when she was young, her maturity would always make people feel a little uncoordinated.

"Would you like to sit together?" Qin Guanglin couldn't help but send out an invitation.

"Would you like to go for a nap together?" Why not turn around and ask.

"...Forget it, I'll have a good rest here."

Qin Guanglin lay down on the rocking chair melancholy, thinking of himself when he was young.

So many good memories...

In the past two days and three times, it was still alive and well, but now it has been exhausted twice in three days.

Under the eaves, the breeze blows.

The wind chimes are bursts, mixed with the sound of cicadas chirping, making up a leisure afternoon.

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