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Chapter 1002, a smile

The words of the cloud dance made a few bodyguards shake their bodies. Immediately, they saw the sadness of their eyes and were replaced by a fierce hatred.

"Miss Yun, please promise us, please wait until the day comes, please bring us, maybe our strength is not strong, but we dare to serve our lives, we must also rescue our homeowners and avenge our dead brothers. ""

"Yeah, Miss Yun, please bring us!"

"Please add me one..."

Several guards looked for a firm request.

For such a request, Yun Dance will not refuse.

"it is good!"

Wan Bein Gate, in the future its opponent will not only be her cloud dance, but will be all human!


Murong family, Ouyang family, two families, two cities!

All of these must be counted in the head of the beast door, which makes the cloud dance look for the natural elements of the door of the beast, and deepens the perseverance of perseverance.

When she seeks to pray for those who are, it is the time when the beast gates are extinguished.


After leaving the water city.

A few people in the cloud dance did not return to the Imperial City, but went directly to the "King of the Warriors" at the border.

Since returning to the human world, several people in the cloud dance seem to have been on their way for a continuous journey, with almost no stop.

Another day later!

When the night came, several people finally arrived at the college.

However, Yun Dance did not let the dragon fall into evil and they followed her into college.

The enchantment of the inner school, now for them, is really only a hindrance to the small meaning, but this time, returning to the college, Yun Dance does not want to make a big noise.

She just wanted to quietly find the map and set off immediately.

Among the five natural elements, she has found four kinds, and now it is only the last one, "Mu Tengzhi".

Quiet night sky!

After entering the inner school, a figure is like a ghost, familiar and fast "drifting" towards the college's library.

Originally thought that these will be carried out silently.

But I don't know, when she entered the college, she was disturbed by someone in the cultivation tower.

The stone door of the library is open!

The lights lit up and suddenly lit up in the stone room.

"Friend, come back? Long time no see!" A very pleasant voice came from the interior.

I saw that the door was open and a handsome teenager came out.

Pity, oh.

By the way, how she forgot, this pity is to look after the night owl of the library.


However, without waiting for the cloud dance to open, I saw another figure coming out behind the pity.

"Tower old?"

"Come back! How do you sneak up on this big night every time you come back?" The voice was kind and calm.

But the pair of unpredictable scorpions, but one is on the cloud dance.

Soon, I saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Wu Di? The speed of your breakthrough is really amazing."

Yun Dance micro-Emei, even if her strength broke through the Emperor Wu, but she still can not see through the strength of this tower old, it can be seen that his strength is still high out of her.

A lower bound, higher than the strength of Wudi, what is the origin of this old man?

However, at this time, cloud dance is not the time to think about these problems.

"Tower old, I am coming back this time. It is indeed something that needs you to help." It is better to ask the elders directly if you look for it yourself.

"what's up?"

"I want to find a map that can enter the entrance of the wooden capital." The cloud dance directly opens.

"The realm of wood?"

The tower old thought for a moment, and then he looked up at the cloud dance; "Are you sure you want to go to that place?"

"Well, I have to go!"

The tower old watched the cloud dance so loud that he didn't know what he was thinking. In the end, he still sighed.

"Some things are really doomed. Even if you stop it, the gear of this destiny will still be... Hey!" After saying a word, he sighed silently.

"Pity, you find out the map of the world of wood." The tower opened.

Pity, but frowned, this cloud dance back to find a map? But in the end, I walked into the inner room.

quite a while.

I saw him coming out with a map of leather.

"This is the map of the world of wood, this time, remember to be more careful." When the old tower handed the map to the cloud dance, he snorted in a low voice.

Cloud Dance will collect the map and nod; "Thank you, Grand Elder! I will pay attention."

"The time is not early, then I will go first." Yun Dance does not delay time, ready to turn and leave.

Pity, but I quickly called a word; "Hey, are you leaving?"

"if not?"

"The last story, you haven't finished yet."


A cloud dance, I immediately remembered that in order to exchange for advanced martial arts, I traded with him to tell stories.

For so long, he still remembers?

Cloud dance for a time, really do not know whether it is time to cry or laugh.

However, it is undeniable that the time of the original was actually quite a thing that she missed...


After bidding farewell to the tower, a few people of Yunwu rushed to the wood city according to the map route.

Although it is not certain that the flower of the wood vine is not in the capital of the wood world, it is estimated that the behavior of the 10,000 beast door has been received by the news.

"Small five, have been on the road for so long, first find a place to rest." Shangguan looked at a simple inn in the distance.

This road, from the point of view of the map, is the only way to go to the capital of the wood world. There is no shop in front of the village. This inn is the only place where you can rest. Rest here and rest, you will be able to rest comfortably. !

Cloud dance micro-finger, "Take a break, these days have been on the road, but also a little tired."

A few people behind him nodded in favor and went to the inn together.

A thatched cottage, followed by a neat row of rooms, whether it's a stop or a stay, but wherever you go, you will stop and rest.

"Small two, good wine and good food are coming up." Shangguan Chao Xiao Er snorted.

This screaming drink attracted many people's eyes, and Yunwu glanced at Shangguan, indicating that he was low-key.

After the wine came up, the cloud dance first started to eat. She ate very fast, but she was elegant, and she felt the arrogance and glamour between her manners.

The dragon fell in love and looked at the cloud dance, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth rose more and more.

This little thing, that is, eating also makes it difficult for him to look away.

"Look at your eyes again." Yunwu glanced at him and said something helplessly.

"I thought you didn't know someone was watching you."

"Want to know how I dealt with such people?" The cloud dance was slightly lifted, with a hint of lazy laughter in his eyes.

"Think." The dragon pours a smile and puts down the chopsticks in his hand. He is reading her lessons.

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