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Chapter 1089 Women's Heroes

After Mu Lin drilled out in Huo Linger, her sight was directly on her body.

At this time, when she heard Huo Linger’s words, she thought she was talking to herself. She suddenly showed a danger. She went forward and said to Huo Linger: “Linger, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Huo Linger’s back frowned at Mu Lin, and he turned his head and said, “Well, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Mulin’s eyes flashed with covets and desires, but they were well suppressed by themselves. The face is still a scorpion: “How did Linger come here? The dangers in the tombs are everywhere, and the danger is very high.”

Fire Linger looked up and said, "I am not afraid of danger."

Mulin revealed a worried look: "But even if you are not afraid, those of us who care about you will be very worried... How about our two teams going together? This can also take care of each other."

Mu Lin always thought that the reason why Huo Linger did not want to see him was because he did not find his true charm. If the two people had more contact, Huo Linger would die in the morning and evening.

"No, I don't want to be with you, I want to be with a group of women."

Fire Linger turned to the side of the cloud dance, boldly screaming at the cloud dance arm and said: "Women, do you think about it? Do you want to be with us?"

Mu Lin’s face changed. Today is really a back, just been ridiculed by the man's ridicule, now I have to fight this woman with the spirit!

"Not as good as our three teams, when we enter the time, we each have their own needs, how?" Mu Lin went to the front of the cloud dance, said condescending.

Looking at Linger did not look at him, watching the view of the cloud dance is very cold, as if as the cloud dance said a word, he can directly dance the cloud to the local Fa.

Cloud dance mouth corner, a heart: threat me? Unfortunately, what I hate the most is being threatened by others. The most fearful is the threat!

Looking at him with a pair of sparkling eyes watching his own fire, the cloud dance nodded faintly: "Well, I am with you."

Fire Linger’s eyes lit up. “Really? Great! Woman you finally agreed!”

Mu Lin also showed a smile on his face. "Great, so our team is probably the most powerful team."

Yunwu glanced at him with a cold eye and said in a cold voice: "You seem to have misunderstood something. I am talking to them, not with you."

Mulin's smile instantly stiffened on her face. On the other side, Huolin’s group of people was instantly surprised.

"Ha ha ha ... the decision of the small dance is really wise, I agree, and this little girl a team." Mu Xiu Ming smiled heartily.

"I also agree with the practice of small dance." Lin Yunyi looked gentle, and the smile made people feel very close.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Lin finally reacted, a face that was gloomy and terrible.

Anyway, the shameful things he has suffered today are too many, so he does not have to continue to endure.

Yun Dance raised his eyebrows and looked at him. His voice was cold: "I don't understand what I said?"

Mu Lin’s cold eyes fell on the cloud dance with his illness. “You all think about it! Do you want to team up with me!”

"Do not."

The cool tone, the tone is unquestionable. It is so good to hear, but listening to Mu Lin’s ears is so ugly.

"You three, don't be ignorant!" Mu Lin said, going straight to the front step will start, but suddenly he came out and pulled him.

Then I went up and whispered in the ear of Mu Lin: "The young master, this is not a place to fight. The city owners will come over later, and now fight... When there is no physical strength to grab the treasure." ”

In a word, Mu Lin’s action suddenly stopped, but looking at a few people in front of him, this tone could not be swallowed anyway.

In his eyes, anyone who violates his meaning will not end well, not to mention that today's people are not just as simple as violating his meaning.

"The young master, come to Japan. It is not too late to get the treasures and teach them." The people around me said again: "They are not weak, we have to find another master."

This words finally reminded Mu Lin, the bad eyes swept over the three people of the cloud dance, and finally finally received it.

"Since a few are not willing to team up with us, I am sure I have the confidence to show my talents in the grave. If this is the case, then I will not continue to harass the next, and there will be opportunities in the future. We will have a good time."

Mu Lin dropped this sentence, and then he left the room with eight people behind him, without any look at it.

"The few people have actually offended the young master? There will be no good days in the future."

"Yeah... that's the young master, it's not merciful when it comes to dealing with people."

"I can only wish them good luck..."

The people around me shook their heads and looked at the three people in the cloud dance. They only thought that the fate of these three people was really pitiful. No one dared to come forward to bother. I was afraid that if I was not careful, I would pass it to the ear of the young master. The young master took them out.

"It seems to have caused a lot of trouble..." Mu Xiu-ming listened to the voices of the people around him, and said thoughtfully.

Cloud dance they waited for the opening of the tomb, and in a far distance, the fate of Situ was not so smooth.


When Stuart regained consciousness, he only felt that the whole body was in a wet and sticky state, with his eyes closed, and he could feel the moist sea breeze blowing through his body.

He vomited and felt that his lungs had dried up for a long time without breathing, and it was only now that he suddenly became energized.

Severe coughing twice, Stuart felt his scorpion burning hot.

Gritted his eyes and opened his eyes, but suddenly found that in front of a clear sky, not like the deep under the sea, but bright and bright blue, he suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to sing loudly.

Struggling to hold up the body, looking around and found himself lying on a deck, the ship is very huge, and at first glance did not see the bow.

Stuart jumped up and was amazed, but the lack of oxygen for a long time made him stunned and fell, and hurriedly supported the side of the ship.

"Hey, you woke up." Someone said behind him, Stuart turned his head curiously.

I saw an unusually hot woman wearing a skirt with a split-to-thigh root. The peaks were full and the eyes were so unusual that she twisted her waist and fat hips.

From the distance towards myself, countless lines of sight on the deck have been burning on her.

Let Situ squatted for a while, coughing twice, smiling at the woman: "Thank you for the girl's help."

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