"Oh, I'm sorry. I just came here. I don't know the rules here." Ling Feng quickly cut off the cigarette, embarrassed said.

In fact, Zhao Linlin has been secretly observing Ling Feng for a long time. Today, she saw Ling Feng injured in order to stop fighting in the news. At that time, she was attracted by this handsome guy. When she was on duty at night, she was even more delighted to hear that this man was in her ward.

Zhao Linlin is going to change Ling Feng's dressing, but she sees that the bed is empty. She looks around for her and finds him in the corridor.

I don't know why looking at this man's sad eyes, Zhao Linlin has a feeling of heartache. Until Ling Feng coughs, she appears to stop it.

Ling Feng smile, just want to go back to the ward, Zhao Linlin stopped him, a pair of delicate hands reached in front of Ling Feng.

"Give me the cigarette and the lighter!" Zhao said.

"Can you give me a break and I can't stop smoking?" Ling Feng is pitiful like a child who has made a mistake.

"No way!" Zhao Linlin sweet smile with unquestionable stubborn.

Ling Feng sighed and reluctantly took out the cigarette lighter and put it in Zhao Linlin's palm.

"You don't want to. It's for your own good. Come in and change the dressing." Zhao Linlin satisfied with the cigarette and lighter in his pocket, said with a smile.

All of a sudden, Ling Feng feels like a child being taken care of. He can't help but reply and follow her to the ward.

Zhao Linlin took out gauze and medicine from the medicine plate and said with a smile, "OK, take off your pants."

"This is not very good!" Ling Feng's face is not from a red, his injury in the thigh root, want to change dressing must take off the pants to change, but let her take off the pants in front of such a pure girl, he really some embarrassed.

"What's wrong? I'm a nurse and you're a patient. Good boy, take off your pants quickly!" In fact, it's the first time for Zhao Linlin to change the wound for a male patient. She is also a little nervous, and it's always strange to let a boy take off his pants.

"Damn, girls are not afraid. I'm afraid of a bird." Ling Feng gritted his teeth and finally took off his trousers, leaving only one pair.

Don't look at what Zhao Linlin said just now, but seeing Ling Feng really take off his pants, his pretty face turns red like a ripe red apple.

"If that doesn't work, I'll do it myself." Ling Feng looked at the girl's hesitant expression, embarrassed to say.

"How can that be? I can do it." Zhao Linlin bit her teeth and came to the hospital bed.

When he opened the gauze layer by layer and saw the wound inside, Zhao Linlin could not help shivering slightly in her heart. The blade was very deep. If she went in a little bit, she might hurt her bones.

"It may hurt a little. You can bear it." Zhao Linlin said carefully.

"Nothing!" Ling Feng smiles.

May be worried about their own pain, Zhao Linlin's action is very slow, but I do not know at this time Ling Feng can be described as suffering.

Thigh root is a very sensitive part, and Zhao Linlin dressing in the process of Qianqian jade hand will inevitably touch there.

"No, no!"

Although Ling Feng's determination is very strong, he can endure it once and insist twice. When the third time, he is still struggling there.

Zhao Linlin is seriously bandaging Ling Feng, suddenly a hot thing on the top of the hand.

Her hand could not help trembling, her face was completely red, and her hand drew back like an electric shock.

Ling Feng is even more embarrassed. He has tried his best, but Zhao Linlin is gorgeous and attractive. When she lowers her head to change her dressing, she can see the peach wrapped by bra in her shirt. Ling Feng can't help daydreaming. With the unexpected touch, he finally loses his control over there.

"Sorry, I..." Ling Feng blushed and apologized.

Listening to Ling Feng's apology, Zhao Linlin was a little embarrassed and said with a red face: "it has nothing to do with you. I'm too nervous."

"There's no distinction between men and women in front of doctors. He's my patient. I shouldn't care about that." Zhao Linlin told herself again and again in her mind that she finally started dressing the wound again.

Zhao Linlin didn't expect that this man was so strong. When the powder was sprayed on the wound, he just frowned and didn't make a sound.

After carefully changing the medicine, Zhao Linlin was relieved and said, "if it hurts, just call it out. What can I do with it“

"Ha ha, this injury is not worth my calling“ Ling Feng's heart is a burst of bitter smile, in the battlefield for so many years, this pain for him is nothing, he frowned that is the physical pain.

"Well, after changing the medicine, you should have a rest soon. I'll change the medicine for you tomorrow." Zhao Linlin finished in a hurry to clean up the equipment, red face ran in a hurry.

"Tomorrow!" Looking at the girl's back, Ling Feng was full of expectations.

"Ling Feng, remember our agreement. When I become a policeman, you will propose to me!" The girl's sweet laughter rang out in her mind.

"Sure!" The boy hugged the girl tightly in his arms.

Suddenly, a slight noise awakens Ling Feng from his dream.

It's the sound of climbing down the water pipe. Although Ling Feng is asleep, all the slight sounds can wake him up alert. This is a habit formed by years of licking blood with the edge of a knife.

Ling Feng gently sat up from the bed, quietly came to the window, looked out of the window, a shadow has rushed into the next ward.

He suddenly remembered that his next door seemed to be the daughter of a gangster boss, as if he had just finished appendectomy.

If before, Ling Feng would not meddle in such affairs, but now that he is a policeman, he can't watch the crime happen under his own eyes. That would be too humiliating for his reputation as a black dragon.

Ling Feng jumped out of the window. Although it was a six story building, he didn't have any fear. His steps moved lightly and didn't make a sound. He came to the next window and looked over.

On the bed, a girl was lying quietly, snoring softly. Under the dim light, the wavy hair scattered on the pillow, like an apple like face, green and beautiful.

Beside the bed, a man in black is quietly taking out a needle tube and trying to inject liquid into the girl's arm.

It turned out to be a killer. Looking at each other's professional actions, Ling Feng judged each other's identity.

"Who should have done such a terrible thing to such a lovely girl?" Ling Feng showed a trace of anger in his eyes, and a flying knife with cold light appeared in his hand.

At the moment when the man in black picked up the girl's hand to prepare for injection, a cold light flashed. The Throwing Knife crossed the man in black's wrist and nailed deeply on the wall behind the man in black. Meanwhile, Ling Feng's body also ran into the house.

The blood light splashed out, and the needle tube in the hand of the man in black fell to the ground.

The man in black was stunned, and soon responded. As soon as he raised his hand, the same knife flew out and shot at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng body slightly side, hand slightly a lift, unexpectedly is the knife in the palm.

As soon as the killer's eyes were fixed, he turned to the door and rushed out.

Ling Feng cold hum a, Shua, a virtual shadow flash, block in front of the man in black.

The black dress person body meal, in the eyes exposed a touch of surprise, obviously didn't expect Ling Feng's speed unexpectedly so fast.

But it was just a moment's absence. The man in black quickly took out a dagger with cold light from his waist, and his steps changed, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves to Ling Feng's throat.

"I'm good at it." Ling Feng smiles slightly, dodges the dagger, turns his wrist and clasps the wrist of the man in black. He rushes to his arms and grabs the dagger. When his wrist turns, the dagger in Ling Feng's hand is already on the neck of the man in black.

"Who are you?" Ling Feng asked coldly.

"Hum!" The man turned his head and looked like death.

Ling Fenggang wants to continue the interrogation. Suddenly, a scream starts from the bed. It turns out that the fight between them wakes the girl in the bed.

Just as Ling Feng looks at the girl on the bed, the man in black turns violently. His body turns 180 degrees to get rid of Ling Feng's shackles. He turns around and rushes towards the door.

Ling Feng cold hum a, wrist a probe, the right hand such as Eagle Claw like grasp to the man in black.

Although the action of the man in black is fast, it is much worse than Ling Feng. He was caught by Ling Feng's talons just after taking a step.

Feel soft, like a cotton ball, pinch even have flexibility.

"Shameless!" Suddenly the same scream came from the opposite side, and the man in black grabbed Ling Feng's hand and suddenly earned it.


In the dim light, Ling Feng was holding the black cloth pulled from the chest of the man in black, and he was stunned.

In front of him, the clothes of the man in black were torn off, and the white meat on his chest was exposed. What made Ling Feng dumbfounded was the pair of trembling rabbits wrapped in the pink bra.

Ling Feng face is also not from a red, he in any case did not expect the other party is a woman.

"Bang!" When the door was pushed open, the girl in black glared at Ling Feng fiercely, blushed and rushed out with her chest covered.

Two bodyguards in black at the door were dozing off when they heard the girl's cry in the room. They were sleepless and rushed into the ward.

As soon as the door opened, they saw a shadow running past them. Then they saw Ling Feng with a dagger in the room.

"How dare you assassinate miss." The two rushed in with a roar.

Fly up to kick the bodyguard in front to lie down and say coldly: "are you pigs? The one who just came out is the killer. "

The two of them came back and ran to the door. The assassin had already disappeared.

At this time, the girl lying on the bed had already been awakened. Looking at the man in front of her, she was stunned.

“*!” A scream sounded in the ward.

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