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Chapter 1264 Killer Corps

The cloud dance brows slightly wrinkled, suddenly raised the broadsword and ran towards the soldiers of the Yunjiajun.

"The leader!" The Yunjiajun soldier, dare to turn his head and say hello to the cloud dance.

This makes the cloud dance very speechless, but the Yunjia Army has always been well-trained, which makes the cloud dance very unclear and angered: "Look ahead!"

The soldier was shocked and hurriedly turned his head to look forward. Suddenly, he raised his sword and hardened a sword from the beast.

At this time, the cloud dance just came to the rear of the soldier. Suddenly, he raised his hand and cut it toward the black man. Suddenly, the black population spurted blood and instantly flew out, without breath.

The soldier suddenly reacted at this time and hurriedly thanked him, but his face changed and suddenly shouted: "The leader! Be careful behind you!"

Cloud dance face pale, almost instantly turned, Shangguan's hand, can be drawn across the neck of the cloud dance, instantly, a blood mark on the neck, a few drops of blood fell to the ground.

The Shangguan Temple did not stop, and the backhand grabbed the neck of the cloud dance. It was insidious, obviously it was a dead hand, and never intended to let the cloud dance come out alive.

Cloud dance raised his hand to resist the opening, and immediately took three steps back before standing still.

"Cloud dance, you can rest assured, today you can't get out of here, you destroy my beast door, and use your life to pay for it!"

Yun Wu did not pay attention to him at all. It was just too dangerous to wrap the elements of Lei on the big knife and Shangguan.

I hurriedly slashed the shoulders of the bureaucrats, and the Shangguan 冢 淡 轻 轻 轻 轻, but suddenly frowned, turned to look, his shoulders, clothes have broken a corner.

On the official residence, suddenly a more powerful murderous.

In the heart of the cloud dance, the dark road is now more careful, with a big knife, looking at the front with vigilance.

There were countless deaths and injuries in the entire Yunjiajun and Wanshimen, and the corpses were everywhere. The cloud dance couldn’t bear to see the current situation, but if no one sacrificed, where is the future peace.

There are countless people in front of the battle in the battle with the beast door, the cloud dance bites his teeth, and the fire is burning in his eyes.

The big knife seemed to tear the air in the air, and a deep trace was drawn on the ground. She cut it toward the Shangguan. This knife made the cloud dance almost exhausted.

Seeing that the cloud dance was coming, the Shangguan was also cautious. He suddenly slowed down his body and did not hurry forward. Instead, he felt the power of the cloud dance, and then suddenly closed his eyes and hands. Lift it up slightly.

Suddenly, countless swords inserted in the land were suspended from the ground into the air, and all the swords smashed in the direction of the cloud dance.

Yunwu hurriedly lifted the knife and stopped it, but the great strength, or let the people around him tremble.

Yunwu also stepped back, but he saw that Shangguanyi suddenly grabbed a cloud soldier near him and threw it at himself. The soldier screamed and his face became pale.

His Shangguane certainly decided that he could not kill his own people. Yunwu also knew, but Yunwu could not give up the life of a Yunjiajun, but Shangguanyu was behind the soldier, standing behind him, if he could not Killing this person, then in the next second, he may be hit hard by the Shangguan.

Hesitant only for a moment, Yun Dance immediately responded, she suddenly turned the blade, sideways trying to avoid the soldier.

However, Shangguanyu has already appeared in front of himself, raising his hand and taking a hand, and is heading towards the Yunjiajun who flies past.

Yunwu gritted his teeth and suddenly turned his body in the air, blocking the middle of the Yunjia Army and Shangguan.

Yes, maybe she will be seriously injured if she bears this blow, but if the soldier is to bear the blow, then he may not survive.

Released the spirit of the whole body to resist the power of Shangguan's palm, Yunwu closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, letting the body fight to protect the heart.

Suddenly, a small wind broke behind him.

Suddenly, Yunwu opened his eyes and stunned for a long while. After he had not responded, he felt that the Shangguan, behind him, suddenly turned his strength to one side and slammed in a certain direction on the ground.

The heart of the cloud dance is the time to cut off the chest of the fast-moving bureaucracy.

Shangguan’s brow wrinkled and wanted to avoid it, but there was another hidden weapon flying around, and the hidden weapon came very quickly.

And silent, Shangguan is actually inevitable, so he is not prepared to avoid the hidden weapon around him, but choose to avoid the attack of cloud dance.

The tiny hidden weapon instantly pierced the arm of the Shangguan, a small tingling, and suddenly changed the face of the Shangguan, because he felt that his hand was numb.

Moreover, the wound caused by the hidden weapon extended and gradually became black.

"Damn!" He screamed at the cloud dance in anger.

"Oh..." Yun Dance suddenly couldn't stand it, and a blood spurted out.

The Shangguan hurriedly sealed the meridians on his arms and used his other hand to shoot a palm dance.

The cloud dance sucked a cold breath. At this time, because of the palm of the hand, it was really painful. It was impossible to move, and the hand of the Shangguan’s hand was photographed toward him.

However, there were another group of black people suddenly appearing around them. They seemed to appear out of nowhere, silently, just in the direction of the Shangguan.

Killer Corps! Yun Wu’s heart is very excited, which shows that this time more victory is in sight.

With the emergence of the Killer Corps, the battle was even faster. The bodies of countless black men on the ground gradually piled up into mountains.

The killer regiment still quietly shuttles through the entire battlefield. They are good at sneak attacks. They are good at close combat and all moves are fatal.

The leaves in front of the main hall creaked, and the sound of the killer corps did not sound louder.

Cloud Dance suddenly felt a lot easier, and the speed of Yun Jiajun also became faster.

At this time, Shangguan’s face was quite bad.

The toxin on the arm, after being blocked by him, spread slightly slower, but it also limited the action of the Shangguan, and the power was greatly reduced.

Yun Yun’s heart was dark and he continued to bully. The Shangguan’s face changed, but he suddenly flew back, but the cloud dance was not annoyed and continued to move forward.

Behind the countless hidden weapons, escorted the cloud dance to the front of the Shangguan, raised his hand and cut it.

Shangguan’s eyes were full of cockroaches, and the red eyes were bloodshot. He raised his hand and took the big knife of the cloud dance. A long sword on the ground was picked up by him and stabbed toward the cloud dance.

The cloud dance coughed twice, and the injury in front was still not light. Now the arm is a little heavy, and the chest is very painful, which makes her cold sweat and the body reaction speed slows down.

This made the cloud dance very anxious, watching the long sword stalking at himself, but could not react.

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