Sunspot did not return to God, then Ling Feng slapped fan fly, the body on the ground even rolled several circles, this just covered his face back to God.

"Don't you dare to beat me, and get rid of him." The sunspot touched the red and swollen face and yelled.

As soon as the voice of sunspot fell, the gangsters behind him rushed up. Although Ling Feng's hand just made them a little frightened, these gangsters still surged up because of the large number of people.

Ling Feng cold hum, like a whirlwind, blow where, where the gangsters will scream down, just less than a minute, the parking lot sounded a wail.

Sitting on the ground has not stood up the sunspot, see the convulsion on the ground, howling hands can not help but heart tremble.

"How dare you touch such a beautiful fairy sister!" Ling Feng said coldly.

Looking at Ling Feng walking slowly towards him, sunspot climbed back two steps on the ground and suddenly stood up, turned around and ran.

But just ran out a few steps, plop, then was kicked out of the iron bar Lingfeng hit the leg belly, lying on the ground.

Wu Tianzao, who was standing on one side, was already silly. That day, he was taught that he thought the other party was just relying on his strength. But he didn't expect that today he called a famous local gangster. Ling Feng was still so fierce.

Ling Feng slowly came to sunspot's body, squatted and patted sunspot's face, coldly said: "black brother, right? I don't care where you are. This is the school. If I see you and your little brothers here again, don't blame me for giving you some blood next time.

Listen to Ling Feng's words, sunspot's body can't help shaking. He believes that Ling Feng's ruthlessness can definitely do it.

"Brother, I'm wrong. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. Please let me go!" The black son body trembles of say.

"Get out of here with you brothers!" Ling Feng said coldly.

Sunspot heard Ling Feng's words, such as amnesty, rolling with the younger brother ran.

Wu Tian mixed in the crowd also want to slip away, Ling Feng picked up a steel pipe, coldly said: "Wu Tian classmate, I seem to have not let you go."

After hearing Ling Feng's words, Wu Tian's body trembled slightly and stopped.

"Ling Feng, my father is the director of the school. If you dare to touch me, my father will not spare you." Wu Tian bit his teeth and threatened.

Cold hum, Ling Feng wrist hard, the iron bar in his hand was squeezed into a circle.

Ling Feng said that the iron bar in his hand was thrown in front of Wu Tian's body and said coldly, "Wu Dashao, do you think your bone is hard or this iron bar is hard?"

"What are you going to do?" Wu Tian takes a wary look at Ling Feng.

"What am I going to do? Ha ha, what do you say? I told you last time. Have you forgotten what I said? " Ling Feng's face was cold and said in a deep voice.

Seeing Ling Feng getting closer and closer to him, Wu Tian felt the murderous spirit of Ling Feng. He could not help shaking.

"In fact, I don't like violence, but some people challenge my patience." Ling Feng clenched his fist and said coldly.

"Don't be wrong. I won't argue with you about Zhou xuan'er. I'll give her up to you." Wu Tian almost cried.

Ling Feng shook his head and said: "this classmate, you understand wrong. I beat you not because of Zhou xuan'er, but because as a student, you did something that students should not do."

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Feng's fist had burst out, and the burst of tearing air made Wu Tian tremble all over.

"No!" This is a side of Li Menghan suddenly exclaimed to stop the way.

Although Wu Tian is disgusted with what she does, he is his own student after all.

Wu Tian couldn't help but close his eyes, but his fist suddenly stopped in front of him.

A wisp of blood flowed out along the nostril, and the style of boxing could hurt people. Wu Tian felt the nosebleed and was surprised.

At this time, Wu Tian's heart no longer dare to have a trace of revenge, this guy is too strong, it is a monster.

"In the face of Mr. Li, I'll let you off today, but in the final exam, I want to see that your English score can reach 90 points, otherwise we'll settle the old and new accounts together." Ling Feng warned.

"Sure, sure." Wu Tian wiped the sweat from his face.

"Well, you can go away." Ling Feng waved and said.

"Miss Li, brother Ling, I went back to class." One side of Wu Xiaowei said.

Looking at Wu Tian, Li Menghan is shocked and stares at Ling Feng.

"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with me?" Staring at by Li Menghan, Ling Feng is somewhat unnatural.

"You are a master of dark power." Li Menghan's incredible way.

After listening to Li Menghan's words, Ling Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that the weak girl could see her accomplishments.

"Why, is Miss Li proficient in martial arts?" Ling Feng asked.

"Well, I was born in the ancient martial family, but I was weak and ill since I was a child, so I couldn't practice martial arts. So I was admitted to the normal school and became a teacher." Li Menghan has some regrets.

"Frail and sickly?" Ling Feng is not from a Zheng, will Li Menghan's white wrist to catch up, the hand pressed on his pulse gate.

A moment later, Ling Feng's face shows a trace of surprise. Li Menghan's pulse seems weak, but it is actually blocked by the cold in her body. Once she finds a way to solve the cold, her constitution will definitely be a martial arts wizard.

"How's it going?" Li Menghan asked.

Ling Feng released his hand and said with a smile: "your body's muscles and veins are blocked by the cold, so it's difficult to cultivate martial arts because your qi and blood are blocked."

After hearing Ling Feng's words, Li Menghan's face was even more surprised. In this case, she once heard an ancient martial arts master say that he was also a great master of ancient martial arts in China. Ling Feng was able to see the abnormality of his pulse. Did he come to this level?

"When I was a child, an ancient martial arts master also said that, but he just saw the reason, but he couldn't get rid of the cold in my body." Li Menghan said regretfully.

"It's hard to get rid of the chill in your body, but it's not impossible." Ling Feng light way.

"Really? After listening to Ling Feng's words, Li Menghan's eyes lit up.

Once in an ancient book, I read the method of eliminating cold poison, but it's hard to find some medicine. So, give me a period of time, and I'll come to you when the medicine is complete.

"Really, thank you so much." There is a touch of excitement on Li Menghan's face. Practicing martial arts has always been her dream, but she can only stay away from it because of her constitution. Seeing the opportunity to practice martial arts, Li Menghan's face finally shows a rare smile.

"It's nice of you to laugh." Ling Feng couldn't help exclaiming.

Ling Feng's words made Li Menghan's face blush. At this time, the bell suddenly rang.

"I'm going to class. I'll talk again when I have a chance." Then Li Menghan ran to the teaching building with his teaching plan.

Looking at the charming posture running away, Ling Feng can't help sighing in his heart that Xinjin is really beautiful. The girls he knows are more and more beautiful.

Ling Feng was enjoying the graceful figure when his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the number displayed, Ling Feng can't help but stick out his tongue. The phone call is from principal Xu Lei.

When I got through the phone, there came Xu Lei's angry voice: "Ling Feng, do you want to work, absent from work for no reason, late for work, you take the school as your home?"

"Don't worry, principal Xu. I'll be right on my way." Ling Feng wiped wipe sweat to say.

When he comes to Xu Lei's office, Ling Feng knocks on the door. When he hears the angry voice inside, Ling Feng pushes the door and enters the room.

Xu Lei was sitting at her desk, which was full of copywriters.

"Headmaster Xu, I have something to do with my family these two days, but I asked for leave with you." Ling Feng stands in situ and smiles awkwardly.

"Is this your fake note?" Xu Lei said coldly, holding a one foot long note.

"Right, right, that day I left in a hurry, so..." Ling Feng's guilty way.

"Do you know that there is a process for school staff to ask for leave, which needs first-class approval. Finally, I need to sign it to count." Xu Lei stares at Ling Feng's cold way.

"So much trouble!" Ling Feng vomited his tongue.

"You are absent from work for two days, and you are late today. Your salary has been deducted this month." Xu Lei said coldly.

"No, I'm still eating on these salaries." Ling Feng's painful way.

Xu Lei white Ling Feng one eye said: "is waiting for wages to pick up girls!"

Just in the window, she just saw Ling Feng feeling for Li Menghan, so she misunderstood Ling Feng.

"You see, I'm so old that I don't even have a girlfriend. The headmaster, you can either give me a salary or charge me." Ling Feng's cheeky way.

"Go to hell!" Xu Lei throws an official document to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng reached out and grasped his face with a look of joy: "are you agreeing? Do you want to sign an agreement? "

"I'll sign you and let you go, but you'll do me a favor at noon." Xu Lei tone eased a few to say.

"Help? What can I do for you? " Ling Feng said curiously.

"Eat with me at noon and be my shield." Xu Lei blushed and said.

"Another shield?" Ling Feng was a little speechless for a moment, and he seemed to have become a professional shield.

"Why don't you want to? Forget it. This month's salary will be deducted." Xu Lei said lightly.

"No, I'm good at being a shield." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Really?" Xu Lei took a look at Ling Feng, how also feel this guy a little unreliable.

"Of course it's true. I'm a professional shield expert." Ling Feng's vows.

"Well, I'll trust you once. If you succeed, not only will your salary not be deducted this time, but also the increase will be given to you." Xu Lei looks at Ling Feng suspiciously.

"No problem." Ling Feng nodded.

"Well, you go out first, and wait for me at the school gate after noon." Xu Lei was relieved.

Seeing Ling Feng gone, Xu Lei thought for a moment and picked up the phone: "Mr. Fang, let's sign the agreement at Shangdao cafe. I'll go there at 12 noon."

"Well, Xiaoqian, we haven't seen each other for so many years. I really miss you." There was a man's voice on the phone.

"I'll see you at noon then." Xu Lei flustered put down the phone, eyebrows tightly wrinkled.

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