Wife's sexy development journey

[Wife's Sexy Development Journey] Chapter 59 (Part 2)

2018/03/31 "One" University Age 59, Intrigue (Part 2) "Actually, I was thinking about it at the time, and I still blamed myself for this matter. After feeling that I had mastered the initiative in the previous two days, I was a little proud I didn’t expect what changes would happen to this obviously smaller swimsuit after being worn on the body.”

"After just walking out of the house, I clearly felt that the swimsuit was trying hard to restore its original size, whether it was the shoulder straps on the shoulders or the edges of the panties at the base of the thighs, and of course the chest and waist. All the fabrics shrink back as I move my body."

"The most obvious part is the crotch of the lower body. After all, the other parts are supported by the skeleton, but only the lower body. Although there is the pubic bone there, the osseous symphysis is more oriented than the entire pubic area. The inwardly concave body, coupled with the soft and tender flesh of the genitals, can't provide support at all, so under the action of the elastic force, the cloth in that area naturally tightens inward."

"Because the width of the cloth is limited, after tightening, it squeezes the body of the vagina, causing the flesh of the two labia to be squeezed to both sides, thus forming a recessed gap in my vagina, although I am discovering this After the problem, there are hidden ones who pull with their fingers from time to time, trying to restore it to its original shape, but after a long time it will still sink in again."

"The tight fabric tightens my pubic area, even my pubic nucleus, which makes me feel pleasure occasionally when I walk. Until then, I didn’t understand the person’s intentions, but I did more I hate myself for carelessness, and after verifying my conjecture time and time again, I have underestimated the enemy."

"Therefore, in the rest of the time, while I was sorting out my clothes, I also paid more attention to that person's every move, but fortunately, his other actions were normal except for the fact that he was secretly photographing me during breakfast. . This makes me a little relieved."

"I originally thought that he made me dress like this, and then he will continue to walk me around like yesterday. One is to expose my current image to tourists, so as to increase my inner subconsciousness towards my lewdness.

The second is to let me accumulate desires under the friction of the swimsuit, and then take the initiative to throw in my arms at night."But as soon as I finished eating, I realized that my guess was wrong. His plan for the day was to go to the beach to enjoy the sun.This made me a little surprised, but when I thought about it, I was also a little relieved. He must have wanted me to lie down on a beach chair for someone to watch.I was a little helpless about this. In order to achieve my goal, I couldn't refuse his arrangement. I could only tell myself secretly that I must pay attention to my image and avoid being too embarrassed."

"In this way, we ate breakfast with our own minds, and simply walked around nearby, digested a bit, and then walked to the beach. When we kept getting closer to the beach, the unique taste of the sea spread over, as if It is a refreshing taste of lemon. It smells very comfortable."

"Looking at the various styles of beach chairs on the beach, they gathered together in a chaotic fashion. I was even more convinced of that guy's trivial tricks, but I couldn't do anything about it. I could only let him rent two of them. The beach chair, and after some searching, finally sat down."

"Our beach chair is very close to the sea. Just look at it intuitively. Assuming that after I lie down, there are no other beach chairs in the direction of my feet, then no one will see my lower body in that direction. Therefore, I won’t see the discomfort there, but after I knew that I couldn’t simply look at his behavior, I discovered the big hole he dug for me here."

"It is true that there are not too many people gathered under this position, but even if someone lies on a beach chair to rest and finds that my lower body is unbearable, will they dare to raise their heads and stare at me?

Even if they believe that I am a lustful Chinese girl because of my image, can they ignore what other tourists think of them?"

"The so-called trap is to put out temptation to make people blind, and then fall into the trap. And the current situation is obviously the temptation he put out. Although this temptation is not enough to attract me, it is enough to make me feel at ease. Want to understand After this, I began to carefully look for the trap."

"Sure enough, after looking around for a long time, I finally understand where the trap is hidden. As I said earlier, the location we chose is very close to the sea, and at this time there are a lot of tourists in the sea. Of course, because swimming is a very physically demanding activity, while people are constantly throwing into the arms of the sea, there are also people who are constantly coming ashore to rest because of lack of physical strength." "But it is these people who come to the shore, their march The direction, which is justified, is toward the beach. The location that the person chose happened to be a relatively dense area of ​​tourists in the sea. In the short time we sat down, I saw at least 30 people. Walk towards the beach in the direction under the beach chair."

"Although I was only cautiously sitting on a beach chair, but I am sure that as long as I lie down, unless I close my legs, no matter what I do, the condition of my lower body will be exposed. I can only keep it secret. I hate that person for being scheming, and always secretly telling myself to be careful in everything, and a little carelessness will fall into his trap."

"But I'm still a little lucky. After all, these calculations of that person are all on the bright side. Whether he threw away my underwear, or deliberately made me dress exposed and sexy, or forced me to When making love, posing in lewd positions or shouting shameful words are all spoken directly, without making any small gestures behind their backs."

"To put it bluntly, it is to let me choose or consider the consequences. He is determined that I cannot refuse for that promise. So when I know there is a trap, I will take the initiative to step in, and then he will be able to pose You decide all things for yourself, and you have to bear the consequences yourself, even making me more sure of the nature of my lewdness without knowing it."

"His approach, if I was still ignorantly at his mercy, would really pray for a certain effect. But for now, after I have understood his intentions, it has given me better When I obey him on the surface, I can make fine-tuning in secret to prevent myself from embarrassing, and at the same time, I can stay awake and avoid being misled and deceived by him."

"As it is now, after I noticed the trap, I was still very casual, as if not observing, I turned my hips directly, and stepped on my two feet on the beach because I was sitting sideways on a beach chair. , Moved directly to the chair, straightened, adjusted the position of the hips, and then chose a comfortable angle, lying on the back on the beach chair." 3 "Of course, my legs kept close together during the whole process. Then when I lay down, my legs were still on top of each other, giving no one a chance to see the spring. At the same time, under the cover of sunglasses, I glanced at him secretly and found that he had indeed been observing me. Movement, after discovering that I acted so cautiously, my face was slightly disappointed, but I quickly covered up the past and didn't say anything."

"Of course this kind of performance is what I like to hear, so I started to enjoy the comfort of the sun shining on the body at ease, but at the same time I did not forget the prevention work of the lower body. In this way, under the warm and warm sunlight, I I don't know how long I have been lying down, until the person returned after swimming in the sea for a long time because of boredom, and I only got a little bit of energy."

"After he came back, I didn't pay attention to him. He could only play with the camera by himself. But because I lay for too long, my body was a little numb, so I could only sit up, move around, and then think. I think he is back and can take care of things, so he stood up with confidence and walked towards the sea." "After all, I came to the seaside once. If I don't go underwater for a swim, I will still be a bit regretful. Step by step towards the sea , I began to feel the coolness of the sea water. Although the sea water is still warmer under the sunlight, it still feels a bit cooler than when my body is warmed by the combination of sunlight and body temperature."

"Of course this kind of cold feeling is still acceptable, even under the washing of the sea, there is a sense of comfort lingering around me. And this cool feeling, after my whole body is immersed in the sea, has disappeared. After adjusting my swimsuit secretly in the water, I started swimming in it."

"The clear water envelops my body, and the undercurrents under the water are constantly hitting my skin. It is rare for me to let go of my guard and feel the caress of the sea in a comfortable mind and body. Looking back now, in this trip. It seems that only the time in the sea is the most memorable time."

"Then this wonderful state didn't last long. After a while, I realized that something was wrong.

It was after I swam a few laps, feeling a little tired, and stopped near the coast.Said it was close to the coast, but the sea still could not reach my neck."

"I stood there to sort my swimming goggles, then stretched my waist to relieve fatigue. But in the process, I vaguely felt that there were many men around me peeking at me. After yesterday's situation, I was somewhat I still guessed what was going on, but slowly I realized that those men were not only peeping at my face, they would also dive into the water from time to time, stay for a while, and then stand up."

"For this obviously different situation, I quickly found out that it was wrong. But I still kept calm.

Because I guessed that it was possible that my swimsuit was sunken in again, which caused their onlookers to watch. In fact, I can't do anything about it. After all, I don’t have any other swimsuits that can be replaced in the current situation, so I had to turn around , Pulling the crotch of the swimsuit outwards in a concealed way."

"Turning is fast, and pulling swimming trunks is not slow. After turning around and adjusting my swimsuit, I just jumped directly without getting into the water, and then swam out. I hope I can escape those people’s sight. But the situation did not improve. While swimming, I peeked to the back and found that the men were all following, and with my swimming, the men in the back continued to increase."

"I was surprised and even a little nervous about this, so I didn't dare to swim deep in the sea anymore. I could only swim around and turned around and rushed to the shore. Although the man there made me hate it. , But at that time it was my only support."

"I kept coming closer to the shore with force, but Yu Guangzhong still found those men constantly leaning over. I was very panicked about this and didn't even dare to stop, so I swam until the water was too shallow for me to continue swimming. So far."

"I finally reached the shore, and I gave a big breath. Although the scene just now was terrifying, I still had to pretend to be calm, stood up, pushed the goggles over my head, and then used my hands. Shave the sea water off my face. Then, when I lowered my head to try to tidy up my swimsuit, I saw a look that made me feel ashamed."

"I don't know why, the original pure white swimsuit suddenly became transparent. From the angle of my head down, I can only see the top position of the breast. There is a piece of white covering the nipple, but the rest is directly Through the swimsuit, it was projected into my eyes, and of course the eyes of people around me."

"After a panic, I immediately realized that this is a problem with the fabric of the swimsuit. This fabric will become transparent when the seawater gets wet. The position of the chest should be because of the thick lining inside, so It won’t be white in the world. The chest is like this, what about the crotch?” “That’s the first time I hated my two breasts. The two round guys directly blocked my sight and made me unable to see. The condition of the lower body. I know my current situation very well. I definitely can't bend down to check there, it will only draw more eyes."

"While thinking about it, I subconsciously did what all women would respond in that situation, screamed, and then squatted directly in the water without having time to check. Actually, I really want to control my own Screaming, but the sense of fear at that moment has completely suppressed my reason."

"I thought squatting in the water would give me a sense of security, but the cold sea rushed into my lower body. I didn’t pay attention before, so it didn’t feel obvious. Now my heart is very worried about the situation below, so I feel that Very keen."

"The collision of a thin layer of fabric made me more worried about the condition of my lower body. Only by the touch, I could not know the thickness of the crotch fabric. For this, I could only hold my body tightly. While sneaking at the surroundings with his eyes, I want to understand my current situation through the expressions of others."

"However, all I saw with all my eyes was the warm eyes of men and the contemptuous eyes of women. Of course, there was also a person's eyes that were different. It was the one standing leisurely on the side with a camera hanging from his neck. , A man with a smug smile on his face."

"If I can't guess what's going on at this time, then I'm really an idiot. I didn't expect that I would be calculated by him. I thought the beach chair in front was a bait. The man who went ashore was the trap, but now it seems that the trap can also become a bait, allowing me to relax my guard and step into a deeper conspiracy."

"Such a series of traps is enough to explain the horror of that man. It has once again sounded the alarm for myself.

I begged him for help with my eyes, and cursed myself for carelessness in my heart.I guess he should have discovered that I started to secretly compete with him.That's why he kept using bait to let me relax, and then set up a trap, waiting for me to jump in."Such a person is terrible, but I have to be at his mercy for four days. This discovery can't help but make me more nervous, but it also makes me start to re-examine the idiot thoughts I was smug before.After thinking that he had seen everything through, and thought that he could master the initiative, he had a heart of underestimating the enemy, which made him fall into a more passive situation.So after knowing the crux of the matter, what should I do?"

"I watched that person triumphantly appreciate my current state of embarrassment, and then turned around with a face of contentment to fetch the bath towel from the beach chair. Although he has his back to me, his expression of triumph has continued Haunting in my mind, if I had been before, I would have been very angry, even resentful, for that expression, but at this moment, the picture suddenly gave me a hint of inspiration."

"Satisfied, yes! Regards proud of it. In the case of contemptuously despising him, I stepped into his trap step by step. It is because of this blind self-satisfaction that I let my guard down. Then if all Things are all the other way around? If I can make him feel that he has completely controlled me, shouldn't he also give birth to a sense of contentment? Just like now, looking at my situation and full of joy?"

"This thought makes me, who seem to have reached the end, as if I have found a new way. No matter what the road ahead, I must explore and try. Seeing him already wading into the water with a bath towel, my thoughts change. Now, what face should I look for next."

"Until he handed the bath towel in front of me, I had adjusted my emotions. I did not express my anger and hatred too much, but made a complaining and shy expression. He looked at me. The expression was taken aback for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect me to behave like this, but then he still showed a satisfied look. Obviously he already thought I had begun to give in or even accept."

"And this is the result I want. In just a short period of time, I have adjusted my strategy. Although my resistance was very concealed before, I occasionally revealed it inadvertently when I was complacent. It’s a horse foot, and this time, I gave up resistance to him, but started to resist my inner desires, and while obeying or even enjoying it on the surface, I didn’t let myself sink into it."

"This kind of change from the outside to the inside, on the surface, will mislead him to believe that under his repeated ravages, I have given up resistance, which in turn makes him satisfied and proud of the successful success of his plan. But I need it. In this case, look for his inadvertent loopholes so that you can spend the next few days safely. No matter what the road ahead, I must try this road."

(to be continued)

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