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Chapter 1013

But it is much better than a bat. There are two fleshy wings attached to the bottom of the arm. The only difference is that the other fire beasts are black, only this one is golden.

"Oh, yes?" The fire beast sneered, and a pair of beasts stared at the cloud dance, as if they were watching a dead person.

Cloud Dance frowned and said: "It turned out to be a group of enemies. I saved you from the volcanic eruption. Now you are not good, but I left."

The captain of the fire beast glimpsed, but then he did not even hesitate. He said coldly: "Will you report it? You don't know who is so ruthless that I am trapped here!"

As soon as the words of the Captain of the Fire Beast were finished, the many fire beasts around them suddenly became excited. The jealousy that was previously caused by the cloud dance shot disappeared without a trace.

"Boss, kill her! Drink her blood, we can leave here!"

"It’s all human! Let’s not let us leave the volcano. This hatred must be reported anyway!”

"Boss, fast hands! Kill her directly to take blood!"


The clouds danced more and more cold, but my heart was amazed.

Drinking her blood? revenge?

Is it because these fire beasts treat her as someone else?

"What are you talking about? Why do you want revenge?" The cloud dance smelled coldly.

If she is really wrong, she doesn't want to be the big one.

"Boss..." The fire beasts heard her words, and suddenly they were not convinced, and they quickly shouted the captain of the fire beast, but they were interrupted by the captain of the fire beast.

The fire beast captain had a pair of animal eyes looking up and down on the cloud dance, his eyes changed from the initial resentment to the surprise, and finally unfathomable.

The cloud dance is standing there and letting the other party look at it.

After a long while, the captain of the fire beast finally recovered his gaze.

"You are not her."

The captain of the Fire Beast was very positive, but unexpectedly, the many fire beasts behind him suddenly blew.

"What? She is not that person?"

"Boss, then you want to let her go?"

"Whether it is that person, so she is a summoner, boss, can't just let her go..."

Hundreds of fire beasts have different opinions. Almost all of the fire beasts have only one purpose: let the cloud dance stay, and be eaten by the fire beasts.

Cloud dance listens in the ear, but is too lazy to take care of them.

Since this boss has said that he is not the one who hates them, it is better to leave directly to do what he has to do.

Thinking about it, the cloud dance turned and left.

Unexpectedly, just took a step, behind a hot flame directly attacked the back, squatting at the back of her back when the empty door opened, the hand is not merciless, a blow to want to seize her life!

Cloud dance eyes sink, the next moment the figure disappeared directly!

The flame passed through the place where the clouds danced, and after the red glare, the captain of the fire beast watched the cloud dance disappear, and could not help but hold it.

Then immediately turned over and turned back, but there was nothing.

In the vast space, in order to facilitate his shot, the other fire beasts consciously retreated to ten meters away. In the surrounding space, only one of his fire beasts stood alone.

Not only him, but even so many fire beasts around him did not find a place where Yun Dance went.

"What about people?" The fire beasts also looked behind the fire beast captain, but still did not see the figure of the cloud dance, suddenly dumbfounded.

The captain of the fire beast sank and angered: "It must have escaped! I want to escape from my eyes, dream! I will find it all, look for it all nearby!"


The fire beasts heard orders, and hundreds of fire beasts immediately dispersed, regardless of the volcanic eruption of their own nest, and thought about where the cloud dance went.

Cloud dance hides behind a stone and frowns at everything outside.

Her speed has been mentioned to the extreme, and because this place has been observed for a long time, so that it flashed directly.

Originally thought that these fire beasts could not find her, she gave up naturally, but she did not think that the other party was so directly chasing it.

Looking at the hundreds of fire beasts in the sky, the cloud dance could not help but laugh and cry.

"True time." Cloud dance muttered.

These fire beasts don't have much power in her seriousness. If they can fight, they can beat them. It just takes a lot of effort and time. When they are finished, they don't know if they will live.

What's more, she can't guarantee that she can leave without any injury under the siege of so many beasts. The only attack that is only unexpected is that it will succeed.

"How can we leave without any injury? These fire beasts seem to have some problems..." Yun Dance carefully thought about the dialogue of the fire beast.

Only by sucking the blood of the human summoner can I leave this place. What is the setting?

A fire beast flew over from the place where the cloud dance was hiding.

The cloud dance suddenly thought of something, and when the eyes were bright, there was a way.

There are more than a thousand fire beasts here, only because of an earthquake and volcanic eruption, the death of the dead and wounded, lost a lot, the remaining full play is not only 800.

At this time, so many fire beasts were scattered, and the cloud dance figure was carefully searched within the range of activities.

The captain of the fire beast has been standing in the place where the cloud dance disappeared, quietly observing the surrounding environment, his eyes are deep, and he does not know what he is thinking.

Just then, a cold murder suddenly rushed from below.

The captain of the fire beast was almost instinctive and quickly rushed to the side. The next moment, the cloud dance stood in front of the fire beast captain with a black flame knife.

"Let's find the teacher to find me." Yun Dance mouth sneered a sneer, said faintly.

Above the ancient martial arts knife, the black flame has already been collected, and it looks like an ordinary big knife, which is unremarkable.

"Do you dare to come out?" The captain of the fire beast stared at the cloud dance coldly, his eyes were not good.

"I just want to go." Yun Dance looked indifferent. "But I am very curious about what you said, so come back and ask, otherwise, you will send more fire beasts, and don't want to find me."

The captain of the fire beast is cold.

At the same time, the fire beasts who went out to find out that the cloud dance appeared again, are constantly gathering toward this side, faintly wrapped the cloud dance in the encirclement, and always prevent her from fleeing again.

Yunwu did not care to look around the encirclement, his face showed an impatient emotion, said: "You should know the power of the summoner, if I move the killing, you do not want to stop me. Even if you are angry, it will not be impossible for you to die and hurt. You, are you sure I want to do this?"

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