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Chapter 418 True Flame

The fat man stared at the figure that appeared again in front of his eyes, and his heart was awkward, almost consciously rushing to avoid.

However, the little fist that came in was already in front of him.

It was also in that second that he realized that the strength of the girl in front of him far exceeded his strength. Even if he forced the strength, it was still not her opponent.

What kind of monster is she?

"Ah..." screams, once again on this street.

The body of the fat man flew out a dozen meters with his screams. The "smack" sounded muffled and fell on the ground.

When he slowly climbed up from the ground, he saw his nosebleed and the whole face swollen into a pig's head.

"Cough, oh!" Under a cough, a bit of blood spit out with a few incisors.

When I saw the few teeth that fell in the blood, the fat man finally screamed; "The cliffs of the hustle..."

The front teeth fell and the speech leaked heavily.

The onlookers saw this scene, and all of them were shocked.

That girl, at most fifteen or six years old, but with a punch, the six-seven-order strength of the strong to fly out?

What is the rhythm?

Can it be said that the strength of the girl is stronger than the fat man of the six or seven-order strength?

However, while everyone was shocked in the heart, they were amused by the appearance of a pig-like fat man.

Awkward cliffs... my teeth?

It’s really a laugh.

The fat man slowed down and looked at the cloud dance with his mouth and nose. At this time, his heart was angry, but at the same time there was a hint of inexplicable fear.

She is definitely not a normal person.

However, just as the fat man looked at the cloud dance, the footsteps of the cloud dance came towards him slowly.

When I was scared, the fat man’s face changed, and suddenly the unspeakable air shouted; “You, don’t come over, otherwise, don’t blame us at the same time.”

At the same time, she is not welcome?

This sentence, I do not know why, is not unusual.

In fact, if even he is so embarrassed, even if several other people are shot at the same time, it is estimated that it is also a wolf.

Because this girl is a monster at all.

However, at this time, so many people looked at it. If he bowed his head and admit defeat, it would not be a shame to be thrown into his hometown.

What's more, this challenge was provoked by him, or in the name of the Royal Kingdom College.

If you lose, after returning to China...

The cloud dance heard and felt a little funny.

Although she does not understand the rules of challenge, it is quite clear that if someone joins when challenging the duel, it is a violation.

At this time, the fat man and his companions moved out to threaten her, showing how scared he was.

"Is it?" The sneer of the cloud dance pity glared at the fat man.

Her eyes made the fat man feel uncomfortable in his heart, as if she was laughing at him, ridiculing him and belittle him.

Just when the fat man was angry, the corner of his eye suddenly swept to the dragon.

"Oh, of course, even if we are a man of the Imperial College in Angkor, it seems that it is not comparable to the man behind you, only knowing to hide behind your little girl to seek protection."

The fat man seems to have found a stepping stone, and suddenly turned the subject away.


Cloud dance raised an eyebrow and looked at the fat man who thought he could find a stepping stone. The corner of his mouth sneered a sneer and cold.

"Do you really think that the man of your Angolan kingdom can compare with him?"

"Hey, a waste that looks so ugly, even if it is the lowest slave in our kingdom, it is better than him. It is true that he does not even have the same qualifications as us."

Although the words of the fat man are unclear, the irony is full.

Of course, he managed to find a point that can save a little face, and he will not climb up.

However, some people's stupidity comes like this.

I think I found something that can counter her, but I never thought that a man who can follow her is really like the "waste" he said in his mouth?

Even those who have never thought of this basic thinking are doomed to a path of tragedy.

"Do you think he looks very difficult?" Yun Dance stared at him and asked with a smile.

The fat man taunted and seemed to smile; "Ugly can be offensive, you say it is hard to see, ha... ah..."

The mocking laughter has not yet fallen, and the moment is replaced by a scream.

The fat man’s feet were like abolished, and he slammed on the floor with his knees.

"In this case, then I will give you a face like that, let you try its taste?"


The fat man looked up and looked at the cloud dance.

Yun Dance’s face still smiles, but her entire gas field has a strange change at that moment, so that people around the scene suddenly feel that the heart is suppressing a sense of oppression.

Even the fat companions on the other side are not very good-looking, watching the cloud dance with horror and fear.

Liu Zi and Yun Yun have never spoken, this is a challenge, they do not have to shoot.

What's more, just that fat man is so insulting to the Warrior Samurai Academy, it is also causing dissatisfaction in Liu Zi's heart.

Just, what does her mean?

"Oh!" Suddenly, a flame suddenly jumped out of the palm of the cloud dance.

The temperature in the air rose almost at that moment.

When the fire dance was raised, the cloud dance did not respond to anyone, and the hand gently slammed into the face of the horrified fat man.


The horrible screams of the general screams, accompanied by a burst of rising flames.

This scene.

Shocked everyone, everyone...

A few companions including the fat man, almost all of them were stiff at that moment.


Is that the real fire and flame? Can she actually make a real flame out of her body?

The real flame in the body is completely different from the flame that controls the foreign object.

This girl is, is manipulating the fire element!

And the one who can manipulate the fire element is only... Summoner...

Is this girl in front of me a summoner?

The horror of the shock, almost spread everyone present, including the willow.


Until, the miserable shouts gradually became hoarse.

The cloud dance is very casual, and the flame that wraps the fat man disappears.

The burnt barbecue smell spreads around in that moment.

I saw the fat man curled up and curled up, the clothes on his body were still intact, but his face, which was originally played like a pig's head, was directly smoldered by the fire and was so bloody.

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