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Chapter 1216 is getting stronger

After several battles, the number of opponents is already less than half, but their own losses are also heavy.

Now that the victory or defeat is almost fixed, the master of Mucheng can't wait for the fire to surrender directly, otherwise it will be self-destructive and hurt one thousand.

"Oh." The fire sneered, his face splashed and didn't know who's blood. "Despicable villain, don't take your set and ask me to sizzle!"

Mucheng’s main face sank down and snorted: “Hey, I don’t see the coffin without tears. If so, let you die!”

After that, he waved directly, and all the soldiers behind him stepped forward. Another battle broke out above the mountains.

"Look! It's awkward!" Fire Linger and Yun Dance and the Dragon Dangerous Three stood in the sky, overlooking the battle below.

At this time, it was the fierce battle, a large number of people gathered together, but Huo Linger recognized the position of the fire at a glance.

When I saw that the fire was still safe, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cloud sister, what should I do? Do you want to go directly..." Huo Linger turned his head and looked at the cloud dance, some anxiously said.

The clinker cloud dance shook his head and said: "He was originally caught in Yulin Town because I was involved in the grave. If so, I would not be able to intervene."

"What should I do?" asked Fire Linger.

Yunwu bowed his head and thought about it. The line of sight stared at the fiery figure, his eyes groaned and said: "I have a way."

After all, the palm of your hand stretched out, and a white jade card appeared in the palm of your hand.

"Isn't this the key to the grave?" Fire Linger exclaimed.

Yunwu nodded and said: "I accepted the inheritance and succeeded in inheriting the tomb. But the power in this jade card is separate and does not belong to the category of inheritance. I have never had the power to absorb it, so this jade card I have been with you all the time."

"What do you mean is that instead of letting you show up to help the fire and finally reach the population, it is better to find ways to help him improve his strength, so even if you leave later, those in Yulin Town will not dare to find anything else?" The eyes express the idea of ​​cloud dance.

"Yes." Cloud dance nodded.

After all, Yun Yun’s thoughts moved, and the power in the jade card was directly mobilized. A pure force flowed out of the jade card and floated toward the fire below.

The power is very small. If you don't look at it, you can't find it, but the cloud dance is not satisfied. It directly mobilizes the white mist in the chaos hall, wraps the power and then slightly controls it. Even if you look at it, you can't see it. .

That force has been drifting toward the fire.

It is in the midst of a hard battle with the main city of Mucheng. It was originally because Mucheng called another person and some did not.

At this moment, the clinker suddenly felt a force in the body. This force consciously blended with the vindictiveness of the body while touching the body, and instantly added the power that he had previously consumed.

A sigh of fire, when I had not figured out what was going on, a cold voice suddenly came from my ear.

"Keep your strength and absorb these forces, enough for you to advance."

The cold voice of the cloud dance was passed through by internal forces, and no one else heard it except the other two people in the fire and the sky.

The sound of the fire instantly heard who is this voice - who can be in addition to the cloud dance?

I do not know why, the fire suddenly excited, as if the sudden death suddenly found a savior, for the strength of the cloud dance he knows, as long as the cloud dance, he will be saved, Flint Town will be saved!

At the moment, the fire is trying to cover up the ecstasy in the heart, and the face is not moving, but it is desperately absorbing the power that comes from it.

A long sword slanted from one side and slammed into the body, and immediately escaped the attack. Then several consecutive attacks hit him, but all were avoided.

"What happened?" Mucheng master was shocked. Ming Ming was still as strong as the end of the battle. At this time, when he avoided the attack, he looked more than enough. How did this fire suddenly become awful?

"Don't worry about him, I think he wants to be desperate!" said another person.

Mucheng nodded. "It is possible, but for insurance, it is plus others."

After that, it was called a city owner.

The fire stunned and looked at the three people in front of him. Just two of them have been very laborious. Now they have just begun to absorb strength. There is still a little distance from the promotion. I am afraid it is difficult to deal with.

"Let go and fight, I will help you." The cold voice came again, and the fire took a deep breath, and it was the first to attack the opposite person!

When the man saw the fire, he even greeted him directly, and immediately sneered and said: "I don't care."

Then there was no softness, and the attack was attacked directly, and the fire was greeted.

The fire that originally thought to be the end of the mighty must be hit by himself, but I did not expect that this attack has a powerful force. When the two forces collided, the city owner was directly shot and flew out!

Above the sky, the cloud dance faintly retracted the hand, glanced at the city owner who was shot and continued to look at the battle below.

"What happened? How suddenly did he become so strong?" Another city owner panicked, so it seems that it is not the end of power!

Mucheng’s heart is strange, the fire on the opposite side seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Is it that the secret technique is not used?

There are indeed some mysteries in this world, which can make people improve their strength in a short period of time, but these secrets will have sequelae without exception, but they have to use it at the end of life and death.

"It must be what secret technique he used. There are time limits for secret surgery. Let's hold him first." Mucheng master took the initiative.

When the words came out, another city owner nodded.

However, the fire does not intend to delay time.

The time is getting longer and longer, and the strength of the fire is getting stronger and stronger. Later, with the help of the two masters, it is not his opponent.

The war situation changed too fast, and the Mucheng master directly called the other city owners to deal with him.

Cloud dance stood in the sky, and from time to time to help out, everyone who was injured by her, was basically seriously injured, there is no fighting power in a short time.

"If you are idle, take care of other battles, don't let Flint die too much." Yun Dance looked at the idle and boring dragon.

The dragon screamed and yawned and said: "These little shrimps, I am afraid that I will be pinched to death when I get out."

Having said that, the dragon is still raising his hand and releasing his own power. The cloud dance promptly mobilizes the white smoke on the third floor of the Chaos Temple to help the dragon to cover the movement.

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