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Chapter 1214 can't wait

The cool breeze blew, and everyone felt refreshed.

Shangguan sighed and sat at the table and looked at the scenery outside the door: "The scenery of the wooden world has always been so beautiful."

Everyone around me was drinking a bowl of wine and talking about the past and the future. The inn seemed to be a happy one, although only a few of them.

"Little guy." Dragon pours suddenly to the ear of the cloud dance, screaming at the ear of the cloud dance, with the smell of wine, the smile of the evil charm, so that the temperature of the entire inn suddenly rises: "I think Should we spend the month before, after all, we have to leave so long, what do you say?"

The cloud dance smiled slightly and touched a somewhat hot face. He sighed and said, "Let me go out and walk." Turned to the crowd and said: "Let's go, the hare is baked and remember to call me." The entrance to the inn.

Situ patted his forehead and annoyed: "Look at me, forget about the hare, wait for me to go to the hare!" Then he rushed to the kitchen.

Shangguan also stood up and ran to the kitchen, shouting: "Wait for me, let me help!"

Less than half an hour, the smell of fragrant barbecue was heard from the kitchen. Everyone felt the stomach screaming and couldn't wait to let Stuart take the baked rabbit to the table.

Mu Xiu Ming ran out and called the cloud dance and the dragon to fall into the evil spirits. Everyone sat together and tore the barbecue on the table.

"I really hope that such a beautiful life can go on." Meng Bai lamented: "But we are heavy and the road ahead is not as difficult."

"In such a day, I want to wait until we defeat the door of the beast, there will be." Drinking a sip of wine at night, faintly said.

The moon has gradually gone down, and the white belly has appeared in the east.

When the sun is fully raised, the group has been drunk on the table, sleeping sweetly, and the warmth of the morning, filled into the house.

Yunwu opened his eyes, looked at the people around him, blinked his eyes and walked out of the inn.

After a while, everyone has woke up and heard the whispering talks of everyone inside. The cloud dance went into the room and looked at everyone: "So everyone started preparing to leave recently. We can’t stay in the wood industry for a long time. Go find a place to buy things and you can't leave without preparation."

Everyone should be, simply cleaned up, everyone walked out of the inn, and walked together in the woods in twos and threes.

The two days turned around and soon arrived at the time of separation.

The sky was still not shining, and the cloud dance came out of the inn. Others were still immersed in their sleep, and the cloud dance turned to look at the last look of the inn, flicking in one direction.

Just flew out not far, I saw a tree in front of it, and the dragon was leaning down on it, and the dragon fell in love with the evil face.

"It’s so slow, it seems to be saying goodbye to them?" The dragon poured out his hand and took the cloud dance into his arms and said with a chuckle.

Although they don't need to be separated for the time being, they will have to go to their own actions until the volcanic squad is removed. So now that there are fewer people, it is a while to hold for a while.

"Everyone is not awake." Yun Dance said faintly, it seems that he knew the dragon's thoughts, but he did not push him away. Instead, he said: "I have always liked to say goodbye, but I don't want to reunite."

When the dragon slashes the corner of the mouth and knows the nature of the cloud dance, he will not say anything more. A handsome face was close to the cloud dance, and ‘啵’ had stolen a scent on her face.

"Let's go." Before the cloud dance attack, the dragon's arm was tight, and the action that the cloud dance could resist was directly suppressed.

Yunwu shook his head helplessly, and broke free from the arms of the dragon, and then summoned Jin Ling.

"Master." Jin Ling shouted at the cloud dance, and then directly showed the body, the huge Peng bird appeared in front of the two.

The dragon fell into the evil spirits and waited for the cloud dance to move. She reached out and stopped her waist and took her up.

The two sat on the back of Jin Ling, and Jin Ling's wings were stretched, and they flew straight ahead.

From the border of the wooden capital to the volcano, the place that was directly reached because of the transmission of the problem, now at the speed of Jinling, it took two days and two nights to finally reach the volcano. border.

Flint Town.

The Yun Dance, who just left, returned to here again.

Jin Ling stopped in the forest outside Flint Town, and the cloud dance and the dragon fell from his back, and then Jin Ling returned to his own space.

"If you can pull Flint Town into our camp, it must be a big boost." Yun Dance looked at the tall gates of Flint Town not far away, and said to the dragons around him.

While holding the cloud dance, the dragon smirked and shook his head with a smile. "I see it hard. Although the person who is igniting is loyal, the most important thing for him is the thousands of residents in Flint Town. Joining our camp directly is a great challenge for him. It is a fire spirit that will unconditionally support you."

I remembered the lively girl who had been keeping her side in the grave and never worried about herself.

Although I have been away for a few days, it seems to have left for a long time. If Huo Linger sees himself again, will he be very happy?

"Let's go, let's go in and see." Thinking of this, the cloud dance can't wait to say.

I originally intended to give a part of the score to her after coming out of the tomb. As a result, I was too anxious to forget this embarrassment. Now I am back again, just to thank Huo Linger’s original actions, and it will be decided by the way. Thank you for your help.

"Stop! You are in Yulin Town! No entry!"

The two people of Yunwu had not yet reached the gate of the city, and suddenly heard the sound coming from the front, so they stopped and looked to the front.

I saw at the gate of the city, a group of soldiers were holding weapons to check back and forth the people who went in and out, and they were stopped by a group of people surrounded by a carriage. Those who appear to be arrogant and arrogant.

"Why don't you let in? You know who is sitting in this car? We are Zhang Dacai in Yulin Town! You are not allowed to enter?"

A group of soldiers across the street were unmoved.

"If you don't let it go, you won't let it go. As long as it's not in Flint Town, you can't let it go! Go hurry!"

The cloud dance looked at the dragon and the evil spirits around him. He said: "It seems that in the past few days, there has been a big change in Flint Town."

Long Dianxie stared at the dispute in front for a long time, and finally said: "It seems that we have to sneak in and find someone, if it is directly smashed, it will definitely fight."

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