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Chapter 1066 is a cub

Said here, Situ Wu has already understood.

There are many Warcraft and tribes that have not yet been explored in the ocean, and the strengths of Warcraft and Horde are very strong.

What is even more frightening is that if they meet them, the convenience of combat is underwater, and it is much more difficult than fighting on land.

Simply put, the danger level in the shallow sea is enough to match the depths of the World of Warcraft forest, not to mention walking back, destined to go through the deep sea!

"So, do you still want to leave?" The city owner turned and looked at Situ, and he looked forward to his answer.

Stuart’s eyes flashed with a firm gaze and said, “Yes. My friend is waiting for me.”

In the eyes of the city owner, there was a trace of loss, and he laughed and laughed at himself: "Sure enough, you still have to leave, I know you are such a person."

Situ licked his lips and finally said nothing.

From the time he arrived to the island, the city owner is very clear about him, but he can't respond.

Since it is impossible to respond, it is best not to give any hope, let alone a day, I am afraid I will never see it again.

The city sighed with a sigh of relief, and the palm of his hand turned over, and a crystal clear white pearl appeared in the palm of his hand.

Situ’s gaze was instantly attracted to the past, just a glance, knowing that this is the legendary water-avoidance.

From the hands of the city owner to take the water-avoiding beads, Situ is preparing to take it into the space with him.

I heard the city owner suddenly said: "This thing must be worn on the body to be effective. If it is damaged, it will be discounted. If it is destroyed, it will have no effect."

Situ was shocked and nodded solemnly, wearing the water-avoiding beads carefully.

"Thank you for giving me the gift of the city, and I will see you again in the future." Situ Yu said, arched his hand at the city owner and turned and left.

"I have a goodbye... In fact, I don't see it again..." The city owner looked at Situ's back and whispered.

The sound came into Stuart's ear, but did not let his foot stop half a minute.


In the middle of the desert, the night is weak and falls to the ground, the lips are dry, the clothes on the body are cut more, and there are more wounds on the body. Even some wounds have black blood flowing out.

"It's really a shame, it's so hard to deal with." The night's mouth twitched with a smile and looked at the scattered body of the sand scorpion scattered around him, said weakly.

The venom is not spreading fast, but it loses the ability to act.

In the middle of the desert, there is no way to detoxify, not to mention that she is no longer able to pneumatically bomb, and I am afraid that today I will never be able to leave it.

"I really don't want to be reconciled."

I looked down at the night and looked at the black that was spreading. I muttered, "I haven't found you yet. I don't know how you are doing..."

The sound of the night is getting smaller and smaller, and finally I finally feel a dizzy feeling, letting her feel that she has to sleep at any time.

The line of sight gradually blurred, until the body of the sand scorpion on the ground could not be seen clearly, and finally fell heavily toward the ground.

"This time, it’s completely gone..." Before the fainting, I thought about it in my heart.


In the swamp, the Shangguan carefully hid behind the lush grass, watching a strangely-faced Warcraft not far away, the mouth of the mouth is about to flow out.

"I have been in this ghost place for so long, and finally let me see a bigger Warcraft. I don't want you to catch it. I have a good meal." Shangguan’s mouth was broken and tight. Hold the weapon on your hand.

Among the swamps, the most common ones are all kinds of poisons. The best ones are sneak attacks and poisons, and they are small in size. As a result, Shangguan has never had a chance to eat meat, and my heart has long been impatient, whether it is body and The spirit has been severely tortured.

In the past few days, there have been no more bushes around. Instead, some tall trees have appeared, and the number of swamps has become less and less. Instead, there has been more and more tight land, which means that Shangguan has already walked from the swamp. In the forest.

According to past experience, Shangguan knows that his direction is right, I am afraid that he will not be short of food.

Now, I finally saw the first individual type of Warcraft, how can I easily let it go?

"Oh, oh, I won't hurt you, come here a little more..." Shangguan prayed in his heart.

The long battle with the poison led to some changes in his fighting habits, especially when hunting food, he understood the importance of hiding.

"Oh..." Warcraft made a cry, like looking for food, slowly leaning toward the direction of Shangguan, without paying attention to the dangers that are about to emerge.

"It's now!" Shangguan's eyes lit up, and Warcraft had turned his back to himself. The Shangguan directly rushed out, and the weapon on his hand slashed toward the Warcraft!

"Hey--" The screams of Warcraft resounded, and it amazed the birds around the tree, as if it were a great pain.

While Shangguan jumped on its back, it rolled up painfully.

Shangguan tightly grasped the corner of Warcraft's head, letting himself not fall, while looking for the weakness of Warcraft, ready to attack.

Suddenly, the Warcraft in the roll showed a little flaw, the Shangguan did not show mercy, the palm of the hand turned over, directly wiped the neck of Warcraft, a scream called, Warcraft fell heavily on the ground.

"Hey? I thought I could play it. It turned out to be a cub, and I will die."

Shangguan discovered that this is what Warcraft seems to be an underage Warcraft, and suddenly scratched his head. "But it’s good, the cubs are young, the meat is tender, oh..."

Saying, Shangguan’s hand fell from the knife, and the neat one began to pick up the little beast.

Although it is a cub, but the size of an adult cow is big, it is very troublesome to pack, but the Shangguan is happy.

"It’s so big, it’s enough for me to eat for a long time, oh... this is really earning. It’s estimated that there are still a lot of delicious foods...”

The Shangguan, who was completely immersed in the joy of packing up the food, did not find anywhere behind him, an increasingly close adult Warcraft, a pair of beasts seemed to be able to spurt fire...


the other side!

"Human!" A few **** bloodthirsty eyes stared at the wood repairing and small stinky stumps standing in front of them, gnashing their teeth.

"And there is a summoning beast?"

Another **** corpse saw the stinking identity. "Are you the one who has been killing our **** bodies?"

In the eyes of Mu Xiu Ming, there was a flash of light. The feelings were that these blood corpses regarded him as a cloud dance?

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