Li Menghan said in his heart, "I didn't see anything. I saw everything clearly."

However, she also knew that Ling Feng ran in because she suddenly yelled, so she was not really angry.

"Just now I saw a mouse, so..." Li Menghan was a little embarrassed.

"Well, since it's OK, I'll go out and watch." Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Ling Feng, will you accompany me? I'm afraid“ All of a sudden, Li Menghan said timidly.

Ling Feng smiles and sits down in front of the fire: "it's normal to have mice in the cave. What are you afraid of?"

"People are just afraid. By the way, take off your clothes and I'll bake them for you." Li Menghan said.

Ling Feng's body is also wet, sticky on the body is really uncomfortable, so he will take off his clothes.


Ling Feng just took off his coat, Li Menghan screamed again.

"Why are there mice again?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

"No Li Menghan's eyes cast on Ling Feng's body, showing a touch of horror in his eyes.

Ling Feng's body is full of scars.

Li Menghan's jade hand gently touched Ling Feng's body, and his heart was filled with a touch of heartache.

"Why do you have so many injuries on you?" Li Menghan asked curiously.

"Ha ha, it's only with some injuries on men that they have masculinity." Ling Feng said with a smile.

Li Menghan is a smart girl. Knowing Ling Feng's intention to avoid, she didn't continue to ask.

As the night gets deeper and deeper, Li Menghan is already asleep. Ling Feng is meditating in front of the fire.

In fact, he is now half asleep, but if there is a little wind and grass around, he will wake up.

At this time, he suddenly heard Li Menghan's voice: "Mom, I'm cold, I'm so cold“

Ling Feng suddenly opens his eyes, and suddenly he sees that under the reflection of the fire, Li Menghan's face is red.

"No fever“ Ling Feng heart a tight, quickly put his hand on the forehead of Li Menghan.

"Damn it, I really have a fever." Ling Feng feel a burst of hot hands, the heart can not help a sink.

Now two people are trapped in the cave by the heavy rain. Ling Feng wants to go out to look for medicine, but he doesn't dare to leave Li Menghan.

Li Menghan's body is only wrapped in a thin sheet. Now it's night, and it's raining outside, so the cave is damp and cold.

If it goes on like this, it will burn. Ling Feng plays with Li Menghan who is shivering. Finally, he lies beside her and hugs him tightly.

Two people close to the body, a feeling of China Resources almost made Ling Feng have a physiological reaction in an instant. He secretly complained in his heart, but he could only bear it.

It seems to feel the warmth of Ling Feng's body in the past. Li Menghan's body finally doesn't shake. He stretches his arm and hugs Ling Feng tightly.

Li Menghan nestles in Ling Feng's arms, his long eyelashes quiver slightly, his ruddy face looks like a ripe apple, and his delicate appearance makes people love him.

The long hair is scattered, the fragrance of the hair is sandwiched with a light body fragrance, playing with Ling Feng's burning heart all the time.

This night, Li Menghan sleeps very much, but pitifully Ling Feng, almost sleepless.

Holding a beautiful woman in her arms, she can't do anything. It's like a hungry man with a lot of delicious food in front of him. Ling Feng was tortured and almost went crazy that night.

Countless times of evil fire is difficult to suppress, but he was born to bear back.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight shines into the cave. Li Menghan opens her eyes, and there is no one around her. Last night, she clearly felt that she was nestled on a broad shoulder. Was it a dream?

At this time, accompanied by a burst of foot sound, Ling Feng came over.

"You wake up." Ling Feng takes out some wild fruits from his arms and hands them to Li Menghan.

"What happened to me yesterday?" Li Menghan bit the wild fruit and asked.

"You have a fever." Ling Feng's eyes wandered and he cut off.

"And then?" Li Menghan stares at Ling Feng cunningly.

"And then you fell asleep." Ling Feng said with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh! Thank you last night. "Li Menghan blushed slightly.

"Nothing, it should be." As soon as Ling Feng's words came out, he felt something was wrong.

"Last night!" Ling Feng opened his mouth, and his face was also a little strange.

"Well, I'm ready." Looking at Ling Feng's strange expression on his face, Li Menghan chuckled and walked out of the cave with his bag on his back.

"Mom, my brother's * is gone like this. The most depressing thing is that he seems to have done nothing." Ling Feng is depressed and follows out.

Two people marched to the pass, and found that the other two teams had gathered at the pass, opposite a single wooden bridge across the stream.

Ling Feng three people came to the side of the single wooden bridge, only to find that the number of his team has become seven.

"Where's Lily?" Ling Feng asked.

"I've been shot. I've been eliminated. I'm back to base." Zhang Shuai said dejectedly.

"It's such a heavy rain. I'd better fight another day." Zhang Shuai wiped the rain channel on his body.

"No, the game has already started and can't be cancelled, and the rain can exercise our will." Li Gang said in a deep voice.

"But this single wooden bridge, if the other side put a sniper there, we will definitely lose if we fight one by one in the past." Professor Chen helped his glasses and said.

"Don't worry about that. We have coordinated in advance. There is a safe area of 100 meters across the single wooden bridge. In this area, the other side will not attack us." Li Gang said.

Ling Feng's eyes looked to the opposite bank. The whole forest was shrouded by the sound of rain.

"Liz, just when you were on the left, you were attacked by each other. How many of them are there?" Ling Feng asked.

"I don't know. The fire is very strong. There should be at least three people." Lee said in a deep voice.

Zhang Shuai added: "the strength of the other side is very strong. We can't lift our head when we are suppressed. As soon as lily probes her head, she is shot in the head by the enemy."

Ling Feng nodded, he knew that if the other side with a sniper gun in the opposite bank waiting for himself, rashly on the single wooden bridge is a very dangerous thing.

"Well, Professor Chen and I will go to guard first, and wait until our signal, Ling Feng, you take the second batch of Li Menghan to follow us. Li Si, Zhang Shuai, you two come at last."

"Good." Several people answered in unison.

Li Gang and Professor Chen walked on the single wooden bridge, which is about 10 meters long and less than one meter wide. It is connected by two iron ropes, and it is very dangerous to walk on it.

About ten minutes later, cuckoo calls came from the other side of the river. This is a signal from Li Gang, telling several people that they have successfully arrived on the other side.

"Let's go." Ling Feng said to Li Menghan behind him.

"I'm afraid of heights." Li Menghan looked at the rickety single wooden bridge and said with lingering fear.

"It's OK. Take my hand and close your eyes. I'll take you there." Ling Feng stretched out his hand.

Ling Feng leads Li Menghan's hand, but the scene of two people cuddling together last night comes to mind.

"Shit, what's wrong with me." Ling Feng shakes his head and leads Li Menghan to the opposite bank.

Two people moving very slowly, Ling Feng vigilant observation of the situation on the other side.

If he is still very easy to deal with alone, after all, he is followed by Li Menghan.

He has to make sure that the other side's gunfire rings, he responds quickly, to ensure the safety of two people.

But all the way through the bridge, the whole jungle was quiet and nothing happened.

Two people lie on the bunker, Ling Feng's tight heart just relaxed down.

After that, Zhang Shuai and Li Si follow. Several people find a shelter and squat down.

"There must be an ambush in front of the other party. I, Ling Feng and Li Menghan are in the vanguard in front. Professor Chen, Li Si and Zhang Shuai are covering in the back. They find the enemy encircling from the side." Li Gang pointed to the map and said in a deep voice.

Several people nodded and acted separately.

Ling Feng several people fan-shaped, each about five meters apart, slow search forward.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, accompanied by bursts of lightning, making the whole jungle a little ferocious.

Suddenly a dull gunshot rang out, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly tightening.

Although the sound of the gun was mixed with the sound of thunderstorm, Ling Feng clearly felt that it was not the CS gun, but the real sniper rifle.

"Damn it, the other side has made a move, but why the target is not himself." Ling Feng quickly moves closer to Li Menghan.

At this time, Li Gang is also close to the two people, looking at Ling Feng in doubt.

"Captain Wu, you can also recognize that it's a real sniper rifle." Ling Feng said in a deep voice.

"You can hear it. How could it be? How could there be a real sniper rifle? You must have heard it wrong?" Li Gang's face is unbelievable.

"The captain is not good. Professor Chen is shot to death." Zhang Shuai's voice came from the intercom.

"What?" Li Gang's face became a little ugly.

"Captain, I don't think this game can continue. Let's withdraw." Ling Feng has a dignified look in his eyes. He always thinks that the other party's goal is himself, but according to the current situation, the other party seems to regard everyone here as the target of killing.

A few people quickly retreated. About 80 meters away from the single wooden bridge, Ling Feng saw a dark shadow falling on a hill. Next to him was Zhang Shuai.

Under the cover of the trees, several people came to the mountain. They saw the blood gushing on Professor Chen's forehead, and a bullet hit him in the middle of the eyebrow.

"Ah Seeing the bloody scene, Li Menghan screamed out.

"What's the matter?" Li Gang stares at Zhang Shuai.

"After the three of us took action, we each found a sniper point, followed you forward, and suddenly we heard gunshots. Then we found that Professor Chen was shot." Li Shuai said with fear in his eyes.

"Where were you then?" Ling Feng said in a deep voice.

"I'm in front of Professor Chen on the left and Liz on the right." Li Shuai replied.

Ling Feng frowned. From the ballistic point of view, the other side was shooting from the front. According to the truth, the two people in front should be attacked more. But why did he take Professor Chen behind the mat.

"By the way, where's Liz?" Ling Feng looked around, suddenly alert.

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