Wife's sexy development journey

[Wife's Sexy Development Journey] Chapter 57 (Part 2)

2018/03/10 "One" University Era 57, Fighting and Fighting (Part 2) "So I deliberately put on a look of embarrassment, and then pretended to hesitate for a long time without any action until he urged me again. The performance was unwilling and reluctant to leaned towards him. Although I really hated being close to that thing, in order to comfort him, I still held out my hand, opened the package, and took it out. Condom, and then one hand gently supported his penis."

"But you also know that I really haven't done such a thing before, so I took it a few times and didn't take it well. As time passed, his penis also softened. In this way, he started to go even more excessively. Let me help him... hit the plane and harden the penis before taking it."

"Haha, do you know? In that small room, in the small hotel where I had been in love with you the night before, your girlfriend was kneeling on the side of the bed, giving people a flight, using her cold little hand to hold The hot cock of the man standing on the side of the bed with high toes, throbbing back and forth. Watching it straighten up little by little, feeling it slowly become hard as iron, and then prepare to meet it Furiously thrusting."

"Of course, although I was ashamed of it, but at the same time, I also got the result I wanted. I once again asked him to repeat the previous promise. In fact, this is not very useful, but it is just like before When he played with me, he made me admit that I was a slut again and again. I also understand this kind of simplest psychological hint, so I also want him to continue to strengthen his commitment to commitment."

"There is nothing to say about the following things. Some things can't be settled by a single sentence. In order not to make my behavior appear too irritable, after things resumed the usual process, I didn't have anything. What are you talking about, but being slaughtered by the impact, penetration, and endless pleasure from the lower body." "Until I was forced by that person to make a heart-piercing cry, accompanied by The love fluid gushing from the depths of the vagina flows crazily, and I reached the second orgasm of that night. If it were a few days ago, maybe I would still be immersed in the feeling of ecstasy and dying. The aftertaste of him is as high as the pleasure, but all I feel at this time is deep disgust."

"Disgust, only disgust, I am also very surprised, why there is only disgust, but no shame before. Then I soon had to admit that although I was reluctant, I was really abandoned by him before Your own."

"Of course he wouldn't let me go back that night, or because of the constraints of the sixth sister, I can only choose to accept silently. Lying on the same bed with him, I felt deep fear when he closed the room. The lamp, the whole world is shrouded in darkness, and this fear is getting stronger."

"At that moment I really hope that I can go to sleep quickly, because only in this way can I get a trace of peace. My body keeps leaning back, just hoping to stay away from him, although I know that in this small room, I can't get away from him anyway, but in my heart at that time, it's good to be able to get away even 1 centimeter."

"In this way, when I retreated to the point where I could no longer retreat, my knees and nipples were already against the wall.

The rough wall rubbed against my nipples, and there was some pain, but I still did not leave. At this moment, I enjoy this pain, because it can make me sober and let me use the real pain of the flesh to relieve the ethereal pain in my heart ."

"But that person seemed to be my enemy by nature. In the dark environment, I suddenly felt a cold touch from the side of my breasts and dropped to the position of my nipples. This sudden attack made me nervous and all over my body. Tighten, but following it, slowly provoke the action of pressing my nipple, let me know that it is the palm of the man behind me."

"I was really frightened at the time, so I questioned him a little angrily, but I completely ignored his rogue style. After his rogue-free harassment, I had no choice but to let him do anything. But fortunately, he did not touch my lower body as he said before, which made me more determined that he would be a novice in the future."

"Of course, although I know now that he didn't do anything shameless to me that night, I was afraid to confirm it at the time. Therefore, although my breasts are under his control, I still work hard to adjust my body. Try to put the body below the stomach on the wall."

"The cold wall irritates my skin, and a warm exhalation surrounds my neck. According to instinct, I should actually like the direction behind me better, but that night, I inexplicably wanted to get closer to the cold side in front of me. It seems that only by leaning on it can I feel a sense of security."

"Like that person’s rental room before, the dark environment deprived me of vision. Except for the breathing behind me, there were no other sounds in my ears that could catch my attention. The room was still red that night. The smell of flower oil may come from some room next door. The pungent smell made me seem to lose my sense of smell. Just after all the external senses were abolished, my touch became extremely sensitive."

"Vaguely, I felt that the wall in front of me seemed to be moving. At first I thought it was the shaking caused by the person stroking my breasts, but slowly, the shaking became stronger and stronger. I know This kind of shaking is not something that my fingers can bring. It just attracted my attention. In order not to let myself be seduced by the pleasure coming from my chest, I tried my best to focus on feeling the shaking of the wall. ."

"The shaking of the wall became more and more rhythmic, and slowly I guessed the clues. After all, in the past six months, I felt it almost every few days. I can say with certainty that it was sex Rhythm."

"Yeah, this is the school's "hotel street". It will be full every night. Lovers who come to enjoy themselves, maybe there is a couple in the next room going to Wushan together. That slow and powerful shaking. , Seems to be full of tenderness, it should be a very loving couple. I suddenly remembered the sex between me and you the night before. You also used this gentle and powerful rhythm to bring me to the top of happiness ."

"This kind of feeling is something I have never felt in the man behind me. I suddenly have a sense of understanding, just like the life we ​​often say, the vigor is only temporary, and it turns out that the plain is true.

It is this kind of slow and powerful care that I desire most in my heart."

"Thinking of this, my body is tighter, and I even feel a little greedy. But afterward, I still feel a little ashamed. Even so, I was held in the arms of a dirty man and used Body feel and share the love and compassion of other people’s boyfriends for their girlfriends in the next room."

Hearing what Xiaoxin said, I was slightly surprised. What is going on? Is it another thing I don't know?Wasn't it me in the next room that night?And I’m the only one?How can someone still make love?

I can't help but think back to what Xiaoxin said before. Did I see and hear everything with my own eyes?What is the situation that Xiaoxin said?Haunted?I remember I was sticking to the wall tightly?

Why didn't I feel the shaking?


I remembered that the wall did not shake, because it was me who was shaking at the time, and I was imagining the situation over there to "fight the wall".

I really don't know what to look like on this.I didn't think of it anyway, but my shameless act made Xiaoxin aware of it, and even thought of more plots, and even this kind of infinite insight.

What's slow and powerful, it is that I dare not push my penis too hard against the wall, because I am afraid of hurting the skin of the glans, so I can only stick my penis on the wall, and then press it up with my body to feel the pleasure.

Although I had already worshipped Xiaoxin's brain, but at this time I had to fight more.

Xiaoxin's imagination has exceeded my imagination.

There is no mirror at hand now, but I believe that my expression must be very wonderful. This, I can guess after I glanced at the compassionate expression since I was young.I guess she must think that after hearing all this, I am about to collapse.Of course, this is my estimate, it's just an estimate, because I don't dare to guess her thoughts now, her mind is filled with things, and it seems that she has been ahead of this era by tens of thousands of light years.

I didn't dare to think, I didn't dare to guess. Of course, I didn't dare to comment and interrupt anymore. I could only keep my eyes broken and remain silent.

"The gentle shaking continued, and I was also intoxicated, and even just like that, I fell asleep.

Maybe that wall gave me a sense of security. I slept very deep that night. I slept until the morning, and then I quickly got up to clean up, because I had to rehearse during the day.And my dirty body was washed in the bathroom of the changing room after I arrived at school."

"While cleaning my body, I told myself to persevere. Persevering to the end is victory. And this battle between me and that person started from that night."

"After that, he visited me several times until the winter vacation began. Do you remember that when you came to go home with me, I said to go out with friends and stay at school for a few days? Just to prepare to go out with that person, to go out and do all the ridiculous things before. So the night after you went home, I went to his house again."

"From that day at the hotel where we stayed, in every one-time love after that, that person would let me do something that I hadn't done before, and the scale has continued to increase. This is his pressure and Playing tricks, I have always maintained an attitude of resistance to this, although in the end I compromised under his coercion, but I also exchanged his promises and guarantees again and again."

"I don't know if these promises are useful, but at the time, I could only choose to gamble once. After all, there was a precedent before, and it was a fact that he was about to go out for an internship, so I started desperately and even kept pushing down on this Your own bottom line."

"In fact, thinking about it later, I was also surprised that I had no lower limit at that time, do you know? In order not to be despised and molested by the innkeeper like that time, I secretly took the rest the second time. Condom, then throw away the box, put the individual small packages into the most secret pocket in my handbag, so that he can use it whenever he pulls it onto the bed." "Can you imagine? You My girlfriend, the so-called "school flower" that many boys have a crush on at school, they prepare condoms in their bags every day, prepare fornication tools, and even have their bodies ready at all times to become a fornicator at any time Vent tool."

"Hehe, of course, the methods he used on me were more than these. After that, he was still in the room with poor soundproofing, fucking me vigorously, so that I could not restrain my groaning, even if I forcefully endure If he didn't call, he would beat me, forcing me to call out, but also loudly so that the entire hotel can hear.

Sometimes it seems that I am deliberately trying to compete with other rooms, so that I can scream more than other girls."

"At that time, I chose to endure, and at the same time comforted myself in my heart. As long as I survive these things now, when I go abroad, there will be nothing I can't bear. However, what I didn't expect was, just After a few days, I realized how naive and ridiculous my ideas were. It turned out that his methods were much more than these."

"That should be the fifth day after the holiday. I took my luggage to that person's house, ready to set off for what he called an "indulgence trip." At that time, I even had so little expectations for that trip. It seems to me that I have seen the dawn of hope. In seven days, in just seven days, I can get rid of his entanglement, and then return to your side and move toward our future."

"But what I didn't expect was that he gave me a horror as soon as I entered his house. I remember, after entering the bedroom, I put my luggage by the door, then stood aside and waited for him. I really don’t want to look at this room anymore, because it carries too many unbearable memories of me. The messy bed has left me too many lewd marks. The air in the whole room seems to have me. The smell of sweat and love liquid."

"I know this time when I walk out of this room, I will never come back again. I have no nostalgia, and even hope to escape quickly. But that person doesn't seem to think so. I didn't look at him or know he was there. What are you doing? There is silence in the room. I can smell a lot of smoke. I know he is smoking. I don’t know what to say. I just waited quietly.” “The sound of the fireworks burning through the tobacco is very small. It sounded very clear. After a long time, I heard a "tear" sound, then a paper cracking sound, then a squeezing sound, and then I heard a loud exhalation from the man Immediately afterwards, I could feel him stand up."

"I didn't move, thinking he was going to leave, but he walked towards me slowly, hesitated at first, but slowly became firm. I don't know what happened to him, just feel that he is today It’s a little different from usual. It seems that just a few steps have already decided something."

"He slowly approached me, I couldn't help being a little surprised, what is he going to do? Is he going to do it again before leaving? Is he crazy? Time is not very rich anymore. Although I think my idea is very possible, but I still haven't moved. I just watched the changes in silence."

"I looked down and saw his feet until he was completely standing in front of me. He still didn't speak, but after a moment of silence, he turned and walked to the side, bending over and holding my suitcase. , And then walked back to myself, I looked at his back with a little surprise. I wanted to talk, but I didn't know what to say.

Finally remained silent."

"But he seemed to have eyes behind him. After I opened my mouth and closed it again, he spoke."

"'All packed up?" He asked lightly. He didn't look at me, but I knew he was asking me. "Yeah!" I replied softly. "Oh? Let me see, my little baby for What have you prepared for this trip?" His tone began to become frivolous, no longer as deep as when I first came in."

"But at this moment, I became nervous. I suddenly remembered that he had repeatedly said before that I was not allowed to take my underwear out on this trip, but I always thought he was making love. Humiliated me, but what is his current practice? To check? Is it really not let me take these underwear out?"

"Thinking of this, I hurriedly said "You..." but I only said one word, and he looked at me directly, his eyes were cold, and there was a trace of contempt in it. At that moment, it seemed that he had dominated me. Everything seems to be true, I suddenly have a feeling that he seems to have changed."

"'What am I?" He looked at me, raised the corner of his mouth, and then asked me back. I had never seen him look like this, and I was a little scared to say no more. "Hey! Do you have a lot of preparations? Let me see what this is? Pink panties! Hmm!...It smells so good.""

"Seeing that I stopped talking, he did not stop. Instead, he looked at the clothes in my suitcase, and then took out the pure pink panties I folded, not looking at me, but taking care of himself. As he said, he even put my underwear under my nose and sniffed it. Although they were my own underwear, I still felt a chill."

(to be continued)

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