Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1203: Knock down a large piece

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Chapter 1203 knocks down a large piece

Suddenly, the two people over there stood up and walked over to the trio. It seemed to be somewhat uncertain and cautious.

The three stood in the same place, waiting for the two people to come over here.

"The people over there, isn't Meng Bai and the night?" Shangguan suddenly shouted at the opposite person, but he saw two people bowing their heads and saying something, and then the woman's voice suddenly came: "Is it Shangguan?" ”

The five people who finally confirmed each other's identity quickly gathered together.

This time, everyone finally came back.

"We really have been separated for a long time. Now, finally, I saw that there are only two of them." Shangguan and others looked around, but they could not help but frown: "But now we are trapped In the array, I feel very unsafe."

"This array seems to be no danger." Meng Bai said: "I just don't know why I can't come out. We have been here for a long time, but how can we solve this array? We haven't found it yet."

Several people walked to a large open space in the center, sitting on the ground and forming a circle.

"We can't go out now, but because the younger one of the inn is the person of the beast door, I think that the person of the beast door may come soon." Situ said, turn around and look at Nangongyi. Nangong Yi sat next to his knees and did not say anything.

The atmosphere was a little nervous, everyone was not snoring, sitting on the ground and taking time to practice, while guarding.

Suddenly, a gust of wind was overwhelming.

Let everyone's heart not help but tighten, quickly stand up, vindictively wrapped the whole body.

"It seems that the second child said yes, the people of Wanshoumen have arrived!" The night was frowning, and the voice was very serious.

However, after perceiving the realm of the surrounding companions, everyone smiled and laughed. Everyone has already successfully broken through. This way, today’s embarrassment should not be too difficult.

Sure enough, a large group of black people came to this side.

"We are now trapped in the formation, and it is completely slammed." Shangguan frowned and grinned, watching the black people outside murmur.

In front of me, countless black people suddenly came over, very clever around the formation, standing in a circle, surrounded by five people.

Around the black and white array of methods, gradually felt that the sky was dark.

"We can only defend, and the attack is too hindered!" Shangguan's expression gradually became serious.

I saw countless black people around, the gas field was very strong, and the expression of several people gradually became serious.

The black men are well trained and surrounded by groups but they don't go in. Obviously, they are also very clear that they will be trapped.

The weapons in the hands of countless black men were wrapped in black vindictiveness and rushed toward Shangguan and others.

A few people bite their teeth, back against the back, cautiously coping.

"How do we feel like we have invested in the net." Shangguan smiled and turned around to look around. Several people were all cautiously coping, and no one had taken care of him.

Nangong Yi squinted at Shangguan and said: "Don't be distracted."

The fights of countless black people, these people are in their realm, although not so difficult, but also very helpless, a steady stream of black people, so that they have no time to take care of others.

Suddenly, the night brow suddenly wrinkled, looked up and looked at the person in front of him, suddenly in the hands of the vindictive, morphing the whip, reaching out to the law, hooking a man's foot, pulling directly into the array, squatting toward the ground One by one, in an instant, the black man has no breath.

Nangongyi looked down at the ground, and countless small stones were scattered around him. Luck collected all the stones on the ground in front of him, and then shot toward the front. In an instant, the black people outside screamed and fell. A lot of people, no longer stand up.

"Hey! I said! Don't look for these little tricks, come to the important role! We are too boring to play!" Shangguan suddenly shouted helplessly, raised his hand and took a shot, instantly in front of him The black man knocked down a large piece.

Suddenly, the attack of the black man also slowed down a lot.

"Since all of you have said this, if I have to play with you for a while, isn’t it kind?" The familiar voice came from the black man in front of him.

Several people changed their faces and turned their heads to look up at the officer. His eyes were full of murderousness.

Shangguan light coughed twice and scratched his head and smiled.

I saw a familiar figure suddenly flying out of the crowd in front of me, and suddenly let a few people step back and watched the people in front of them with vigilance.

Shangguan Li’s mood seems to be very good. He smiled and walked to the side of the battle. He carried his hands and looked at the five people in the formation. He said: “It’s really hard to get it all.” Looked at Nangong Yi.

Nangong Yi frowned and looked away.

Shangguan gritted his teeth and angered: "If you have the ability, you will come in, otherwise you will have to pay for it!"

After the words have not been finished, Shangguan Li suddenly raised his hand and patted the Shangguan’s chest.

Shangguan’s heart was tight and he hurriedly raised his hand to defend, but he saw that four people around him suddenly rushed forward, and the hard-boiled attack on the Shangguan Li resisted the past.

Five people felt that the blood was overwhelmed and almost vomited and hemorrhage. Shangguan Li had retired two steps, and his mouth slid down with blood.

Five people couldn't help but scream, and they shot together and attacked Shangguan.

However, Shangguan Li was not in the process of the law. They could not flexibly grasp the direction of Shangguan Li. They screamed and screamed outside, but they did not hurt the Shangguan.

"You are still struggling." Shangguan Li sneered and slammed toward several people.

Suddenly, five people felt that the pressure suddenly increased, gritted their teeth, and carried out the fighting spirit to wrap the whole body, trying their best to resist.

A black man was on the side of Shangguan Li, watching the five people fully resist the attack of Shangguan Li, his eyes turned, and he shot in the direction of the night.

In an instant, I felt the rush of the night, the brows were slightly wrinkled, but the strong pressure on the front of the officer made her unable to escape.

Suddenly, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the night color behind him, resisting the black grudge.

"Nan Gong Yi!" 祁 祁 焦 焦 焦 焦 焦 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南 南

It was also at this moment that Shangguan Li suddenly changed direction and slammed Nangongyi out.

Nangong Yidun fell to the ground, coughing twice, spewing a large mouth of blood, licking his chest, did not stand up for a long time.

The four men suddenly blushed and blocked Nangongyi behind him. Shangguan raised his hand and picked up the long sword and stabbed him.

In an instant, there was a roar.

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