Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 403: Battle against the leaves

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Chapter 403 vs. Ye Han

At the beginning of the first game today, I will play against the third-grade student of the sixth-order peak with the new cloud dance.

I saw that the words of the mentor fell, and some people in the place could not help but swear.

what happened?

At the beginning of this first game, is it so explosive?

In the eyes of everyone, the cloud dance against Li Sheng is like the difference between waste and genius, mud and cloud.

However, everyone is inexplicably excited.

Because, finally, you can see the scene when the waste was defeated, and finally let the people who are depressed in these two days get the most happy ending.

In the field, these days, I have been hiding in the crowd watching the night, watching the place where the cloud dance is.

In the bottom of my eyes, it is the inexplicable coldness and fear.

Yes, for the cloud dance, her heart is the inexplicable hateful but fearful complex.

Because that waste is not a real waste.

The situation in these days is that the mind that hates revenge in her heart is gradually disappearing.

Because she is definitely not her opponent.

However, seeing the end of the night, the relationship with the cloud dance seems to be very close, which makes the night quiet is very uncomfortable.

What is good at the end of the night? But it was a servant in her family who was as low as a dog.

That cloud dance, isn’t the Miss Yun’s general?

Why do you have to make friends with such a low-serving servant, but at the beginning it is a cold-eyed treat to her?

Isn't she not as good as that at the end of the night?

In fact, she is indeed not as good as the end of the night, not to mention the strength, but said that a mentality she fell a big gap.

After the end of the night, after the admittance, just stepped down, it was generous to talk to the cloud dance directly.

For those people, cloud dance will not be repugnant.

Above this point, that night is destined to be the losing party.

However, this is the case.

After the instructor finished the name, the students who were read the name have already come to the stage.

The top 20, the strength is not bad, definitely more exciting than the previous round.

The cloud dance naturally got up and walked on the stage.

Every time the cloud dance comes to power, the dragons who are sitting on the chairs in the competition area are like watching the art that can be enjoyed. They smile and enjoy it, of course, because he still wears black veil, all, no one pays attention. To.

"Cloud dance, come on."

Behind her, at the end of the night, she waved the chubby fist and cheered her for her excitement.

At this time, almost half of the gaze on the entire square was to look at the cloud dance.

Out of most of the ridicule and disdain, there is a small part of that gaze that has a bit of curiosity and doubt.

Although the cloud dance is a legendary new waste, but for many days, many people feel quite confused.

From the three hundred people into the top twenty, this, it seems that even if there is a strong person, it is impossible to buy the opponent's students immediately in the random lottery.

Unless all the participants in the event are bought, otherwise it is almost impossible.

However, almost half of the participants, the family is not bad, and even some of the student's identity background is not simple, even if the other party has money, it is unlikely to be bought.

The strength of a major general can not be enough to buy all the participants.

If it was not bought, but by the strength of Yun Dance, the top 20?

This doubtful thought has flashed many people's minds many times.

However, it seems too unbelievable...

On the mentor's desk, the mentor also locked their eyes to the cloud dance, and their hearts were equally curious.

This cloud dance is not really "good luck" for the students who are in the third-grade sixth-grade peak strength.

Under the gaze of many eyes, the cloud dance went to the ring.

When he collapsed, the Liuzi, who had never been open, suddenly snorted at the mentor.

Immediately, I saw the instructor took a note and handed it to the master of the master, and whispered something in his ear.

I saw that the master of the ceremonies glanced at the note in his hand, and his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, hesitating, or read it out: "Li Sheng follow-up, by Ye Han top."


Ye Han?

When I heard the name, the whole square suddenly felt a little stunned.

However, it seems that because of this replacement, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly entered another inexplicable climax.

Ye Han!

Cloud dance is good for the upper leaves, can you still have "good luck"?

The person who just disdained the line of sight suddenly saw a sympathy and looked at the cloud dance.

The leaf is cold, and if you don’t shoot it, you can directly beat people by being beaten.

Based on that waste, it is estimated that the end will be very bad.

Yunwu heard the words, but also slightly stunned.

However, soon the corner of the mouth quietly raised a curve.

I thought that I would only be able to compete with him later. I didn't expect this first encounter.

Ye Han, now is one of the most outstanding candidates in this competition.

The identity of this person is mysterious, but the talent is very good. When he entered the college, the tutor also took a fancy to his talent.

In just one year, he was directly transferred from the first grade to the third grade senior.

This shows the level of his talent strength.

The senior class tutor of Ye Han, who heard this replacement, apparently wrinkled his brow.

For the cloud dance, he obviously does not look at the eye, let her with Ye Han opponent, like the degraded Ye Han's identity.

"Hey, this waste is really bad luck..."

The people around the world looked at the cloud dance on the ring, and suddenly couldn’t help but gloat.

With the strength of Ye Han, Yun Dance can only stop here.

In particular, many of the students who bought the cloud dance in the first round in the dark, it is full of blood, and feel that they must be able to make a lot of money.

"Oh, originally, I am going to see if I can meet her as an opponent. I also want to personally teach her about it. Now it seems that there is no need for this."

In the competition area, the students waiting for the next competition, watching the cloud dance, said with a smirk.


After the instructor announced, Ye Han came silently out of the competition area and walked toward the platform where Yun Dance was.

This leaf cold, the whole person looks pretty good, the body is quite thin, but the pair of eyes is as sharp as an eagle.

It can be seen that this person should belong to a sultry role.

However, looking at his overall volatility, he seems to be hidden.

People who can be the beasts of the beasts are hidden.

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