James was too excited, and he felt like a completely different person from when he had treated Officer Liu coldly just now.

He walked up to Xu and embraced him warmly, then introduced him to her: "Xu, my wife, Emma, mine."

Pilot Liu could not even keep his jaw down. It seemed that this foreigner knew how to speak Chinese.

Xu Bao looked at the blonde foreign woman and exclaimed, "Ah!" Foreign men were ugly, but foreign women were really good-looking. Just like the yellow rabbit he caught, they had very soft and smooth yellow hair with big blue eyes. No, they were even prettier than his yellow rabbit. Why not call it love cow, love donkey?

Following James's example of greeting, she embraced James's wife.

"Hello, beautiful. Here, take it." Xu Bao told his men to give him a yellow rabbit coat because he thought it was very impressive.

Emma saw, God, it was fur, real fur, this fur, this color, it was so beautiful, she had never seen such a pure color fur in the United States, how expensive would it be!

I immediately fell in love with Xu Bao. As my husband had said, Xu Que was indeed a great friend.

Xu Bao saw the wife of his teacher standing behind him with an embarrassed look on her face. He ran over with a smile and held her hand, "Big Sis Qiu, you have one too. You should be more plump and make it according to your figure."

As he spoke, Xu Bao also gave his teacher's wife a fur coat, but it was fine to wrap it around one's body, since the size requirement wasn't too high. Immediately, a smile blossomed on the face of the head teacher's wife. She knew that the chick wasn't someone from that kind of power. She would forget her once she saw someone else.

After Xu Bao's introduction, Emma greeted the silent Chinese woman warmly. It was completely different from how she had looked at him earlier, which made the teacher and his wife feel extremely flattered.

Xu Bao saw that the greeting was done and didn't have anything to do. He let his men go and gather in the afternoon.

James wanted to see more of them, but he didn't expect that Xu Dazhi would be so cautious. He dismissed the soldiers after a while and admired her again. However, he was looking forward to the days to come.

Even Master Liu didn't think that this foreigner would have such a good relationship with this ninny. He had heard of Xu Bao's name before, he didn't want money nor did he want sour vegetables from the shop.

Could it be that Little Wu didn't want to tell him that he had a foreign relationship with a student called Song Yi Han? It seemed that Little Wu must have held back, or else how could Song Yi Han have kept him in check? However, in this chaotic world, it was normal for everyone to have their own cards.

Seeing that Xu Bao had arrived, he decided to change his strategy. He had heard that foreigners loved to eat and play, so he decided to have a afternoon tea with them. He decided to play mahjong for entertainment purposes, since his wife only knew how to play mahjong.

James agreed with Officer Liu's suggestion. He liked it and gave a thumbs-up sign of Good.

He could be considered half Chinese. Previously, he wanted to integrate into the upper class in Shanghai, but these were all basic etiquette. He didn't know how to speak Chinese, but he had to know how to play mahjong.

So Master Liu, his wife, James, and Emma sat at the same table. Xu Bao liked Emma very much, and when he saw her, he thought she looked like a yellow rabbit. He took the initiative to tell her that he had come to teach her, and swore that he had taught her that he had been taught by Big Sis Qiu.

The head teacher and his wife were overjoyed by the praise. They had never shown their faces in front of their husband before.

Emma liked Xu Bao because she gave him a fur coat. This lady was too rich, and a gift she truly liked. Just like the blue and white porcelain she gave to her husband, he was also deeply in love with her. Xu Que was indeed a very special person.

Because she was coming to China, her husband had also specially hired a Chinese teacher for her, and Emma was also able to speak basic words. As her husband had said, Xu Que was a very smart person. Although she didn't know any foreign languages, she could communicate with them very well, unlike other Chinese people.

Senior Officer Liu and his wife were also very surprised when they saw Xu Bao, James, and his wife chatting so enthusiastically with smiles on their faces. Neither of them understood what they were talking about.

James said, "Mahjong, money, or not."

Emma said, "Money, not good."

Xu Bao said, "Okay."

The communication was complete. James meant whether the mahjong wanted money or not. His wife meant that the gambling was not good. Xu Bao meant that the mahjong had to be paid.

Very soon, Emma entered a state of meditation. Xu Bao happily felt that he could become a teacher now. How amazing. He took a biscuit and said it was a big cake. He said it was a bird and flapped his wings impressively …" To be honest, if there was such a job in the Republic of China, it would have been very suitable. She treated Emma like a yellow rabbit, and she felt that teaching a yellow rabbit to play mahjong would be a great achievement.

Xu Bao didn't follow the rules when it came to mahjong. Everyone else was thinking about what they wanted to play, and what she and Emma liked to play. Sometimes, Emma thought that this card wasn't pretty, so she played it, and Xu Bao also thought that it was pretty good.

When James saw his wife so happy, he thought of the fear she still had before she came to China. Now that she was smiling so brightly, she suddenly looked a lot younger. He felt that he had made the right decision.

After a few rounds, Emma had won, and James was wondering if the Chinese army officer couple had cheated, Xu Bao kept praising Emma, saying she had talent.

Emma was extremely happy. Looking at the money she won, she hugged Xu Bao and gave him a kiss. "ILOVEYOU!"

When Xu Bao heard about Love Tiger Oil, he thought it was a bit ridiculous. Why did this love horse want Tiger Oil whenever she was happy? She awkwardly said, "Tiger, no."

James knew Xu had misunderstood and smiled. "Emma likes you." This was the most complete sentence that James had ever spoken.

Senior Officer Liu and his wife both understood.

Xu Bao also understood. He hugged his beloved horse and gave her a kiss. "I also love tiger oil."

Then Emma got more and more excited. The Americans were open-minded, straightforward, and did whatever they wanted to do. They pulled on the mahjong and didn't even have to eat dinner. Senior Liu wanted to get to know James better, so he joined in the fight.

When Wu Anguo heard that the little girl wasn't coming back, he was very worried, so he asked his fifty subordinates to continue guarding the division and protecting Xu Bao.

Xu Bao was a fighter, so naturally, he had time to eat. But when it came to dinner, everyone was really hungry, and Xu Bao also ate snacks without any meat, so she felt that life was not that good. When Master Liu was ordering his men to make some food, Xu Bao said in a loud voice, "I'll treat you to some meat tonight!"

James knew that Dying Xu was very interested in eating, which meant that he was very interested.

Xu Bao raised his fifty soldiers and ordered them to hunt a few wild ducks in the middle of the night.

The beef and pork were all tired of eating, so he ate it as a duck.

James looked at the squad of well-trained soldiers, who had been roused in the middle of the night and had been fully dressed and lined up for less than a minute, and then had disappeared into the night in complete obedience to orders. It was amazing.

For the rest of the day, James was distracted. He was waiting for the mysterious army to bring about some sort of miracle. This kind of mission was something that even the best soldiers in the United States could not accomplish.

After more than two hours, sounds could be heard from outside. Xu Bao's men had returned, bringing five fat wild ducks with them!

Emma and James were shocked. Emma had always heard her husband say that China had a mysterious army. She thought it was just an exaggeration, but now that she saw it with her own eyes, she was surprised.

Following that, Master Liu accompanied them as they ate roast duck. This was an unforgettable experience for them.

Of course, with Treasure Boy Shoes asleep on the sofa, Officer Liu took the opportunity to converse with James. After playing mahjong for an entire night, James did not dislike Officer Liu too much.

When Officer Liu heard that James had come because of the issue with the firearms, his heart skipped a beat! Thinking about the current situation in the country, if he could really get into a relationship with a foreigner, it would be very powerful. Judging from how James was unable to communicate with him at all and was extremely passionate towards that silly girl, it seemed like he needed to reconsider and revalue Wu Anguo's position.

The next day James and Emma went to Wu An's regiment.

Along the way, James saw Xu Bao's fifty soldiers on a mission in the middle of the night, but they were still in high spirits during the day. He felt even more admiration.

How could he have known that the brainless Xu Bao would often send these soldiers to collect dew at 4 am, and would also send them to catch yellow-furred rabbits during the day. After a long period of polishing and polishing, not only did they learn to work together, but they also cooperated with each other much faster in the process of capturing rabbits and collecting dew.

When Wu Anguo saw James arrive, he took his wife with him and welcomed him warmly.

Seeing how big and strong Wu Anguo was, Emma looked at Xu Bao in envy. Xu Que was really a happy woman. In comparison, although James was also very strong, he was strong on the outside, but he was weak on the inside. Who could use him?

When she saw Song Yihan, who was handsome, refined, and could speak fluent English, Emma was completely convinced. Furthermore, she saw through the man's infatuation with Xu.

Compared to James who didn't like Song Yihan, Emma liked him a lot. This was a woman's sixth sense, which had nothing to do with good or bad.

Song really knew how to talk. It made Emma smile and turn away. Wu Anguo, on the other hand, was more serious. He chatted about the weather, going to the toilet and so on before turning to the main topic at hand.

Song saw the work, so he did not chat with Amadou and asked him to buy a batch of advanced weapons.

James had known this when he came, but he could only be a guide, and he had no weapon of his own.

But since James was willing to introduce them, there was no problem with it. There were many channels for Americans.

Song Yi Han was very happy. Carefully, he picked up some of the existing long spears, short guns and machine guns. It would be better if they had cannons.

Xu Bao was excited. Hearing that she wanted to buy a weapon, she rushed to say that she wanted one too. In public, Wu Anguo couldn't teach the little girl a lesson, but instead he kept blinking his eyes at her. Xu Bao was silly, how could he have known that his husband was hinting him not to speak?

But James saw, he felt there must be a conspiracy, this Chinese officer has many secrets, the only way to open it, so James enthusiastically said: "Mystery Xu Xu, what you want, as long as you have a certain."

Xu Bao happily gestured that if she had something that could see the rabbit from a distance, she would have a small shovel that could dig traps, bury the rabbit, and even a gun that could shoot from far away, she would have hit the rabbit from far away.

Song Yihan awkwardly translated what Xu Bao wanted, but did not mention the rabbit.

But the more James listened, the more shocked he became. He thought he had touched the heart of the mysterious army. These things must be needed by the mysterious army. That was why the soldier kept blinking his eyes. Telescope? Engineer shovel? Sniper rifle? God!

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