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Chapter 1267 Father Yun Lengyi

"How is your strength in the small dance? Is there any improvement? Do you want us to learn two tricks?"

"Little dance..."

The four black men who rushed up were licking the neck of the cloud dance, the waist of a cloud dance, and the two people who were very simple from the side also hugged in.

At this time, the three people are feeling happy and feeling the temperature in the cloud dance.

The only one who was a little colder was standing next to the cloud dance and looking at it all with a surprise.

Gao Yu was shocked to see everything in front of him, and even some doubted whether he was wrong, and raised his hand to wipe his eyes.

The same shock is not only Gao Yu, but also the many soldiers standing under the stage and the killers hidden in the dark have long been shocked.

The killers have always had psychological quality training. Which one is not cold face on weekdays, all of them are like a stranger, they are used to dark life, high strength, fast speed, often a trick .

But at this time, these few people rushed to the stage in full view, and holding a scene of a kindly greeting from a woman they had never seen before, like a normal woman, has never been seen.

But very quickly, some people recognized the identity of the cloud dance.

"Scorpio! That person is the leader." Someone exclaimed.

"What leader? You didn't always call the high general a general?" said another newly recruited recruit.

"No, I am talking about the leader, the woman who is hugged, is our leader cloud dance!" The person who said the sound of the surprise said, I can’t wait to go straight.

But he is just an ordinary soldier, and he is not familiar with cloud dance, but he is very admired.

What's more, they still stand on their general Gao Yu, if he rushes up, I am afraid that the next moment will be punished.

"What do you say? That person is the legendary leader? That strange woman?" said the new soldier's egg.

The recruits who joined later did not see the cloud dancer himself, but every newcomer clearly knows that no matter whether it is the Yunjia Army or the Killer Corps, there is only one real boss, that is, a woman called Yun Dance!

Whenever the story of cloud dance is always spread among these two organizations, it is like brainwashing, so almost everyone regards cloud dance as a hero in the heart. Everyone is curious about what cloud dance looks like.

Some people speculate that it will be a woman with a thick waist and a big waist. Some people speculate that it may be an inaccessible aristocratic woman, but now they are standing in front of them is a woman who is so approachable and looks like a character.

And those killers can be so close to her!

At this time, Yun Dance had no brains to think about how others would see it. It was a surprise to her heart that was hugged by three people.

I never thought that I would see them here. It’s no wonder that I didn’t see them when I returned to college a few days ago. It’s coming here!

"Xiao Zhu, unintentional, Ling Feng, how come you are here? And... have you joined the killer regiment?" Yun Dance couldn't easily pull the three hands, and after looking at the clothes they wore, he was shocked.

I saw three people mysteriously laughing, Xiao Zhu took the lead.

"Hey... little dance, you don't know it? The things that can be learned in the college are limited. If we want to learn more, we can only find it ourselves, and your killer regiment is a good one. The choice, not only can continue to improve our strength"

"And the things you learn are all you will. This treatment is not good, so the three of us discussed it and added it all."

"Yes, the little dance, the training of the killer regiment is very powerful. Now the strength of the three of us has improved a lot." I also said with my heart, looking at the clouds and dancing with a reunited surprise.

"Little dance, we can not only improve the realm, according to the strength of the three of us, even if we encounter a higher level opponent than us, there is a battle, how about a small dance? Not bad?"

Ling Feng’s eyes flashed with pride. “But it’s definitely not comparable to you. After so long, your strength must have improved a lot. Let’s talk about what strength you are now?”

The corner of Yunwu’s mouth evokes a smile, facing three people, and he seems to have returned to the college, no worries.

"The three of them all said awkwardly, then what about you?" Yunwu looked at the cold water standing behind the three, and asked.

She knew clearly, if she had answered the three people at this time.

I am afraid that the next one of them will be like the opening of the voice, the general can not be closed, but at this time I saw the cold water, the cloud dance simply pulled her out to solve the problem.

The cold water was asked so much, and I couldn’t help but feel moved.


The cloud dance looked at the lips and looked at the cold water. This apprentice, since he had accepted it, would be well managed.

Nowadays, it seems that the strength has improved a lot, and for others, it must have done a lot of efforts.

The heart of Yun Dance feels very satisfied, and then look at the killer corps today, and my heart is more satisfied with the work of cold water.

"It's a good job, it's hard for you these days." Yunwu said with a smile.

Although the cold water did not say anything, all the results have come to the bright side, and the cloud dance swept it out at a glance.

"Thank you Master, the disciples don't feel hard." Leng Qingshui said earnestly.

"Small dance is back?" A man’s voice suddenly came.

The cloud dance was shocked, and I never thought that I could see him here today!

Unbelievable look up, I saw the position of a certain general in the Yunjiajun team, a man's figure is coming to this side, and the same burly figure appeared in front of the cloud dance.

Cloud dance only felt a glimpse, and then, my heart suddenly trembled.

He - still alive!

Was he not killed by the beasts?

What is going on?

After half a ring, she finally yelled out and said, "Oh..."

This man is the father of Yun Dance, Yun Lengyi!

Hearing the voice of the cloud dance, he said, Yun Lengyi’s heart was sour, and he quickly reached out and spread the cloud dance in his arms: "Child, my good boy, I finally saw you again..."

In fact, there is always an unclear gap between Yun Lengyi and Yun Wu.

However, at this moment, the layer of barriers seems to disappear without a trace.

Long-lost relatives, after all, have a blood relationship.

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