Wife's sexy development journey

[Wife’s Sexy Development Journey Part 2] (15)

Author: I am not a big God 2019/08/02 Word Count: 5051 Part II, chapter fifteen marriage sometimes I really do not understand their own in the end how you think, clearly he has been tortured restless physical desire, and she was Forcibly endured for half a year.

That's right, Xiaoxin has been working in the company for more than six months.Originally in my original plan, with my help, Xiaoxin will soon follow my envisioned plan to enter the next stage. Whether it succeeds or not, at least give me a result.

But who came up with it, half a year's time.Although she is familiar with several products in the company, she just failed to develop according to my script.

In the past six months, Dayong and Xiao Guo have tried their best.Just two months from Dayong, a bunch of roses that day made me think I saw the light. Although Dayong did not hand it to Xiaoxin personally, but let the flower shop directly deliver it to the door, but I am Xiaoxin after all My husband, on the first day I received the flowers, I saw the cards with my own eyes.

There is nothing to elaborate on the content of the card. It is nothing more than some network honeys and short love sentences from literary and artistic fans. All I care about is the name. Sure enough, this kind of fierce way is bravely done.

Of course, for Xiaoxin, who received flowers from a male colleague for the first time, she was indeed very resistant. After all, this behavior of digging a corner in front of her husband made her very embarrassed and unbearable.

Fortunately, when I saw the flowers coming in, I quickly turned my attention away. When Xiaoxin asked for help, I completely ignored it, so that she, who had no experience at all, was at a loss for a while and took the flowers ignorantly. Come down.

That day, Xiaoxin was restless all day long, and my attitude was always cold. In this way, Xiaoxin was even more nervous. After all, she had had an unbearable experience before, in the limited contact between our eyes. , All I saw were panic, nervousness and begging.But I didn't give her any response at all.The direct result of this is that as soon as I walked in at night, I saw Xiao Xin sitting at the dinner table and a large bouquet of roses on the table.

"Yeah... what a beautiful flower~"

I fully understand Xiaoxin’s concerns. In fact, I was prepared for this situation. Although there are countless reasons for this situation in my plan, the results are the same. This situation is what I have to step through in my plan. A hurdle is what I have been talking about before, the last insurance.

I just want to trigger this situation, and then test Xiaoxin's heart to see if she can go on according to my plan.Frankly speaking, this insurance is nothing but Xiaoxin herself.

I have done all the foreshadowing in the early stage, I have identified the environment, the goal, and the follow-up plan. Whether I can continue or not depends entirely on whether Xiaoxin can take this step.

To make it simpler, when I was in college, my plan was completely led by myself. I arranged that person to rape Xiaoxin, and then revealed all kinds of information about Xiaoxin to that person, and then assisted him step by step. Intimidate Xiaoxin, and finally conduct a thorough training on Xiaoxin.

Although the plan almost got out of control in the end, it was terminated by me by mistake, but I still learned a lot from that incident.

First of all, the person I chose is not completely controlled by me. Everyone is a man. I understand too well that in the process of sex, when our desires stun our brains, many of our behaviors are not under our control.And my practice of finding a few gangsters to beat the side drum really didn't have much deterrence.So he became the biggest variable of the whole plan.

There is also the state of Xiaoxin at that time.As for the whole plan at the time, Xiaoxin could be said to be totally ignorant. When someone strangled the door of her life, she could only take it passively, and even to avoid being discovered by me, she got stuck deeper and deeper, causing herself to be used. Trample, but fuel the arrogance of that person.

These two fatal negligences almost ruined the future of me and Xiaoxin, which directly caused it. Since then, I dare not make any excessive actions.

However, the accumulation of desire cannot dissipate over time, but will become stronger and stronger until I finally can't resist it and start a new plan.

The so-called experience is to sum up from the failure, and then to make up for it, and then make use of it, and finally succeed.

Therefore, in this plan, I changed my direction and completely filled these two loopholes so that the incident could develop in the direction I expected.

Sex is a matter of two people. If one person is added, it is 3P, but there are exceptions to this kind of thing. For example, the newly added person is a "green hat addiction" and it is another matter.

However, changing from two people to three people is not as simple as typing a word, because there are too many situations that will happen, subjective, objective, and everyone's mood will change at any time. So what must be done to ensure that there is nothing wrong?

After thinking about it, I still seem to need a helper, but the tragic experience before made me dare not make a mistake.

Until the figure of a person appeared in my mind, that person was Xiaoxin.

At first, I was really shocked by my own thoughts.Think about it carefully, it was not because of fear, but because of my own magical brain.

Let Xiaoxin be my helper?How is this possible.Let alone what she has experienced, she is a normal woman, and it seems that she would never agree to this kind of request from her husband.

However, when I was trying my best to expel such unrealistic thoughts from my brain, another voice suddenly appeared in my mind, seeming to confide in me, this might really be another way out.

In fact, what I said before is correct, changing to a normal woman would never agree to such a request.But Xiaoxin is different.Her experience is different from that of a normal woman.

First of all, she has undergone intense training from that person and experienced the ultimate pleasure. Although she was abused in the process, the pleasure was real.Although she returned to me afterwards, I have to admit that in playing with the woman's headline and soul, I am still far from that person. The happiness I can give Xiaoxin is far from standard.

For those who have tasted the best delicacies, ordinary meals have to be eaten only to survive. No matter when, the experience of leaving the mouth full of fragrance will linger.This analogy applies to Xiaoxin's need for sex, and it also applies to my pursuit of desire.Isn’t the reason why I have pseudo impotence because I have experienced higher-quality sensory stimulation to me, and I am unable to become interested in ordinary sex?

That's right, and my impotence, which undoubtedly makes Xiaoxin even more dissatisfied.Then, with the help of these factors, with the excuse of satisfying her, can I achieve the effect I want?

Thinking of this possibility, I couldn't help but shudder, as if this little breakthrough alone made me ejaculate.Yes, these factors can indeed be used.

So I started to use impotence as an excuse to try not to have sex with Xiaoxin.Let her desire keep accumulating.Of course, this is not the "effect" I want. I am just taking advantage of the situation to create "causes". I firmly believe that when these "causes"

Unconsciously, Xiaoxin continues to grow, and sooner or later it will bear the "fruits" I hope.

And this "fruit", I just hope that Xiaoxin will become a helper for my future plans. To put it bluntly, this is the plan for this time. I hope that Xiaoxin and I will cooperate to complete it.Therefore, whether Xiaoxin cooperates or not becomes the biggest insurance.If Xiaoxin accepts this perverted sexual gratification under my guidance, everything can proceed as usual, and because of Xiaoxin's participation, I can terminate the plan at any time without fear of Xiaoxin being coerced.

Of course, there is another possibility, which is Xiaoxin's refusal. I can swear to the heavens that this situation is completely within the scope of the possible results of my plan.And this is one of the situations I have considered the most.

Although I thought about it many times, it was very simple to deal with. It was to stop here, and then resolutely stopped mentioning it, and continued to live our ordinary life. I continued to see the doctor, and Xiaoxin continued to support each other.

I admit that this kind of thinking is crazy. First of all, if I put it forward, will Xiaoxin directly think that the previous thing is my arrangement.At first I was very worried, but when I thought that Xiaoxin saw the "Green Wife Novel" in my computer

After what I said, I felt that there was still some hope.After all, after she saw it, I only became like this when I experienced her, and her guilt for me made it easier for her to accept my plan.

Moreover, even if Xiaoxin couldn't think of the things before, but for her husband suddenly made such a request, would she feel that she was married to a pervert, and thus completely far away from me.One word we need to pay attention to here is "sudden".You know, I didn't make this request suddenly.First, there was Xiaoxin’s misunderstanding, and then the fact that I had false impotence, coupled with my fallacies and heresies, it was basically perfect.

Moreover, there are more than just these in my plan.

Under my secret observation, Xiaoxin has already begun to crave dissatisfaction because she has not been satisfied for a long time, but for her who doesn’t understand these things, she doesn’t understand what’s wrong with herself, so she can only rely on social interactions. Yoga to relieve your stress.

However, this is like when a man has sex, there is no woman around him, and he still doesn't know how to masturbate, so he can only constantly touch his thighs. It can't be released anyway, and even more lustful.

Mobile phone viewing: LSJVOD.COM At this moment, I made a suggestion to go out to work. Under my continuous guidance, Xiao Xin accepted it, and at the same time, I continued to guide my colleagues in the unit to launch an offensive against her, and at the same time, I added my side percussion. I believe it is possible.

So, now Dayong's flowers are on the table, that's when I have to start the most important part.Of course I can continue to wait, but in that case, it is possible that Xiaoxin thinks that I am indifferent to her, which makes her feel grieved.

Suppose another situation is that I don’t solve the lumps in Xiaoxin's heart now, and continue to wait, then even if Xiaoxin is tempted later, the lumps are still there, which will eventually lead to unpredictable changes in the plan. , Will make me fall into passive again.

So after thinking about it, I decided to cut the mess quickly. Since there will be results sooner or later, it is better to start infiltrating now. I have an answer sooner. I don't need to be nervous day by day and look forward to it.

"Ah...ah...you're back."

Xiao Xin, who was in a daze, was taken aback by my voice. She answered incoherently, but she seemed to think of something, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

"Why sit here in a daze? I'm hungry, don't I have dinner today?"

I didn't care about Xiaoxin's performance, so I put the bag aside and pushed down the tie while walking to the table, and asked a little coquettishly.

"Ah...I...not yet...prepared. You...you..."

It is estimated that in Xiaoxin's script, I would furiously talk about things with flowers, but my current performance completely exceeded her expectations, and she was a little at a loss at this time.

"Me? What happened to me?"

I pretended to be foolish.

"You... you saw it today. That's it..."

Xiao Xin really didn't know how to express, so she could only gently raise her hand, as if secretly identifying a thief on the street, and gently pointed at the flowers on the table.

"Oh, you said this? I saw it. But which hairy kid gave us cute Xiaoxin flowers?"

I know that there are some things that can be pretended to be light and windy, but if it keeps doing this, it will be a bit false, so after Xiaoxin clearly brought the topic to the flower, I also had to start to get back on track.

"Yes... yes... Brother Dayong."

Now that everyone knows what it is, Xiaoxin doesn't need to hide it.

"Ah? Dayong? So which brat is it. This is to dig the corner of the boss."

"I...I... don't know what to do... I'll leave it to the next."

"What can I do about this? If someone gave it to you, just accept it."

"But... But, he still has a card in it."

"Card? What card?"

"Here... here."

"Let me see, uh... oh, this kid, he copied it, he definitely doesn't have this kind of literary talent."

"Should...should be ready-made by the flower shop, but the names below will change for different people."

"Oh, that's it."

"Husband... are you... angry?"

"Huh? Angry? Why am I angry?"

"Just... someone sent me flowers, are you angry?"

"Hey, are you talking about this? To be honest, I'm a little jealous."

"My husband, I really didn't mean it. I didn't know he was going to send flowers. I had nothing to do with him. I just didn't react for a while. Then you didn't let me talk to you too much in the company, and I was confused. I'll accept it. Or, I'll send it back to him tomorrow and tell him clearly."

"...Why are you in a hurry? I just said this, you are like a gun. Come on, don't worry, listen to me."

"Huh? Then you say, you say."

"I'm a little jealous. But then, when I thought, my wife had just been at work for two months, and someone sent flowers. I'm still very proud of it. It shows that my wife has unlimited charm."

"But... But what should I do if he is like this?"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I...I want to return the flowers to him tomorrow, either by saying that I am a boyfriend again, or by saying that I don't like him, or if I can't, just tell them that you are my husband. Just...as long as he doesn't No matter what happens anymore."

"That's not okay. Didn't we say it? We can't clarify our relationship in the company. The other two methods are not okay. You will hurt people's face like this. Dayong is a shameless guy. If you do this, isn't it equivalent to slap him in the face? It will destroy the unity of the company."

"But, but this way, I will be very embarrassed, I am married."

"But he doesn't know. So it's understandable for others to do this. It's the so-called "fair lady, gentleman is so good"."


"It's nothing, since they have given it away, you can just accept it. It's just a few flowers. It doesn't mean that you have received flowers."

"But this is a rose, and this card..."

"When I talk to you, this kind of thing is to be dealt with coldly. You go back to save others' face, so you assume that nothing happened, how to contact him and how to contact him, and slowly he found that you did not respond. I won’t miss you anymore."

"Then what if he asked me directly that day?"

"Don't worry, even if he asks you, he won't ask you in public. He will definitely find a remote place. By then, you will say that you have never thought about falling in love with him. Everyone is a friend. So many bad things, and so on, can’t it be easily resolved? In this way, he is not ashamed in front of everyone, and you have solved the trouble."

"Really, can this be done?"

"Don't worry, listen to me. The only way to deal with this is the safest way. Everyone will not be too embarrassed and the problem will be solved. How good, don't you always think about those TV shows, those vigorous and powerful female characters, all It’s for the comedy effect to force it in. When they really get to the workplace, they promise to not survive the third episode."

"Cut, just bullshit."

"Okay, okay, don't be depressed, really, you just do what I said, and make sure you are foolproof."

"But... but are you really not angry? I am mainly afraid of you being angry."

"Really not, as I just said, there are still sourness in my heart, but that is not anger. On the contrary, I admire my wife's charm more. Besides, this kind of thing is normal in the company. Yes, don’t worry about it. As long as you don’t agree, he can’t do anything to you. Besides, even if he makes a fuss, there is still me. Don’t be afraid, behave.”

"Yeah, I see, as long as you are not angry, I will listen to you and not respond to him. I hope that slowly, he will understand what I mean."

(to be continued)

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