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Chapter 1258 ruins

The cloud dance has already left very far.

Turning around and seeing, Shangguan is still chasing after him, and Yun Dance hastily changed direction and ran towards a mountain.

The speed is very fast.

The Shangguan Temple suddenly groaned, suddenly stopped in place, and then went on, and moved toward the direction of cloud dance.

Yun Yun’s heart was troublesome, but it speeded up, a few turns, and continued to fly, and the Shangguan, was also dropped a long distance.

In the vast forest, countless black people, looking at the grass in front of the violently shaking, and watching the crazy chase of the Shangguan, stunned.

Finally, there was a mountain in front of you. There were countless caves under the mountain in front of you. I am afraid that the place where Warcraft used to hide food was a surprise in my heart. It was good, I ran towards one of the caves, and then quickly drilled. Go in.

Shangguanlu has already chased the mountain at this time. At a glance, he saw countless caves not far away. His face was flushed and roared. However, even if he felt the breath of cloud dance now, he could not find where the cloud dance was.

There are so many caves in front of you, you can't always find yourself one by one.

Turned to look at the men, said: "You, go to the cave in front, give me a search!"

His men rushed to death and looked flustered. Who knows who this is? Who knows if there is a beast to eat.

But the orders of the Shangguan, who dared not listen, hurriedly dispersed and walked toward the cave.

Cloud dance ran into a cave everywhere, only to see that the cave in front of it was twisted and twisted, as if it was going to a far away place.

Then he took the ancient sword in his hand and walked carefully toward the front. He thought, maybe there would be another exit not far from the front.

Sure enough, this cave was very long. After walking a fragrant work, finally, I saw a glimmer of light and hurried forward, but I saw that the front is really another exit!

Turn around and see if there is no one over there, that would be great! Yunwu thought in his heart and hurriedly got out of the hole.

Standing in front of the mountain, the Shangguan, his face is gloomy to the extreme, because he has completely felt the breath of the cloud dance, and resists the feeling of wanting to kill, the Shangguan sinisterly said: "Let's go!"


Among the dark and deep dungeons of the Beast Gate, the Shangguanzuan took a group of beasts in black robes and walked slowly toward the depths.

In the past, this dungeon, which was not guarded by too many people, is now guarded by a black man every few steps.

Since the snow and silver blew, there is no supply of energy in the base of the Beast Gate.

All places must be personally responsible by the members of the Beast Gate. All the arrays that rely on snow and silver to provide energy are all ineffective. Only a small part of the array that does not require the energy of snow and silver is still in use.

In the same way, because of the self-explosion of snow and silver, the more the beast door base is turned down, the more it is turned into ruins, and the other part barely maintains its form, and it seems to be in jeopardy.

Shangguan’s face is heavy, and today’s dungeon does not seem to be the dungeon of the past. It can only rely on the dungeons of the staff to separate more people to do their own arrangements, not to mention the cloud dance already. How can he not be angry when he slipped away from his hand several times?

So today, he must use some other methods to catch the cloud dance back.

The footsteps of "哒哒" have been extending deep into the depths.

The beasts who stood on both sides felt terrified when they went through the Shangguan. I heard that the bureaucrats were in a bad mood during this time, and there was always a tragic death in his hands.

Therefore, everyone was careful, for fear that they also accidentally provoked him, and even did not know how to die.

Finally, Shangguan’s footsteps stopped, and everyone behind him stopped.

In front of it is a large dungeon, although the area is much larger than other dungeons, and there are more people around the guards than in other places, but the environment here is more dirty.

It seems that it is because the person in charge is very important to Shangguan, and he is very willing to torture those who make his heart unhappy. The more he is not happy, the more he wants to torture.

I saw a few personal classes in the dungeon. If the cloud dance is here, I will find out that these people are all aware of it!

"Open the door." The official residence was cold and cold.

"Yes!" There was a black man immediately on the side, and then immediately took the key and opened the door of the dungeon.

At the moment when the door is opened, the light above the door flashes, and the pattern of a pattern appears instantly.

Originally these people were locked in the dungeon closest to the bottom, and it was one of the strongest defenses in the entire beast door. However, the snow and silver blew themselves. Their previous cell's formation failed, so they could only be transferred here and defended against the newly constructed formation.

"Shangguan!" The people in the dungeons looked up and saw the upper bureaucrats standing at the door of the dungeon. The expressions on each face were different, but the most was still hateful.

Shangguan’s mouth is a hook. Although I can’t catch the cloud dance, it’s not bad to catch the people she cares about. If the cloud dance knows, I’m afraid that the face is not so good.

"How are you living here?" Shangguanyi stepped forward and stood outside the door of the cell, sneering at the people inside who were locked up.

"Upper bureaucrat! You are not guilty, you must not die!"

"All the people of the beasts are not to die! One day you will get retribution!"

"I tell you! Someone will take revenge for us!"


All the people in custody said with excitement, watching the look of Shangguanyi one by one, eager to rush to eat him, and even some excited people really rushed up.

But the hands just touched the edge of the law, it was like being hit by lightning.

A flash of light flashed, "Ah-" a scream, trembling with both hands and quickly retreated.

There was a chaos in the dungeon.

Shangguan’s mouth was hooked, revealing a mocking smile, saying: “Look at what you are now, where can you see the people of the Murong family in the past? If the cloud dance is here now, it will be angered by direct anger. Die it?"

"what did you say?"

When I heard the Shangguan, I immediately raised a lot of people, and then an old man slowly stood up and looked at the Shangguan: "What do you say? Little dance? Where is the little dance?"

Shangguan blinked his eyes and saw the look on the faces of the people. He said, "She... I am not here for the time being."

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