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Chapter 1233 long-awaited battle

"How? Did you agree on the other side?" Situ asked.

Yunwu nodded. "The power of the volcano is no longer a problem. It is just that the town has just expanded and it will take some time to stabilize. The mercenary group at the top of the desert is on call."

"It’s not a small five, it’s a shot.” ​​Shangguan’s “啧啧” praised.

"Ma Ma, Ma Ma, the Phoenix family is always on call!" The small stinky scent followed, and they disappeared. They disappeared for many days and directly fell on the cloud dance.

Then, Red Fire Dragon and Nangong also made clear the situation on their own side.

Until the end, Situ smirked and shook his head. "I have encountered some problems, I am afraid... they will not come to support."

When the words came out, everyone was silent for a moment.

"Come on, sit down and say, the people here are discussing some of the problems they are facing now, and then solving them one by one, Situ, don't be downcast, even if there is no support from the island, there are us, very soon, You will be able to see a world of wood with a good team."

The atmosphere of the adjustment of Mu Xiu Ming’s words, everyone has settled down.

Nangong inadvertently came to the side of the night, whispered: "Working hard."

As soon as I was stunned, I always flashed an unnatural look on my cold face, and whispered, "You are too."

After that, I sat down with the cloud dance.

The South Palace paused, opened the chair, and sat next to the night.

The interaction between the two was too small and no one noticed.

Looking at the people around, they are doing their own things in an orderly manner. Yunwu is very satisfied and nods. "The forces in various places are ready. With a single order, they will go to the designated place through the transmission array. From now on. Looking at it, our forces have begun to take shape. As for other places... we don’t have to worry about it for the time being."

Stuart shrugged and felt a little disappointed, but knew that he had no reason to bring that paradise into the war, so it was just silence.

"Situ." The cloud dance suddenly came out.

Situ stunned and looked up and found that everyone was watching him. There was no blame in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but move his mind.

"It’s all by their willingness to join us. No one will be willing to die, let alone the existence of the beast door.” Yun Dance said faintly, "It’s no longer important that they join or not. The important thing is What are we going to do?"

Stuart nodded seriously and said, "I know."

"Then we are waiting for the dragon to pour out the various transmission arrays outside, and then let everyone reach the human world at the same time." Mu Xiu Ming shook his fist and said, his eyes were quite excited, and the long-awaited battle finally came. It is.

Yun Dance said: "This time, there is nothing to be done for the time being, but everyone still needs to be vigilant. We may immediately inform everyone to go to the human world."

Mu Xiu Ming nodded seriously and his eyes were full of firmness.

Since I am ruining my home, I will not let you go, I must avenge the dead!

The next time in the world of wood is simple and full.

Large-scale troops have begun to camp and work hard.

And some idlers, and some people who later learned this thing, are also going to report to join the team, and slowly, the whole world of wood has recovered a lot of vitality.

in the afternoon.

Yunwu stood on the training ground where everyone was temporarily building in the square. He watched the warriors in the world of Mengbai and Mudu fighting and fighting. The sunset slanted and stretched the figure of the clouds, the warriors in front of them. The laughter, bloody, shouting cheers, cheers.

How can the short-lived peace exchanged by the blood of many people disappear so easily?

Yunduo looked at a group of people in front of him, if he wants to keep everyone's happiness, then he must win the door of the beast.

Because of the aborigines of the wood city, the initial construction of the capital was very rapid. After half a month, the core part of the entire city has been completed, and it is full of countless laughter.

Numerous houses have been established, and some of them have been guarded and trained in an orderly manner.

Gradually smooth people's hearts, so that the cloud dance is very reassuring, so that night, a letter was sent out, the letter wrote a sentence:

We sincerely invite you to come to the wood industry to discuss specific matters.

The signature is cloud dance.

After three days, countless squads came to the woods through the transmission array.

They were placed in each temporary room, and Yun Dance gathered everyone in a room and began to learn more about the specific situation of the various forces.

After everyone has finished the explanation, the cloud dance has already understood almost the same, and what is not enough, it is also handed over to the responsible person in each team, responsible for summing up, and then handed over to Mu Xiu Ming.

After explaining everything that can be thought of, Yun Dance gathers everyone in one night.

"You, now we are all prepared for the forces of all parties. Only the human world does not know how to do it now, so I think that we still need to assemble a team in the human world. So I decided to return first. Human world."

Yun Wu said, looking at the crowd in front of me, smiled and said: "I am very relieved that you are here, there is no need to worry that the world of wood will fall. The transmission array is temporarily unable to transmit so many people, so everyone is waiting for the dragon to fall into the evil spirits. Come back, bring him back, let him think of ways, let everyone go to the world, I am waiting for you in the human world."

"What? Xiaowu, do you want to go by yourself?" Shangguan called out directly. "How is that going? You are more dangerous to go to the human world alone, not to mention that you don't know anything now, if you meet someone who has a beast door... ..."

"If you meet someone who has a beast, then take a fight."

The cloud dance said faintly, "Not to mention, I now have Dumen, even if it is really dangerous, it will be a big escape."

"..." Everyone thought: "It’s a enchanting..."

Seeing Yunwu has decided to go to the human world, and everyone is not good to say anything more.

I simply confessed a few words, and the cloud dance went to the human world through the transmission array.

But the human world is worse than the cloud dance.

The cloud dance that suddenly appeared at the entrance of the human world suddenly caught the attention of everyone. There were countless people in black standing in front of them, coming and going to watch, and seeing the moment of cloud dance, they have already walked toward the cloud dance. .

Several people also looked down at the portrait in their hands, a black man said something to the people around him, and then those black people quickly speeded up and ran towards the direction of the cloud dance.

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