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Chapter 1205 is very stressful

Shangguan stood to the side of the night, frowning and looking at Shangguan Li, said to the night: "You are fine, we must not be injured any more, it is still possible to defeat him together."

Noon nodded in the night, five people back to back, for fear of deceitful Shangguan Li will break several people one by one.

Outside is the attack of the small beggar of the Beast Gate, which is close to Shangguan Li.

The pressure on several people is enormous.

However, Shangguan Li did not give them time to rest. The stones on the ground were wrapped in black energy and flew in the direction of five people.

The stone struck sharply from the front, and the five people raised their weapons in an instant. The ping-pong pinged all the stones on the ground, but it hurt the tiger's mouth. The Shangguan couldn't help but grin.

The night is not to be outdone, and the snake sword is raised to the Shangguan. Behind him, Nangong Yi and Shangguan saw this and rushed forward. The vindictiveness wrapped the sword into a sword and attacked Shangguan.

The opposite Shangguan Li suddenly picked up his face and waved the attack of Nangongyi, but he saw the night in front of him.

Shangguan Li rushed back and took the attack of three people.

However, it was not finished yet. Meng Bai and Situ Yu, who were behind him, immediately rushed toward the Shangguan. The Shangguan Li looked at a few people, and the anger was suddenly raging. The whole body violently overflowed, and the temper suddenly expanded. A huge amount of energy suddenly turned toward five people. The direction is going.

Suddenly, a few people had no time to cover their faces, and they were shot down on the ground by Shangguan.

Shangguan Li did not stop, nor gave a few people the opportunity to resist, and took a shot in the direction of five people.

The faces of the five people suddenly became pale.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in front of the five people. I still did not react to the enemy or the friend. I saw the figure of two people suddenly appearing in the white light.

"It’s really time to come." A familiar male voice suddenly came, and suddenly the five people were excited in one heart, the pressure disappeared instantly, and the five people quickly stood up and rushed toward the two people.

"I haven't seen you for so long, have you ever thought about us." The dragon slashed his hook and smacked his face, and the smile of the evil charm was extraordinary: "My little things also said that she missed you very much."

Beside him, the cloud dance stood quietly beside him, looking at the Shangguan Li in front of him, the clouds were light and windy, and around the cloud dance, Lin Yunqi and Mu Xiu Ming also stood next to each other, but now it is a tense moment, so there is no time to introduce

"Long time no see." Cloud dance smiled lightly.

Seeing the cloud dance, Shangguan Li’s face was a bit uncomfortable, but he still smiled: "We will always meet like this."

"Small nine, small stinky, come out!" In an instant, Xiaojiu around has already rushed out to the direction of Shangguan Li, and the small stinky, whirls sharply in the sky, after a few hovering, swooping down, toward Going in the direction of Shangguan Li.

The ancient Wu Dadao was instantly held in his hand. In the eyes of Yun Dance, there was a cold indifference. He didn’t talk any more, and the whole body was wrapped up in the air. The ancient Wudao knife wrapped the elements of Lei, and with lightning, he went to Shangguan Li.

As soon as the vindictiveness was motivated, everyone realized that this strange woman had already broken through Wuling.

Five people were shocked to see the figure of the cloud dance, the heart is full of incredible, originally thought of having caught up with the footsteps of cloud dance, but did not expect that the cloud dance has taken their first step, breaking through Wuling.

The ancient martial arts knife did not bring any fancy action to the face of Shangguan Li. Shangguan Li looked down and sneered, black vindictive wrapped in the palm of his hand, sideways avoiding the sharp knife wind, and grabbed the wrist of the cloud dance.

The cloud dance did not escape, the ancient Wu knife side past, obliquely slanted toward the neck of the official Li, the Shangguan Lixin shocked, and instantly avoided.

The ancient Wu Dadao was able to cross the neck of Shangguan Li, and suddenly a blood mark appeared under the neck.

The whistling wind made everyone stunned.

"This little dance is really incredible." Shangguan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "I thought we finally had the ability to show off to her."

Dragons are standing on one side, smiling and watching the clouds dance, like that, just want to watch their lover play in front of the general: "Little guy, do you need me to unlock this array?"

Cloud dance brows slightly wrinkled, but shook his head, did not speak, continue to attack the Shangguan Li for a moment.

Shangguan Li was also angry and angry, and suddenly screamed and flew toward the cloud dance in front of him.

When the five people saw this, they looked at each other and flew away in the direction of the cloud dance.

Suddenly, the beasts and other people who had stood outside attack suddenly burst into the squad.

The whole scene was a mess.

Five people and the cloud dance were blocked at once.

The five people were in trouble in the dark, holding a long sword and stabbing them in front of the beasts of the beasts. The whole body was wrapped in vindictiveness. Basically, the beasts of the beasts could not enter.

Not long after, the beasts of the beasts have fallen to the ground.

The blood flows into the river.

The cloud dance has also been panting, constantly panting, looking at the front, Shangguan Li also gasped, and the corner of his mouth sneered: "Yes, I look down on you."

"You have also grown up." The cloud dance gasped, but his face was a faint smile. The two men struggled for a while, but they did not hurt the other side. It was just that the physical strength of the cloud dance dropped too fast. Sure enough, there were still some gaps. So at this time, it is best to speed up.

Suddenly, the small stench fell from the sky, and went to the eyes of Shangguan Li, but was shot by Shangguan Li, and left the far, with a sharp voice.

Suddenly, the face of Yun Dance is even more ugly: "Small nine, up!"

Xiao Jiu rushed forward, and the nine huge tails behind him unfolded. The pressure from the ancients went to the Shangguan.

Yunwu also suddenly flew toward the Shangguan Lifei, Guwu Dadao in hand, a burst of screaming wind, Shangguan Li face pale, toward the side.

The cloud dance did not give the opportunity at all, and the backhand continued to slash toward Shangguan.

It is very difficult for Shangguan to deal with it.

At this time, eight people over there have already walked to the vicinity of the cloud dance, and they are fighting against the little ones around them.

The momentum of the eight people, instantly let the beasts of the beasts standing still tremble, and some people who are not hurt, have fallen to the ground, spit blood.

Cloud dance has no side, and is fighting with Shangguan Li, but she has already felt the realm of everyone, the corner of her mouth has already evoked a confident smile, watching Shangguan Li, not saying a word.

"Today we have to get together and talk about the time to separate the time, hahaha." Shangguan shouted loudly, laughing, everyone can hear, and can not help but smack the mouth, an instant high-spirited.

The cloud dance suddenly raised the broadsword and ran to the Shangguan.

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