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Chapter 1016 dare to count her

Said, reaching out and handing the cloud dance a red thing like a medicinal medicine. .

Cloud dance eyes swept away, and information appeared automatically in my mind: Warcraft Nei Dan, contains a lot of energy, taking can improve strength.

"This is an accidental opportunity. Since I can't follow it, I use this to express my heart." Captain Fire Beast said.

Yunwu said in his heart: How can someone always give me something today? Even if the radish is too big, it’s still a simple look in front of it.

That being said, but Yun Dance looked at him with a sincere look and it was really difficult to refuse.

I didn't care about it now, I picked up Nei Dan and said, "Thank you."

The information in the dragon roll came to mind, and the cloud dance was ready to be collected.

"This thing is a treasure for the human summoner. It is very beneficial to take him. I don't know if it is true."

The captain of the fire beast said, "It’s better to try it out and see if it really works. If there is, then come to me next time, I will find you two more..."

Yunwu glanced at him and saw that the captain of the fire beast had a red cheek, obviously a big man, but it seemed to be seen through what was thought.

Yunwu did not take it seriously. He only thought that this person expressed his feelings of wanting to leave. He wanted to let him take him away, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I will try."

After that, I will take the Neydan directly.

At the moment of swallowing into the abdomen, Yun Dance only felt that a powerful force had entered the body. When she wanted to say that Nedan was very effective, she suddenly changed her face.

The majestic power in the body suddenly poured into the limbs, and the original force in the cloud dance resisted.

Then, the newly entered power suddenly gathered at the place of Dantian, and finally formed a formation slowly, shrouded toward Dantian!

"You!" Yun Dance's eyes were extremely cold, watching the fire beast captain hate to smash him.

This person dared to count her!

At the time of the emergence of the law, the repairs that had been made in the past moment suddenly became like a natural enemy, and were firmly locked in Dantian. No matter how the cloud dance was done, there was no response.

The next moment, the body of the cloud dance could not support and fell to the ground.

The captain of the fire beast showed that there was a large fire beast flying over, and the cloud dance was caught and she sat on her back.

"Sorry to summon the master, your strength is too strong, so I can only use this trick."

Just a respectful fire beast captain said with some pride. "In fact, even if you don't bet, it doesn't matter. I am just a small captain. It is correct to hand you over to the king of the fire beast. I lost myself to you. But our Fire Beastmaster can still deal with you."

After all, with a wave of palms, the fire beasts left.

After the volcanic eruption, the fire beasts prepared the cave again in the quickest time.

The captain of the fire beast has been flying with the cloud dance and the fire beast carrying her.

Cloud Dance looked at the surrounding environment and asked the captain of the fire beast in front of him: "Where are you going to take me?"

The captain of the fire beast did not speak, still flying in front, and a pair of wings flapped from time to time.

Just when Yunwu thought that he would not answer, he heard him say: "I was despised by the scorn, I was counted by you. You have seen my flame beforehand, knowing that you are more powerful, so deliberately take words. I am comparing with you."

"..." Cloud dance did not speak, it is equivalent to the default.

But what about this?

She only knew it beforehand, and promised or refused to still see this person.

Seeing that the cloud dance defaults to its own words, the captain of the fire beast bites his teeth, how can he be so stupid? So I sold myself like this?

I will see the Beastmaster after I will, let the Beastmaster teach me well!

The idea was settled in my heart, and the captain of the fire beast flew faster.

When I finally stopped, I saw that it was the largest volcano.

The captain of the fire beast skillfully found an entrance, and then he took the lead and drilled in.

This is a life under the ground. Compared to the environment above, the underground is closer to the volcano and it is even hotter.

It’s just that the fire beasts are used to living here, and there is no such feeling. Because of the hailstone, the cloud dance is not afraid of this heat as long as it does not enter the magma and let the magma hurt itself.

Underground, a place like a palace.

There are no fewer than a hundred caves, large and small. The biggest light is the entrance is enough for a fire beast to enter and exit.

The cloud dance was directly brought into the largest cave. It was discovered after entering it, although the exterior is a cave.

But inside, like the living place of human beings, all kinds of supplies are complete, and even the place to sleep is the bed instead of the nest, which makes the cloud dance feel very surprised.

The wit of the fire beast immediately turned into a prototype when entering the cave, and it was not crowded when standing in the cave.

The cave is like a house, and there are several passages leading to other small caves. The cloud dance is even more surprising.

"Wait here, I will tell the king." The captain of the fire beast turned to look at the cloud dance and told the crowd.

Then there was a channel advanced. Look at this, the captain of the fire beast often came here, and the status in the family is not low. No wonder the strength is not bad, there is still a mind.

A moment later, a figure came out of the passage.

Cloud dance swept over and saw it. The strength of the coming man was sturdy, his body was burly, his face was proud and indifferent, and he knew that this person would be a fire beast king.

"You are the human summoner?" Fire Beastmaster looked at the cloud dance and said coldly.

The cloud dance stood there coldly, letting the fire beast king in front of him look up and down her, without saying a word.

Thinking in the mind is fast.

I haven’t done it now. If I really start to move my hands, I’m afraid that it’s not his opponent at all. For the sake of the present, I’ll only be soft and see what they want to do.

"Oh, there is some bones. At this time, I can still be humble." Seeing her for a long time did not speak, the fire beast king said with a cold smile.

Cloud Dance finally began to speak at this time. "I don't know how you plan to take me?"

There is no timidity between words at all, but it is like a guest.

Cloud dance quietly called for several of his summoned beast partners in the heart, but shouted for a long time, nothing reaction, I want to come because I have been repaired as a seal, so I will not be able to contact them.

After all, the connection with them needs to be done by relying on their own cultivation as a medium.

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