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Chapter 1000, I want to escape

The low grade will be considered for a while.

However, just as a sword was pierced into the guards.


A roar of a strange knife into the flesh and blood came.

Several guards thought that they had died, but in that second, they were suddenly dumbfounded by the sudden scene.

A large knife with a black flame was so stalking them, and the seven or eight black robes who had just hit them, the body fell like that.

A knife eight!

This is amazingly scary...

The cloud dance stepped forward, pulled out the big knife that was inserted into a corpse, and glanced at the dumb-eyed guards. Then he turned and looked at the same black robes behind him.

"Is it that you destroyed the Murong family in Los Angeles?" asked a plain question, but the voice was worded in the word of every black robe.

At the same moment, the sly black robe suddenly reacted.

" you!"

"You are the cloud dance!" This sentence is a positive sentence.

Over the past year, they have taken portraits and almost rummaged through the entire Zhou Dynasty. They are absolutely familiar with the appearance of Yun Dance.

Leading the way to protect the law, the eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

After searching for more than a year, I almost killed the people who have a relationship with the Yun family. Finally, I first saw the original face of this "cloud dance".

"Haha, today is a good day. Since you sent it to your door, I am not welcome!"

The leader of the law suddenly shouted to the men around him; "I still squatted and grabbed her, and who caught her, this law is greatly rewarded."

I saw it, and I sipped it, and the black robes around him suddenly hit the chicken blood and went straight to the cloud dance.

Seeing this in the clouds, the corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, but the killing of the eyes suddenly broke out.

"Come out, give me a person who has not left these beasts."

A few drops of light flashed out.

There was hardly any chance for those black robes to react. A killing of a strangling machine officially began after the flashes of light flashed.

The small stinky odor is not a phoenix shape, but a humanity, using a fire element to condense into a long sword, launched a new killing mode.

To deal with these small slags, it is not worthy of turning into a prototype.

Not to mention the blue secluded, killing the **** with his unintentional hail body, just like a frozen dumpling.

Bai Xueer and Xi Teng, it is naturally not even out of force, killing these people like cutting straw.

Hong Ling did not come out a lot of times, this came out, but it was the joy of the big devour!

Red fire dragon, compared to killing, it is actually like Hongling, prefer to eat, although not as delicious as a woman, but also has not eaten for many years, today broke the ring.



The screams, accompanied by the more intense **** smell, spread in this broken Ouyang Mansion.

This one is more than a fierce "grass and life" posture.

I was completely scared of the guards of the Ouyang family!

One by one, they all looked at it, but they did not give the chin to the ground.

However, from their eyes, they can see the more obvious shock and horror.

The strength of Yunwu breaks through Wudi. As long as it is a contracted beast with her contract, the strength will follow the breakthrough, so to deal with these beasts at this time, it is really overkill!

Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the dragon's evil spirits, I looked at it and looked at the battlefield of this **** unilateral slaughter.

He likes this scene very much.

Of course, he prefers to look at his little woman, so "powerful" murderous momentum.

Wan Bein Gate took the lead in protecting the law, and looked at this scene with horror. Just the expression of arrogance, at this time, don’t be afraid to replace it, and the whole body was trembling with trepidation.

Too, too horrible!

She, she turned out to be a summoner, and still more than a summoner? And strength...


The only idea of ​​the leader's protection is only one word.

So, he turned around and almost didn't think about it, he wanted to escape his legs.



The big knife that was stained with black fire went straight through the back of the law-protection and passed straight through.

The blood blew from the corner of the mouth, and the horror in the eyes was fixed forever.

Today, these beasts, I am afraid to die, are completely in horror...

After a while!

"Ma Ma, get it!" After the small smelly slaps the clothes and stains a drop of blood, he quickly said to the cloud dance.

They are blue and they have stopped.

Hundreds of black robes have been turned into a corpse, except for being swallowed by Hongling and Red Fire Dragon.

"Master! I am here too." Red Diamond rarely came out of space, but also quickly went to the cloud dance.

However, the original huge piranha, under a red light, turned into a handsome boy.

It can also be turned into a human form.

The small stinky look turned into a red diamond similar to himself, licking his mouth, habitually reaching out and giving the red diamond that ran over.

"Ma Ma hates you as a person, and you are stinky. You are not disgusting!"

"Go, go out and play for so long, don't take me, I won't play with you in the future."

"You thought I was out to play, you..."

"Well, you will be arguing when you meet, or will you return to the space first?" Yunwu helpless.

Finally, in a word, let Hong Ling stop.

He has been shackled for too long, and he doesn't want to go back to space right away.

However, at this time, the cloud dance did not have much thought to pay attention to them. Instead, under the eyes of the daunted and shocked guards, they crossed the body of the guards and walked toward the inner room.

"That, that you..."

The chief of the guards reacted, and almost immediately dragged the wounded body to keep up.

"what you want to say?"

"You are Miss Yun Jiu, are you?"


"Great, we thought we couldn't wait for you anymore. I, our family live, let us swear to protect the old lady, Murong, saying that one day, you will definitely come, you really come, then I will put ......"


After all the nerves, after determining the identity of the cloud dance, the guardian seemed to have completely let go of his heart. If he had not finished talking about his body, he would fall to the limit and fall directly to the ground.

Yun Dance quickly squatted to detect his pulse.

There is also a sigh of relief. When a medicinal herb is taken from his space and sent to his mouth, the healing power of the water element is wrapped around him.

After a few seconds, I saw the guard who took a long breath and woke up from a coma.

"Miss Yun..."

"You don't have any serious problems right now. There are some healing remedies here. After you take a break and recover, you will send it to the injured person." Then, Yun Dance put the bottle in his hand into the guardian's hand.

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