Wife's sexy development journey

[Wife's Sexy Development Journey Part 2] (1)

Author: 8083979 (I am not a big God) 2019/03/26 Word Count: 5786 [Part II] [a] marriage articles afternoon sun spilled through the windows in the room, I found myself slowly like this slow-paced Lifestyle.

Looking back on the past, it seems that I am not a person like this. Of course, this may be the two years of ordinary life that slowly grinds me into this way.

Picking up the coffee, it was a bit hot, and took a sip, lazily leaning on the back of the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, it was a little shabby, and I didn't bother to clean it up. After all, this is not my own house.

Two years ago, in order to take care of Xiaoxin's mother, we moved to this city and rented a house near the nursing home.The doctor had already issued a verdict to Xiao Xin's mother, and with the current medical methods, it could not be cured anyway.But if we dare to do this, we can't just leave her alone, right?

So it’s not sound, we are here now waiting to accompany her through the last days.So in this case, we don’t need to decorate the house so luxuriously, as long as we can live in it.

Continue to look around the room. Although there is no extravagant desire for gorgeousness and elegance, under our two-year operation, the necessary equipment at home is still available.Turning his eyes around, he froze on the wedding photo.

The wedding photo is definitely a ticket after getting on the bus.After all, we got the certificate on the day of graduation. After we settled down, we took the wedding photos. Xiaoxin didn't want to take them. After all, there are so many things happening at home, so how can we feel that way?But she still couldn't grind me after all, and after my repeated frothing, she still agreed.

In my opinion, every woman is married once in her life. (Of course, I'm talking about normal circumstances. Don't blame everyone) so I don't want to leave her any regrets.Of course, although she didn't agree with the photo, after taking the album back, she looked through it over and over again, and then it seemed that she was hiding it like a treasure.

Looking back now, in 2009, there was no WeChat. It is estimated that if there is, she will be able to post for several days. Afterwards, friends we met, if you want to know if you are in a good relationship with Xiaoxin, you don’t need any tests, just come to my house. She showed off her wedding photos just like offering treasures, and they were all good friends.She will explain while watching, and she can talk for a day.

Seeing Xiaoxin in the photo, the corners of my mouth raised slightly. At that time, there was still a touch of greenness on her face. Although she has experienced a lot, the youthful breath has not faded.In two years, if she insists on any changes, she has become more refined and temperamental.

For many women, life after marriage should be dealing with chai, rice, oil and salt all day long, but Xiao Xin is different. Although she has also learned to cook, more often, I still don’t want her to work too hard, so I choose to take her. Go out to eat.Secretly speaking, mainly because I find it troublesome to wash the dishes.

Without the trivial things in life, the two of us can be said to be living like gods.The things I once worried about did not happen. This makes me thank God for your pity. After all, too much tragedy has happened to Xiaoxin. I only hope that she can live happily.

All the previous things worried me, but they really brought me the gospel.Although Xiaoxin and I never mentioned that person or those things again, I know that in Xiaoxin's mind, she always feels sorry.

So every time after having sex, she tried her best, completely subverting her pure appearance in front of outsiders.

But having said that, it was very hard work, but she also learned some imaginary styles from that person. After all, many things can only be realized by experiencing it by themselves. At that time, she was completely in a kind of Under the circumstances of being coerced and bullied, I passively accepted the training, so I didn't feel so excited about the specious things she made to please me.

But her overall state is much more open before.The first thing that changes is her figure. Years of dancing exercises have made her lower limbs and buttocks muscles extremely tight, coupled with fair skin, and the skirt that she began to accept after being trained by that person, walking on the road in summer will definitely make 70% of lovers , Started quarreling, and the remaining 30% are estimated to be blind.

As for the upper body, thanks to the joint efforts of that person and I, it is much bigger than before, and by stretching the body all the year round, her breasts did not sag and remained firm as peaks.Occasionally, if she wears some low-cut outfits, it will definitely cause people to die from nose bleeding and ischemia.

Xiaoxin’s changes have benefited from that person, me, and herself, and of course her little sisters. They left school without any rigid constraints. The little girl now considers it every day. It’s just how to dress up. Xiaoxin plays with them every day, and of course she also slowly begins to accept this thought.

People around me discuss makeup, clothes, and accessories every day. After adding the concepts that the person imposed on her before, and my encouragement, Xiaoxin has gradually become proficient in this way. Of course, for her, she is not wearing clothes. A Qi forced a short skirt to swagger through the market, but if you say that she can't dress up and wears too conservatively, then you will definitely be beaten to death by the 70% quarreling couples above.

Of course, as I said before, there have been many changes in two years. If it is only the state of her sex and her dressing style, then I am a little too exaggerated.

In the past two years, two married people, living together under the same roof every day, will slowly discover a lot of things that they didn’t know about each other before. There are many couples. It was in this situation that they found out. Some secrets of the other party, I feel that I can't accept it, which leads to a divorce.

But for Xiaoxin and I, we grew up together, and there are almost no secrets at all.

However, what I never thought was that it was because of my negligence that she discovered my greatest secret.

Recall that in 2008, a certain photography teacher surnamed Chen just folded it on the computer, but I did not learn a lesson. Whenever I browsed some classic articles on the Internet, I would save it or use it as a favorite on the web.

I believe that everyone has this experience. At that time, the little brother below was angry at that time. How could he change his name leisurely, so I clicked on my favorites, the classics of various great gods, it can be said to be Everything.

Of course, it is generally impossible for me to be so careless, but who would tell people to be as good as heaven?Xiao Xin, who has never touched a computer, has just learned simple PS from her little sister.The so-called simplicity does not refer to this software called "witchcraft", but her technology is too simple, it is nothing more than using some monsters and ghosts on the Internet to add to other people's photos to engage in pranks.

And her husband is naturally my husband.Unfortunately, in order to trick me, she really took great pains to calculate the time for me to go out, and then quickly turned on the computer, found my photo, and then opened the web page, looking for the monster picture. However, when she clicked on it by mistake. After the favorites, my God is full of "monsters and ghosts".

I don't know how much she watched. Then I asked her. She said that she remembered some unpleasant things as soon as she saw them, so she hurriedly shut it down. Of course, this is something later.

After returning home that day, I faintly felt that the atmosphere was not right. Xiaoxin kept hiding in the room and couldn’t get out. I was a little baffled, but when I saw the monitor that was turned on, my brain bounced like it was about to explode. same.

I rushed over and looked around the main box. After confirming that there was no external equipment, I pretended to slip into the utility room and found me under a pile of broken copper and iron left by the owner. The hard disk hidden there was quickly put back after repeated confirmation that the seal was not passive.

After that, I went back to the computer again and started to search for files and web browsing records. When I saw the records, my heart just warmed up and cooled down again.

My secret, I read the secret of Huang Wen, the secret of my "wife" seems to have been exposed.The bedroom is behind me and the door is closed, but I dare not turn around. I know what Xiaoxin is doing. I don’t know how much she found out. I don’t know how far she thought about it. I only know that the two of us might be over. .

At that moment, my heart was full of regret. I hate why I have those thoughts and why I do those things. I know that when I am finished, our feelings will disappear. My favorite Xiaoxin will never return. Nothing, even for the rest of my life, I will replace that person and become the beast that Xiaoxin hates most.

I sat blankly in front of the computer, my mind was full of all kinds of tragic pictures, I felt that I had lost my strength, I was sweating all over, as if the colorful world in front of me had become black and white.

I don't know how long I sat, until a voice rang behind me.

"Let's get a divorce!"

This voice is too familiar to me. It is not only the person who is familiar with the speaker, but also the more familiar is that I have heard this tone. It was in a dim hotel room, and the poor woman standing at the window used this In a similar tone to me, "Let’s break up."

Two years have passed, and I still remember how heartbroken I was when I heard that sentence, and when I heard this tone again, I felt that I was gone.After all, at that time, I still had a glimmer of hope, and at this time I had nothing to do.

Woven skirt: Jiu Wu Si Er Si San Jiu Ling Jiu can do nothing, using this word to describe me at that time is really too appropriate.That state is not only in the heart, but also in the body.Already almost collapsed, I didn't have the strength to move a finger, so I could barely maintain a sitting position and froze there.

It may be that Xiaoxin sighed slightly behind me when I didn't speak.

"I know I'm sorry for you, and I have lied to myself and said that everything is over, but I really didn't expect that those things would still bother you in two years. You smile happily at me every day, Take care of me in every possible way, but you have to bear the evil consequences yourself. Since this affects you so much, why don't you tell me that?

I know you will say that because you love me, but this love is not worth it."

"I'm a bitch, I'm a scrabble who is crushed by someone, and I don't deserve you to pay so much for me. You are a good person, and I can't bear your love. It should belong to those who are truly worthy The one you love, so go find a good girl, let's get a divorce."

Xiaoxin's tone is still cold, but this coldness has made my frozen heart warm.

At that time, I was a little confused, but now in retrospect, I really fell in love with Xiaoxin's brain circuit, which ordinary people don't have.

But having said that, the inequity of information itself will affect the judgment of a person, an army, and even a country. In Xiaoxin’s view, we grew up together. I have never had any abnormalities, but now I see it online. With so many articles of this kind, from her point of view, I should have read these things after those things, so it should have been affected by those things.

I want to thank Edward Norton Lorenz, after all, the butterfly effect just saved my life.

I secretly rejoiced in my heart that I wanted to stand up and follow Xiao Xin's words to keep her. The strength that could have been dissipated because of panic has not recovered immediately, I still can only sit there.

Xiaoxin finished speaking and did not receive a response from me, probably because I thought I had nothing to say to her. Of course, she didn't want me to say anything at this time.

With my back to her, I didn’t hear her voice anymore, and replaced it with the rumbling of the suitcase. I knew that Xiaoxin had decided to go. I tried to turn around, but my body couldn’t move at all. I tried hard. His mouth opened wide, but there was no sound.

Slowly, Xiaoxin walked from behind me into my peripheral light, and then approached the door little by little. My heart struggled violently, but because I couldn't act, my body began to tremble subconsciously. I saw that Xiao Xin had reached the door, her hand was already on the door handle.

I was anxious and I believed that if the heart could explode on its own, my chest cavity would have been torn apart at that moment.

I could only watch Xiaoxin's hand press down, the doorknob began to tilt due to external force, the angle of inclination became larger and larger, and the speed of the tilt became faster and faster. My eyes were fixed on the doorknob. Suddenly, I realized that not only the doorknob was the only thing that was tilted in my vision, but everything, including Xiaoxin, was tilted. After a while, I felt severe pain, and then it was completely dark.

Before I opened my eyes again, the first thing I smelled was a scent. After more than two years of getting along with each other day and night, I have long been used to this scent, which is the smell of Xiaoxin.

I slowly opened my eyes, and what caught my eyes were two white thighs, tightly close together. My head was resting on the relatively thick side, while the other side gradually became thinner until the top formed two After the semicircle, it disappeared.

I'm so familiar with this home. I know I'm lying on the sofa with my head resting on Xiaoxin's lap. Didn't she leave?Is everything just a dream before?My beloved Xiaoxin and I are still the same as before, heartlessly tired together?

Then, before I had time to be happy, the suitcase I had swept away slapped me severely.A Ji Ling who beat me sat up.

I looked at Xiaoxin in a panic. She apparently fell asleep just now, but she was also awakened by my fierce movements.

I can clearly see that the moment she woke up and found that I had recovered, the guilt, excitement, and pity that appeared on her face, of course, were fleeting and quickly covered by indifference. Up.

But the tears in the corner of her eyes could not be concealed anyway.

After the coma just now, I also recovered a lot of strength. I quickly stretched out my arms and hugged Xiao Xin tightly.

"Don't go, I beg you not to go. I love you. Don't go."

I vaguely remember that at that time, I was shouting with a voice that was almost crying. That was the state I had never shown in front of Xiaoxin.This is not only a retention of Xiaoxin, but also a catharsis for the rest of his life.

"I know, I know, but I don't deserve your love."

Maybe it was infected by my state, or maybe because of self-blame, Xiaoxin finally couldn't control her emotions, so she cried out.

"No, I love you. Nothing is worth or worthy of, I just love you, no matter what you have experienced, I said, we have to face it together and walk through it together. You have to go now, you have to Leave me behind and let me face it myself?"

"No, no, I don't want you to bear the pain that shouldn't belong to you anymore. I have hurt you deeply enough, and even made you like this, I'm sorry."

The two of us hugged each other. There was no other sound in the room, only my calm tone and the sound of each other's heartbeats at close range.

"Are you talking about those novels? I admit that I was really troubled. I once thought that no man could bear this kind of thing. This troubled me for a long time, until I found those articles on the Internet. Slowly read and feel their feelings. I didn't expect anyone to find fun in it. I used this method to ease my mood, and slowly they became my sustenance."

"We may all make mistakes, either active or passive, but as long as we truly repent, it is not an unforgivable sin. Of course, if we make a mistake, we will definitely cause harm to others. If we are passers-by, we may turn our faces and fight. You die and I live. If we are friends, we may not be able to communicate with each other. But we are husband and wife."

"What is called a husband and wife is to tolerate each other's mistakes. If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, you have to mediate yourself and then tolerate each other's mistakes. I am trying to adjust myself. When I feel a little uncomfortable, I look at those things, To ease the mood. I have adjusted it well, but you have to pierce it, and you have to leave me to bear it. How can you do this?"

I know this is my last chance, I can only do everything I can to keep her.I first used agitation method to irritate her, and at the same time stepped on her to arouse her inner guilt, and then I started my serious nonsense, describing the "wife" as a kind of mediation, which not only made it justifiable but also incidentally. Set her position higher, and finally go around a big circle, and then stimulate her and make her feel guilty.

Sure enough, after my strong words, Xiao Xin's state obviously calmed down.


"But what? I love you, no matter what happened before? We just need to live in the present. Causality is in order, and we can accept it. As long as we adjust our mentality, there is nothing we can't live with."

Hearing the hesitation in Xiaoxin's words, I began to consolidate the results, and I was determined not to allow her time to think more.

That night, we hugged each other like this and said a lot. I have forgotten what I said in detail, but it didn’t matter to the effect that it followed her thoughts and distorted my long-time addiction to "wife sex." The real situation turned out to be because of her that made me embark on this path.

It wasn't until the end that she was brainwashed by my fallacies, and she didn't blame herself.

Of course, please don't think that if this matter is open, she will cooperate with my adulterous wife. For her, I was forced to do this. This is not my intention.So the biggest impact of this incident on me is that after that, when I read those novels, I no longer have to be sneaky, but Xiao Xin will definitely not watch it with me.

After a long period of tacit understanding, as long as I have a look, Xiaoxin knows that I am going to mediate, and will silently avoid it.She was a little uncomfortable at first, but slowly got used to it and had to repeat it again. Time is really the best healing medicine.

Having said so much, it is not for showing off, I can read adult novels unscrupulously.You know, under the influence of guilt, Xiaoxin's performance in bed is also more active.Of course, the initiative is for her. Many things have changed during the two years of marriage.

Changes are imperceptibly, and changes continue to accumulate, until you discover the existence of changes, everything will happen slowly, so there is a story behind.

(to be continued)

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