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Chapter 1010 Treasure Cave

Chapter 1010

Cloud dance can't be recognized for a while.

However, it can be seen that most of the things are elements of fire. It must have been that this small radish has been collected for a long time.

Although it is rare in the outside world, it is not uncommon near this volcano.

The cloud dance was only shocked by the number at the beginning, and when I looked at the past in the same way, it was no longer as surprising as it was at the beginning.

What really shocked her is that there are so many elements of fire here, but the cave is still very cool, and even the fire element is suppressed.

“Where is this?” Yun Dance turned to ask the little radish to the side.

I saw the proud turn of the radish and said: "My treasure hole."

"..." Yun dance mouth pumped.

Of course she can see that this is her treasure hole. She asked: Why is there such a place?

However, I still have to wait for the cloud dance to ask for the words. I saw that the little radish was escaping before going up, turning left and right in that pile of things.

Cloud dance curiously stood by and looked at her movements. The black flame had already been taken back. It was not afraid of what tricks he would play, and it would be a big deal to catch her.

I saw that the little radish turned over for a long time, and suddenly shouted with joy: "Found it!"

Then, the two small claws ran to the front of the cloud dance with a small bottle.

"Hey, give it to you, that's it." The little radish handed the bottle to the front of the cloud dance, awkwardly said.

In fact, when the flames were collected on the road, the radish had no such big grievances for her.

After all, the skill is not as good as people can blame themselves. Anyway, this thing is useless, and there are several, it is better to give it to her, so that I can exchange my freedom.

Yunwu suspiciously took the small bottle from the hand of the small radish, could not help but hit a chill, and suddenly surprised.

The small bottle is made of jade, which seems to come from the human hand, but I don’t know why it’s here.

When the good jade is started, the temperature can be felt. The material of this small bottle is obviously superior, but when it comes into contact, the cloud dance feels like touching a piece of ice.

Cloud dance is immediately lucky, which will drive out the cold in the body.

"This is the ice 魄 Dan, it is said to be made in the extremely cold land, able to resist the heat outside." The radiant sound of the small radish, explained to the cloud dance.

"As long as there is such a thing, it will not be affected by the volcano outside within ten meters, even if it is in the crater. But you have to leave one for me, otherwise my cave will be destroyed."

Yunwu looked at the arrogant radish in front of him. It was very distressing but she still made a generous appearance for her to take away. I couldn’t help but feel a bit funny.

Yunwu opened the bottle and saw that there were five hailstones in the bottle.

After thinking about it, I took one out and took it with me. The rest was installed and the bottle was handed back.

"Hey, leave it for you."

A small radish, a surprise to pick up, still do not believe that opened the bottle and looked at it, suddenly let go of the heart.

But soon I looked at the cloud dance with a strange look: "Do you not know the value of this thing? If someone else is afraid, it will not leave me."

Cloud dance looks at the appearance of a small radish, obviously a ignorant world.

Suddenly there was patience, and he looked down at him and said, "You can make this cave so cold, even if the potion is in the ground, the cave above can be cool, and it must have been a waste of thought. I took one. Your cave must be affected, so I will minimize this effect."

Saying, Yunwu stood up and prepared to leave: "Well, I should go to the person I was looking for, and thank you for this remedy. When I save someone, I will have the opportunity to return it to you."

A small radish, it seems that I haven’t digested what the cloud dance said. I saw her want to go. I quickly dropped the bottle on my hand and ran over to stop the cloud dance. I said, "You don’t have a point." Are you going to go?"

This is the next round of cloud dance, I don’t understand. What does this radish mean?

How suddenly is so good for her? Give the medicine and let yourself take things?

What she didn't know, the radish had not touched several humans since birth, and humans have always been greedy in the impression.

Originally took her to come and prepared for the looting, even those World of Warcraft often have the idea of ​​stealing his baby.

However, I did not expect that the cloud dance actually took only one medicinal herb, or the remedy that was taken to save the friend, and even said that she would return it to her, and all the anger and anger that was immediately before was suddenly thrown aside.

I only think that this human being is very good in front of me, and the little radish with a simple mind is not wanting to let her go.

"Why should I take things with me?" Yunwu said with a smile.

If it is another bad person or a beast, she must be ransacked, but the little radish in front of him is a person with a superficial and thoughtful mind. These things are all collected by him. How can she rob?

Suddenly, I heard the little radish ask, and Yun Dance began to wonder if he became a good person.

"Isn't these things all collected by you? Then you can take it by yourself." Cloud dance said faintly.

Then added another sentence: "I have already taken the ice."

The radish stretched out his small claws and scratched his head. Although he couldn’t figure out what Yunwu thought, she always felt that she should let her take something to go.

So quickly said: "Look at it, those are rare good things, if you like which one can take it away."

"..." The corner of the cloud dance was pumping, and I really didn't know what to say.

When the radish saw the cloud dance, it was even more urgent.

Then suddenly thought of something like, said "you wait for me", and then smashed back into the pile of things, with two small claws pulled around, eager to find something.

Yunwu looked at him in amazement. It seems that this little guy is not letting him take his things and let him go.

"I remembered it!" The little radish had not found anything for a long time, and suddenly he screamed with a slap in his head.

Then he ran to the front of the cloud dance, a mouth of the animal, and the faint red glow in his mouth.

After a while, the radish spit on the ground, and a small thing fell to the ground.

The small radish picked up and sent it to the cloud dance with joy and joy, and pulled the clothes of the cloud dance to signal her to kneel down.

Yunwu’s face was inexplicably photographed, and it was discovered after the squatting that this little guy’s hand was actually a whole body of red wishful!

"This is what my mother left for me, and I am giving it to you now. We are not ignorant, you have time to remember to come and play with me."

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