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Chapter 1094, the tomb, open!

A little bit of time passed, finally, noon arrived.

The huge palace is like a mirage. It appears in front of everyone. The whole body is shrouded in a ray of light. It is looming between trees and trees. It is like a phantom dream. People are very yearning.

That is because the tomb is still in the package of space elements. Although others can't understand what is going on, the cloud dance can feel it, but it will not be said.

"Okay! Time is up!" When I saw that people had already arrived, I said directly, the voice spread out with internal force, so that the people who were still noisy were quiet and quiet.

One by one looked at the gates of the palace with greedy eyes.

The warriors who are responsible for opening the enchantment have long stood on the side of the door facing the gate. As long as the city owner orders it, he will directly use the strength of the whole body to attack the enchantment of the palace.

A few people in the cloud dance stood by and looked at the warriors. When they looked at the past, they only felt a little surprised. I didn’t expect this small place to see so many people with weak strength.

"Great, great, the grave is finally going to open." Huo Linger looked at the front with excitement.

Finally, the fire slammed the "attack!"

The vindictiveness of various colors simultaneously attacked the enchantment.

For a moment, as if I heard something broken, such a powerful attack power lingers on that enchantment, instantly breaking the enchantment!

Grave, open!


The forest where the cloud dance is located is near the other side of the volcano!

Next to a small waterhole, a white figure sat on the edge, watching the roasting fragrant flesh in front of him, but his eyes drifted into the distance.

"I don't know how they are doing. The little things seem to be looking for me very hard." Long said the evil spirits thoughtfully.

A few days ago he woke up from the volcano, the first thing was to find his partner.

I found a family of fire beasts at the top of the volcano, but I learned that the cloud dance went to the **** corpse, and rushed to the **** corpse. When I got there, I found that it had already been turned upside down by the cloud dance.

The cloud dance has also left there.

There is no way for the dragon to pour evil, so I have to embark on the road of "finding a wife."

After some thoughts, I chased all the way to the east, and finally arrived here according to the residual atmosphere of the cloud dance.

"I don't know if it looks like a little guy now, can't recognize me." Long turned evil and looked down at his reflection in the river, thoughtfully.


In the forest.

Nangongyi’s half-dream and half-awake are always two days of ice and fire. The pain in the middle of the scorpion feels from the scorpion to the lungs and spreads throughout the body.

He wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it. He heard the voice of a man around him saying, "Why didn't you wake up, the medicine should not be wrong?"

who is it?

Nangongyi said in his heart that he was struggling to open his eyes. He wanted to raise his hand to feel that his veil was still missing, but he could not move at all.

Suddenly someone walked around, and then Pai touched his face, and suddenly let Nangong Yizhong sink.

"I have been sleeping for a few days, why don't you wake up?" The voice said, followed by the warm and sweet warmth flowing down his throat, and the whole body suddenly warmed up and down.

For a moment, the senses of the whole body came back.

Nangongyi opened his eyes in a difficult way, and suddenly the eyes that were shot by the glaring sun closed their eyes.

A man's figure and a quaint house flashed past his own eyes. He closed his eyes and coughed twice.

The man around him suddenly shouted with a surprise: "Scorpio, you woke up!"

Gradually adapted to the glaring sunshine, Nangongyi slowly opened his eyes, and his sour eyes lasted for a long time, finally finally focused in a blur, but the gentle and delicate face of the young woman in front of him.

The man suddenly smiled and his eyes were hearty.

It took so long to walk in a place where there was no smoke, and finally saw the Nangong Yi’s heart, but then he snorted and stood up.

The blood hole in his body suddenly caused a sharp pain, and his face was white, biting his teeth, turning his head to look at the man, the serious expression on his face, let the man squint and look at him with a puzzled look.

"My veil." Nangong Yi said, looking up at the man's surprised expression, subconsciously rubbing his hand on his forehead: "Who else sees me except you?"

The man saw his move and smiled. He turned and took his veil from the cabinet next to him and handed him: "Your veil is blood, I took it to wash."

Nangong Yi did not talk at all, and took the veil very cautiously, ready to wear it on his head, but was stopped by a man.

"You have injuries on your body now, and you can't go out and move around at will, but the one who has seen you looks like me, so you don't have to worry, don't bring a veil with me."

Nangongyi was very vigilant and did not answer him. He just silently put the veil on his head.

Get out of bed, but the injury on his body made him all soft and almost fell.

The man standing by the bed, very helpless, stepped forward to support Nangongyi’s arm and sighed: "I said this younger brother, I am only a resident of this area. There is no threat. You should not be so wary."

However, Nangongyi still frowned and looked around.

Around, there are some wooden tables and wooden chairs, and there are no other threats nearby.

When I saw it, I couldn't help but vomit, and my legs were soft and sitting on the bed, which made me feel dizzy, followed by severe pain in my body.

"You are hurting too much now, and the shape..." The man looked at Nangong Yi and scratched his head: "It’s too eye-catching, so..."

"That would be great." At this time, Nangongyi showed a faint smile: "Thank you for saving me, I don't know how Xiongtai is called?"

"My name is Xiao Wu, I should be bigger than you, so you will call me Xiao Xiong." Xiao Wu smiled and handed Nangong Yi a bowl of porridge and said: "You drink it, you can add a little physical strength. ”

Then some embarrassed smiles: "My family is poor, big fish and big meat may not be able to afford it. If you are a young master, you still have to bear more."

Nangongyi looked down at the bowl. The porridge in the bowl could only be called porridge. A little bit of rice was floating in the middle. He licked his mouth and Nangongyi hesitated. He still ate the bowl and drank it. , handed the bowl to Xiao Wu: "Thank you."

The man laughed and put the bowl on the table: "You still need more rest for your injury, so I won't bother you. If anything, just call my name."

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