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Chapter 1020, the beautiful monk

"There are really two tricks." Xuanyi man whispered.

Quickly wrapped a layer of water in the body to resist the hot environment, "then no longer waste time with you."

After all, the black man’s palm turned over and the blue long sword was instantly recovered.

Immediately after the hands were closed in front of them, the next second, the blue summoning array emerged from the feet of Xuanyi men.

Summoner's most powerful place... Summon the beast, which was finally summoned by the Xuanyi man!

Until this moment, Xuanyi men really played their own strength.

The beastmaster’s eyes were so light that he heard that there were already fire beasts around.

"God, there is another partner, can the king win?"

"What do you say, the king will definitely win!"

"That is, don't talk."

"But this is another Warcraft..."

The two sides' ideas were quickly introduced into the ears of the Fire Beastmaster, and his face became more ugly. He looked at the mysterious man's eyes even worse.

In the distance, Yunwu squinted at the battle ahead, and made a plan in the heart. If the fire beast is not the first, then she will directly help out.

The blue summoning array flashes, unlike other people's summoning beasts, which have a huge reminder. A petite and exquisite figure appears from the summoning array, and the size of the person is generally a fishtail.

Yunwu’s eyes widened and couldn’t believe the guy who looked at the fishtail. He murmured: “This is... swearing?”

"I didn't expect his summoned beast to be a monk, no wonder so powerful."

Black arrogant also shocked and said: "Presumably his water element can resist the heat of the volcano is also the reason. After all, the monk himself is living in the sea, so that he does not need him to mobilize water elements from the outside, just It is able to get a lot of water from the monks."

Yunwu nodded, only to be surprised, but did not think of this layer.

Blue fishtail, blue hair, blue eyes, a beautiful face, appearing from the summoning array.

Xuan Yi men screamed coldly: "Small, fighting!"

When the voice fell, the beautiful monk was immediately commanded, and then the light flashed, and the beautiful body changed instantly.

A pair of eyes became red, and the fishtail became red. The ears opened outwards and turned into a fish-like existence. The smooth upper body scales grew a little bit.

After a while, it was still the existence of a mermaid, but now it is like a giant fish, just watching it makes people feel terrible.

I don’t think it will be like this after the change!

"Pretend to stand up." The fire beast king said coldly, just looking at the sight of the monk is very bad.

At this time, although he was in a panic, he still had to make a superficial gesture.

"Is it pretentious, you have to try to know." Xuanyi said with a sneer.

Then, no matter what the Beastmaster said, he just told the monk in a cold voice: "Go, remember to leave me alive."

The monk made a strange noise. He seemed to be unable to speak the human language in the fighting state. He could only respond in this way, and then quickly rushed toward the Beastmaster.

One blue and one red collided again, but this time the blue did not occupy the wind, but resisted with the red.

The face of the Fire Beastmaster instantly became difficult to look at, and then the animal's mouth did not hesitate, and the hot flame sprang out.

Now he has not dared to keep his hands, for fear of being accidentally destroyed.

The men who haven’t summoned the monks are so powerful, not to mention now.

"You are very confident about your own flames." Xuan Yi said with a sneer.

"That is natural." The fire beast king's eyes flashed a smug.

His flame is even further than the flame of the fire beast captain, but it is rarely used. All the people do not know what extent it is, and it is time to use it.

The red flame rushed toward the monks, and the stunned eyes flashed. Then, the blue water elements condensed together and rushed toward the red flame like a waterfall.

There was a sneer in the eyes of the Fire Beastmaster, which seemed to be ridiculing that the man in Xuanyi had tried to extinguish his flame.

But the next moment, the ridiculous smile solidified on the face, followed by a shock in the eyes.

The blue waterfall seems to be full of aura, it is not real water, but the essence of water that condenses to the extreme!

The unfavorable flame reached the blue front, but it seemed to encounter the nemesis, and the large amount of water vapor dissipated.

When the water comes into contact with the fire, the sound of "sweet" spreads everywhere!

"No, this is impossible, how is it possible..." The fire beast Wang Hao looked at everything in front of him, whispering incredulously.

Not only him, but even his people are not willing to believe this scene.

"Is the king's flame turned out to be extinguished?"

"Is that a monk? The fire of the king that she was able to extinguish? I am not mistaken? Is it a dream?"

"Is the king lost? Is it lost?"


The harsh arguments came into the ears, and the Fire Beastmaster almost felt that the whole world was laughing at his incompetence, and even the water element that turned into an attack was in the face of inadvertentness.

The cloud dance brow wrinkled, followed by a flash of body shape, directly appeared in front of the Fire Beastmaster.

The petite body is in stark contrast to the huge body of the Beastmaster behind him.

The black flame flew into the sky with the momentum of the sky, and directly erected a tens of meters of fire in front of it. The blue water element was completely evaporated by the burning when it touched the black flame.

The cloud dancer waved, and the fire wall was directly removed, turning into a black flame knife in the palm of his hand.

"Want to move him? Let me pass this before me!" The cloud dance screamed coldly, followed by a black flame that stalked directly toward the monks.

And she herself flew directly to the Xuanyi man, black flame knife with a very fierce momentum to the head of the Xuanyi man cut down!

Xuan Yi man was shocked, did not expect to kill a powerful cloud dance.

The speed of the other party is fast to the extreme, which is obviously an attack from a distance, but it seems that from the very beginning, the person is in front of him, and the speed of moving in the middle is almost negligible!

The Xuanyi man barely escaped and was preparing to ask who the person was.

Seeing that the cloud dance missed a hit, but did not intend to fight, did not intend to fight, turned and left, before the walk also pulled a wing of the fire beast king, directly pulled the fire beast king in the daze back...

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