Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1038: Snake hit seven inches

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Chapter 1038 Chapter 7

Cloud dance does not wait for the other party to answer, and with a big knife in the hand, the two legs are completely cut off!

"Ah--I said! I said!" The black flame eroded the body of the **** body, and even if there was any bones, it could not bear the pain. The **** corpse was pleading.

Cloud dance stopped the action on the hand.

"In... at the back of the neck..." The blood corpse was finished intermittently.

The next moment, Yun Wu did not say anything, the knife in his hand waved, directly smashed the neck of the blood corpse.

With a scream, the head of the blood corpse rolled out two meters away, and the cloud dance looked at him coldly, but did not see the change of the body, and on the head, the five senses were still twitching.

"Cheat me?" The cloud dance spit out these two words, and when the eyes were cold, they were ready to start again.


Suddenly, a cold killing behind him came directly.

Almost instinctively, the cloud dance flashed directly to the side, and the clinker followed a green tail quickly and swept toward him, with a fierce wind.

The cloud dance eyes sank, and the hands of the ancient Wu knife were cut off without mercy.

"咣", the ancient Wu knife and the snake skin wiped out a spark!

"The hard snake skin!" The cloud dance was shocked. Two or three times, he climbed the nearest big tree. The snake tail followed a gust of wind and chased the cloud dance.

Yunwu’s right foot slammed into the trunk, and the soft flashed over, and one turned over and stepped on the head of the snake.

Taking advantage of this short gap, the eyes of the cloud dance swept down quickly, and the **** body that had been cut off before was recovering a little.

Can't let him recover, let alone let him go, otherwise the next road is afraid that it will be ambush!

Yunwu’s heart just made a decision, and the big snake underneath writhed directly and angered, and the huge body rolled up and down.

Cloud dance eyes cold, and quickly regained the mind, tightly grasp the scales of the snake so that they will not fall, the ancient Wu knife burned a burning black flame, and slashed toward the body of the snake.

The black flame, with the effect of corrosion, rolled up the scales of the snake.

The cloud dance felt the scent of the nose flickering over the rich barbeque, and it was even more joyful. The traces of black burnt appeared on the snake, and some black flames beat.

Although it was impossible to leave too deep scars, it was really uncomfortable under the little black flame.

The snake squirmed in pain and only felt as if he was in hell. When was it treated like this?

After a long period of inversion, I couldn’t get rid of the cloud dance. The snake’s eyes flashed a cruel look. Then, the big snake would be like crazy, and slammed hard against the big tree!

The cloud dance was cut, and almost did not notice this. When it was noticed, the whole person was directly hit by the tree, and the huge and thick trunk was cut off under this collision!

There was a burst of blood in the chest, but the hand was still holding the snake's scales and not letting go, and the eyes seemed to be able to spurt out the fire.

This stinky snake dared to come here with this trick. If it wasn’t for fear of being discovered, it would not summon his own summoned beast. It would be a small stench that would directly surrender to her. Now she dares to let her hit the tree?

The bottom of the cloud dance was cold, and the ancient Wudao knife in his hand was simply closed. He grabbed the scales of the snake in one hand, and the other hand quickly picked up the scales of the snake and pulled it out with the greatest strength. !

"Hey--" The snake screamed in pain.

Then, more unkindly, the cloud dance slammed into another tree.

The tall, upright body was transformed into a forward, between the lush trunks, accompanied by a whistling wind and the sound of rubbing the ground, constantly moving.

The cloud dance sits on the back of the snake, clutching the scales of the snake tightly. She does not want to leave, but just sighs and must give the snake a lesson.

The movements on the hands are not stopped. Whenever there is a chance, the scales are pulled off directly. Every time the speed of the snake is slightly slower, it will be overturned by the pain of the back.

The blood corpses and snakes in the **** corpse are long-lived without pain, so when you encounter cloud dance, a little bit of pain will be magnified many times, not to mention that they are not only suffering a little bit of pain. .

The cloud dance was not idle. After several observations, the seven-inch snake was touched. At this time, I was crawling a little seven inches, pulling out some scales while climbing.

The snake was extremely painful, and there was no such thing as a cloud dance. It was only a long way from the previous position.

Cloud Dance frowned and looked at himself farther and farther away, knowing that the **** body had just left, and in this case, put this hatred on this snake!

Finally, the cloud dance is close to the seven-inch position.

The big snake seems to be exhausted, although the cloud dance still pulls out two scales from time to time, and the speed of the big snake is not as good as before.

The ancient sword of the cloud dance hand appeared again, and the black flame covered it.

Only this time, it is not to look at the snake, but to clean up the scales, against the direction of the scales!

"Hey!!" The snake rolled up again and again.

In the seven-inch position, the pieces of scales were peeled off, revealing the white snake inside, and the red bloodshot faint.

"Oh, crazy for so long, it should stop." Yun Dance said with a sneer, then, the black flame knife on his hand directly stabbed the body of the snake!

"Oh--", the bright red blood spewed out, and the flash of the cloud dance flashed away.

The tumbling of the serpent is more intense, and a pair of animal eyes have a blood red glow.

Cloud dance does not stop, the black flame on the black flame knife will be inserted into the nearby snake meat directly into the coke, the cloud dance again force, the black flame big knife did not enter!

The big snake is so large that it can't pass through the other side even if it is immersed.

The cloud dance eyes are cold, and the black flame turns into a sharp sword, which runs directly through the body of the snake!

The serpent screamed, and the next moment he fell heavily on the ground, twitching twice.

Yunwu did not dare to take it lightly, and controlled the black flame in his hand until he burned a hole in the body of the snake, and waited until the snake completely disappeared. This slowly pulled out the black flame.

Behind him, the woods that had flourished before, had already been knocked down by the big snake.

Such a thick tree can not withstand the impact of the big snake, it can be seen that this big snake is still somewhat capable, but unfortunately it was broken by the cloud dance.

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