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Chapter 1105 calms and calms

But the night does not believe in this girl, she frowned slightly, but did not open her mouth, and did not accept the girl's kindness.

When she saw this, the girl understood that she took a bowl of water to her mouth and took it to her mouth.

This time, the night is finally open.

Suddenly, a cool liquid continued down the throat, letting the night suddenly relax, and the pain in the whole body was relieved.

I couldn't help but cough twice and cough up a bit of blood.

"Can you talk now?" The girl raised her hand and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and placed her on the ground.

"Are you okay now? How do you feel, there is a herb here, and your nephew should be better."

I stayed up late and cleared my throat. I really felt that my voice was a lot more comfortable. Then I opened my mouth and spoke, but it was a voice that I was completely unfamiliar with, so hoarse and dry: "Who are you?"

"I, I am a quicksand tribe. Just a few days ago, our tribal caravans dropped me from this desert, so I found this place alone."

The girl pointed her finger at the place not far from the front and immersed in the night: "There is an oasis over there, I just took the water at that place."

I can't help but look at the night: "Can you find directions in the desert?"

The girl smiled smugly: "Nature, our people in the quicksand tribe have this strange skill. We will not lose our way no matter where we go to the desert."

The heart was really shocked, but the night was not talking, just nodded, lying on the sand, the sand was cold and cold, letting the night and the whole body fight the cold war.

The girl looked in her eyes and took a lot of shrubs from her side, piled up around the night, and lit the fire.

"Here you are warming up, we just have something to eat. Our caravan will pass through here tomorrow morning, and then I will take you away, but the premise is that you must save your strength tonight, because here is away My tribe still has a long way to go."

I stared at the night, didn't talk, looked at the sky and didn't know what I was thinking. The girl looked at her for a long while, smiled and sat next to the night, holding her leg and asked: "What is your name, my name is stone? Qiao Man."

"Day and night." The sound of the night is cold and cold, and the eyes are closed.

"Hey." Shi Qiaoman nodded, sitting next to the night, holding his knees and looking at the sky.

"My sister, the herbal medicine in the water just now has the effect of calming and calming the nerves, so you can sleep peacefully in a moment. This evening, I will come to the vigil."

It may be really because of the calming and calming effect of the gods. I only feel that my head is in the darkness of the night. After a while, I have lost consciousness.

Shi Qiaoman looked at the night and looked up and continued to look up at the pale white moon in the desert and started to stay.

Early the next morning, the nighttime sleep was awakened by a burst of sorrow. When I opened my eyes, a wave of heat rushed to the surface, causing her to be hot and sweaty.

I saw a man bending over and preparing to hold himself up, but he saw his eyes open at night.

"Miss, she woke up." The man suddenly turned his head and looked at Shi Qiaoman.

As he said, Shi Qiaoman has already ran quickly, and he looked down to the night: "Do you feel good about your sister?"

His pale face was dark, he didn't speak, just nodded.

Shi Qiaoman also smiled and nodded and turned to look at the man: "Put your sister into the car. When her body is the weakest, she must not be slow."

The man nodded, helped the night, and walked toward the team.

I was very upset in the darkness of my heart. Looking at the man's face, my eyes were murderous, but at this moment she felt very clearly that she couldn't move at all, and she could only let the man be at her mercy.

The man placed her on a carriage, covered her with a blanket and lowered the curtain.

After a while, I heard a footstep, and then, Shi Qiaoman also jumped into the carriage and sat next to the night: "I will take care of you on this road, you can continue to sleep peacefully."

I want to ask if there is a stomach in the night, but now it seems that I am still secretly observing better. I think so, just sitting on the carriage and closing my eyes.

The carriage bumped all the way toward the quicksand tribe.

Until someone outside shouted "Go into the quicksand tribe!"

I finally opened my eyes and raised my hand to open the curtains and look out the window. I saw a huge desert city, built in the middle of the desert, and looked very majestic.

I was so tired that I was so tired that I finally felt like someone came and went, and I couldn’t help but vomit.

So the team entered the Liusha tribe in a mighty way.

It is easy to drive into the house of the tribal patriarch, and Shi Qiaoman will hold the night and walk towards his room.

"You are here to help you recover. The poison of the Satay people has antidote, so don't worry." Shi Qiaoman touched the forehead of the night, nodded, and walked out of the bedroom to close the door.

Lying in the soft bed, I couldn’t react to it for a while.

For a long time, I finally felt the exhaustion from my body. Although I had been awake for half asleep, my body has not been cultivated.

So I stayed in bed at night, and couldn't help but get sleepy again, close my eyes and gradually go to sleep.


Xiao family.

Nangongyi quickly reached an agreement with the patriarch Xiao Shengjie to let Xiao Shengjie bring the spring water with Nangongyi.

The name of the spring water is called Peiquan Spring. Before I went to the Baijingquan, I felt the rich energy of Peiquan Spring, so that Nangongyi couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It is already here, Wu Zong adults, the energy of Pei Jingquan will reach the highest at night." Xiao Shengjie said so, he has already withdrew from the people around him, leaving only Nangongyi alone.

Nangong Yixin felt that it was so comfortable again, so he walked around the Peiquan Spring. He did not find any uncomfortable places. He flew up and the whole person fell towards the center of the spring.

Just entering the spring water, I felt a cold piercing the bone marrow, let him frown, and took a cold breath, the whole body injury was a dull pain at this time, making him pale.

How could this be. Nangong Yi clenched his teeth and rushed to fight the temper, separating the whole person from the spring water. The pain in the whole body was alleviated a lot.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and looked at his own body, but was surprised to find that his injury has improved, which makes him happy.

Then put away the vindictiveness, the whole person soaked in the spring water, closed his eyes and meditated quietly.

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