Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1235: The roof of the brothel

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Chapter 1235, the roof of the brothel

Swinging the knife and cutting it toward the front of a black man, in an instant, the entire street suddenly screamed, and everyone fled.

Cloud Dance knows that it seems that this time it can't escape.

In the whole street, only the cloud dance and the black man were left in the moment, and they quickly rushed toward the black man, ready to plan for a quick fix.

However, I did not expect that the black people seemed to have received the notice. It was not long before the streets were full of black people, so that the cloud dance could not be moved.

This time, only these people can be solved.

Yun Wu thought, now is a group of not surprising, if it is easier to get it.

"Small nine come out!" Yun Dance shouted. In an instant, Xiaojiu was already standing by, and he said nothing, and rushed toward the black man in front of him.

Suddenly, the black man was murderous, because they finally confirmed that this person is a cloud dance.

Xiao Jiu was killed in front, and Yun Dance had already killed the black man in front of him.

In a short while, the focus is almost at the same time.

However, Yun Dance felt a huge pressure and murderousness around him, and suddenly he was nervous and looked at him.

Sure enough, not far from me, standing five people, these people seem to have not seen themselves, but the realm seems to be only under oneself, it seems that five people are very difficult to deal with.

Cloud dance can't help but frown. In this case, I can't leave very quickly. As the saying goes, there are many nights and long dreams. If there is more time, I am afraid there will be more incidents.

The ancient Wu Dadao suddenly thundered the elements, and summoned the small stinks, three to five, it seems that there is still a good chance of winning.

So he went to the people in front of him.

The five people were full of blackness and almost no face, which made the cloud dance feel very uncomfortable. She hurriedly greeted a man, and the ancient sword slashed toward the man in front of him.

A glimpse of the blade quickly crossed, but the man in front of him did not expect to escape.

Some people's realm is not very high, but their ability to fight in close combat is much stronger.

Thinking about it, Yun Dance breathed a sigh of relief and told myself that he must be more flexible.

The man who avoided the blade suddenly made a force to fly toward the cloud dance like an arrow and quickly flew away.

Yunwu’s heart is tight, but the efficacy of the wine he drinks at the moment is not completely solved. Now the situation is more critical.

Xiao Jiu and Xiao Smelly are alone against two people, and in front of them, three people are wrestling with the clouds.

Cloud dance cold sweat, feeling a little hard, although the body's efficacy has been solved in the majority, but the bursts of dizziness, but also greatly reduced the attack power of cloud dance.

She bit her lip and bite the bleeding, which made herself sober, forced herself to faint, and suddenly turned to look at the man behind her.

The man behind him seems to have long expected that the cloud dance will turn around, and leisurely sideways dodge, but now the person standing behind the cloud dance, but suddenly cut toward the back of the cloud dance.

Yunwu only felt the cool breeze behind her neck. Her heart was tight and she hurriedly sideways, but she saw the third person behind her. She had raised her sword and stabbed her neck.

The cooperation is too tacit, which makes Yun Dance very surprised, but she does not dare to relax her vigilance. She only needs a time to adjust her interest, but those people seem to know that she has already gotten medicine, and she has not given her a chance to adjust her interest.

Until she was panting and cold sweats, at this time, the cloud dance came cold and came down: "It seems that I have already entered your traps, right?"

The black man was too lazy to pay attention to Xiao Jiu, still cooperating with the tacit attack toward the cloud dance.

Cloud dance gradually felt painful.

Carefully look around and look for directions to leave.

But in all directions, countless black people come and go, there is no route to leave.

Repelling a man in front of him, Yun Yun turned and looked behind him, only to see the little Eryi face smirk and looked at the cloud dance in front of him, standing at the door of the pub door.

The cloud dance sneered, turned and cut down a man, and ran towards the pub door.

It was not until Xiao Er saw that the cloud dance ran towards him. He suddenly changed his face and looked at the black man behind him for a long time.

The black people behind him also chased in the direction of the cloud dance, but the cloud dance is Wuling after all. Although these people are numerous, they are still worse.

I saw Yunwu lifted the big knife and rushed toward the direction of Xiao Er. Ling Xiao’s blade made Xiao Er’s forehead sweating and retreated toward him.

However, he retired quickly, and there was no cloud dance running fast, and he slashed toward Xiao Er’s stomach.

Xiao Er was frightened. The black vindictively carried out the palm of his hand and patted in the direction of the cloud dance, while the other hand picked up a bench from behind and slammed into the cloud dance.

"I can't think of a store, Xiao Er, but I also have a black grudge." Yun Dance said coldly, "It seems that you are already a beast."

Said, the cloud dance directly scythes the bench, with the windy figure, crossed by the second.

Just listening to a scream, the second child who had not had time to resist, had fallen to the ground, and half of the palms flew out, the blood on his stomach, and a large piece of blood ran down on the ground.

The cloud dance head did not return, and ran towards the second floor.

The pub has no one else, the windows on the second floor are very large, the cloud dance looks at the following, countless black people, the inspection is very strict, which makes the cloud dance frowned.

Not because of how strong these people are, but because they feel like this, they don’t know when they will be able to see their team.

Looking at the direction of the stairs, the few people did not come up, may also be taboo on the cloud dance, cloud dance to go out and look at the building next to the pub outside.

Not far from there is the brothel.

Looking down at the men’s clothing on my body, I felt a move in my heart and turned over. I jumped on the roof of the brothel. The bricks made her break a few pieces. When I fell, it caused a lot of screams. Countless people looked up. go with.

She quickly opened the bricks, and sure enough, under the bricks, inside the brothel, she could see an obese man holding a brothel woman over the rain, a nausea, but the cloud dance still turned down.

Lightly fell into the room.

The two people who were intimate, they were shocked to see the sudden cloud dance. The man pointed at the cloud dance for a long time without saying anything, while the woman, already tearful, was ready to scream.

Going forward, I stunned the man, turned and grabbed the woman, and slammed her mouth: "Hey, little noise, I am hiding here for a while, if I come in, I will say that I am going out, otherwise, I am afraid tonight. Can't get out of this room."

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