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Chapter 1058, cultivating blood corpses

At this time, Yunwu suddenly said such a sentence, and Wood Xiu clearly took it that Yunwu knew the method.

"Know what? Tell me about it." Mu Xiu Ming looked at the cloud dance curiously, and looked like a curious baby.

Yunwu thought about the joints of things, and he was in a good mood, but he knew that what he thought was right, but he had to inspect it himself.

"The energy in this loophole has the effect of life and death, meat and bones, presumably will not hurt people?" Yun Dance directly ignored the curiosity of Mu Xiu Ming, and asked the black proud.

Black arrogant silenced and then said: "In theory, this is indeed the case. But you have the power of magic, you only need to mobilize a little, even if this thing really hurts people is not afraid."

It seems that the cloud dance is really going to go on.

"If that's the case, then let's go and see." Yun Dance's mouth twitched a smile, and then turned to look at the woody Xiu Ming who was waiting for her to talk: "Let's go down and see."

Wood Xiu Ming a glimpse, some can't believe: "Go?"

"Yes, go on." Yun Dance nodded seriously.

Then grabbed the hand of Mu Xiu Ming, the force of the magical power in the body spurred, forming a nearly transparent protective layer around the two.

Mu Xiu Ming's eyes flashed slightly, and he carefully discovered the unusual power of the power, but did not say anything.

Cloud dance naturally will not explain, although the things in the pool will not hurt people, but looking at the dark one, it is inevitable that there is a heart.

Therefore, it is still decided to protect some of them, and to push the power of the magical force in advance, so as not to encounter any unexpected situation.

The two were ready, and the cloud dance jumped directly on the wrist of Mu Xiu Ming.

"Ah! I am not ready yet! You let me think about it! This place can't just jump freely! Hehe..."

After the repair of Mu Xiu Ming was not finished, it was directly wrapped in black liquid. Only then did he find that his resistance was so weak, and he was directly pulled down.

Into the pool, I found out that the pool is not a liquid at all, but a very rich black energy, just like a liquid.

Yunwu loosened his hand and protected it with the power of magical power. The surrounding black energy silk couldn't be close, and a circle around him formed a vacuum.

Mu Xiu Ming looked at this strange scene, and he was very surprised in his heart.

The black pool is dark underneath, and you can't see anything around you.

The cloud dance finger flicked, and borrowed a piece of pure Yangyang to make a fire chain to extend forward. The pure Yangyan locks the place and directly spreads the black energy to illuminate the surrounding environment.

"This fire is awesome!" Mu Xiu-ming said with amazement, feeling that he was more aggressive than the black flame used before the cloud dance, Mu Xiu Ming was more happy in his heart.

The more powerful the cloud dance is, the more careful the mind is, the more it means that you have not pressed the wrong treasure. Sooner or later, this cloud dance will complete what he can't do!

Cloud dance controls the pure sun inflammation and makes it flutter around.

In the past, the black energy has let go, let the cloud dance read all the bottom of the pool.

"Nothing?" Mu Xiu Ming said with a frown.

Cloud dance crashed: "Go look!"

Subsequently, the pure tongue of the yang yang was extended vertically downwards, and the two men went all the way down, and the places they passed were examined carefully, but nothing was found.

"The energy below this seems to be more intense." Mu Xiu-ming felt the change around him. In the protection of the magic power, he couldn't feel the power outside the protective layer, so it is only now. Induction.

The cloud dance has long been sensed.

"This should be the source of energy in this pool, so it will be so rich." Yunwu explained that suddenly, the two people who had been suspended suddenly felt their feet stepping on the real thing!

“In the end?” Mu Xiu Ming said strangely: “Is this place only so big?”

Cloud dance frowned, stepping on the ground under the foot, and surely it was at the bottom of the pool.

Then he raised his hand and collected the fire chain hanging down from it. He turned into a round of fire around him and spread it toward the surrounding. All the places where it spreadd were exposed in front of the cloud dance.

"What is that?" Mu Xiu Ming's eyes suddenly widened, looking at a dark shadow not far away, his face was unbelievable.

The cloud dance was so faint, and from the moment I saw it, I knew what it was.

"Go, look at the past."

The flame was controlled near the shadow, and the two walked over and stopped at the shadow.

I saw that the black shadow is a **** body that has not yet been transformed!

The white skin of humans and the red skin of the blood corpse face each other, which is very disgusting.

Originally at her side, there was a black energy that continued to drill into the skin.

However, at this time, it was isolated by pure yang, and the black energy was stopped. The speed of the red skin spread suddenly stopped.

"Here... is the place to cultivate **** bodies!" Mu Xiu Ming said, squinting at the people on the ground.

It is a human being. If you don't look at the skin, you can see from the five senses that this is a very pretty woman, and looks very handsome.

In this dark energy, the woman seems to suffer from the great pain. The brow is wrinkled tightly, just matching the red and white skin, it seems quite embarrassing.

"This should be the reason why the blood corpse caught those human beings." Cloud dance said faintly.

Until this moment, I saw that this person is not a ghost, the cloud dance finally determined his own guess.

To be honest, seeing this scene is a bit more disgusting to the **** group.

Mu Xiu Ming nodded and knew that Yun Dance said it was correct. "Is there a way to get them back?"

The clouds danced and looked at the people on the ground. I thought about it and said, "I don't know, but I can try."

Said, Yun Wu squatted down, raised his hand, and mobilized the power of the body.

If she has hope to cure this person, then that hope is the power of the demon in her body.

Since you can pass several levels in succession and have an induction with this place, the power of this magic must have a different place.

Now let her try it out, what is the power of this magical power!

The cloud dance mobilized a touch of magical force into the human body. When I entered, I felt that there was some energy in the body that fled in all directions, as if I was extremely afraid of the power of the magic.

Yun Yun’s heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: it seems to be effective.

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