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Chapter 423 meets again

He is an old man, can you say why?

It feels very strange.

Although these seven princes are always in the border town of the battlefield, he will not know if he is confused.

The Seven Princes were only listed as a prince who could only assist the Prince because of his low motherhood.

However, when he was a young man, he entered the army with his own strength and played his own power. He was also the first youngest regent of the title.

Although the Queen has blocked it, it is a matter of time before he returns to the Imperial City.

What's more, he heard a message a month ago that the Seven Princes had a lot to do with Long Shao, and that with the name of Long Shao, they were going back to the Imperial City.

How did you appear in this Lingcheng today? Also said to enter the college?

However, Yunxiao is an old man, and naturally he will not poke this doubt.

"It is a good thing for the Seven Princes to enter the college. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it. We are going to return to the Imperial City. What message does the Seven Princes need to bring to the Majesty?"

"No, I will personally send someone back to the letter!" Zhou Feiyu said indifferently.

Yunxiao also nodded. "Well, if there is nothing, then we will not bother the Seven Princes."

After that, Yunxiao and Yun Lengyi also arched their hands toward Zhou Feiyu and left.

Until they watched their figure disappear into the street.

Wu Han took back his sight and respected the opening; "His Royal Highness, the two heads of the cloud family are coming to the Samurai Academy. I am afraid that it will not be as simple as sending the waste to the college. Do you want to investigate?"

A diseased waste, let the cloud home two pillars to send.

How to say, this reason is too exaggerated and far-fetched.

Zhou Feiyu’s bottom was slightly deeper, and his mouth was cold and cold. “They naturally have their reasons, but as long as they don’t obstruct the king’s way, they don’t need to pay attention to it for the time being.”


Wu Han heard the words, but also nodded.

But my heart is also more certain, his Highness, really is the heart of looking for the "five phoenix" girl.


I hope that by the time, don't really be a disaster.

After waiting for a while, I finally saw the Liuzi coming out of the college...


The next day!

Early in the morning, at the end of the night, he came knocking again.

After adjusting the cloud dance for one night, I arranged it to open the door for her.

"What's the matter?"

"You entered the college today, I am afraid I will not see it in the past three years, so I will send you." At the end of the night, the central side walked in and said.

While talking about it, I don’t know where to take out a burden, and I changed it to the cloud dance.

"This is the money I used to win. I learned some equipment that my sister bought outside. I heard that after entering the internal college, it seems that I need some equipment. The inner school is quite mysterious. I don’t know much about it, but you accept it. It may be useful in the future."


Yunwu looked at the bag in his hand, and he couldn’t help but look up at the end of the night.

"Don't look at me like this, I will be embarrassed, we are friends, I can only prepare for you so much, you don't have to be cold."

In the eyes of the cloud dance, at the end of the night, Yang said with a grin.

In fact, Yun Dance has never acknowledged the relationship between two people from beginning to end, but she is not a person who can't feel it.

"Thank you!"

"Don't be polite, let's go. Before I enter the college, I invite you to have a good meal in the cafeteria." At the end of the night, he said, it was like an acute, pulling the cloud dance out of the dormitory.

College cafeteria!

When the cloud dance appeared at the end of the night, because the time was still early, there were not many people in the cafeteria.

However, because the strength of the cloud dance field after the explosion broke out.

At this time, people inside and outside the entire college, seeing the cloud dance, saw the goddess.

Even if only a few people, then the sight is brushed over.

Enthusiastic and excited.

Even the uncle of the canteen, seeing the cloud dance, this usually gives half a spoonful of dishes, today is a full spoonful of half.

Let the heart at the end of the night be happy, and a lot of points in one breath, until the aunt's sharp eyes, it is only appropriate.

"So much, can you eat it?" The cloud dance looked at the table-like meal, and the forehead was straight down.

At the end of the night, Yang grinned and smiled. He pushed the dishes in front of her to the front of her. "The food in this canteen is not good, but it is good for the body. I also discovered it in these two days. These are all for you. You should eat more and make up your body."


Cloud dance looked at the green and green dishes in front of me, as if there were meat fried, it seems that some ordinary vegetables and meat stir-fry.

At this time, the voice of Bai Lao was heard in my mind.

“In order to enhance the physique of the students in the college, these dishes are selected from some high-quality Warcraft meats, which are made with special medicinal dishes and contain a lot of energy. If they are eaten for a long time, for people. The body is indeed very useful."

Advanced Warcraft Meat?

Is it the sixth-order Warcraft?

Cloud dance can not help but pass a trace of surprise.

You must know that the entire Shenzhou mainland, the nine-order World of Warcraft is almost rare, the sixth-order World of Warcraft is very precious.

This counts casually, and the entire college says that there are two or three thousand people.

This college actually uses six or more advanced Warcraft meat to provide food.

Also use medicines that are effective?

I can imagine how extravagant it is.

"Cloud dance, don't lie, eat more hot." At the end of the night, Yang was busy with a lot of clouds in the bowl of the dance, urging.

Under the arduous circumstances, Yun Dance finally ate a lot.

When I ate it shortly, I felt that the gradual warmth of my stomach was flowing toward the surrounding veins. I couldn’t help but feel quite novel.

Although, the energy provided by these things at this time did not have much effect on her.

At the end of the night, after the cloud dance can't be eaten, the rest is all-inclusive, which also makes the cloud dance understand how her figure came.

There are more and more people in the cafeteria.

Just as the cloud dance and the late Qingyang were preparing to leave, the entrance to the cafeteria ushered in a tall figure.

When I saw the figure, Yun Dance couldn’t help but pause.

Zhou Feiyu?

How could he be in this college?

However, when Zhou Fei’s eyes swept to her, she moved away faintly and apparently did not recognize her.

"Seven princes, here is the cafeteria, what do you want to eat, I will call you."

A female student on the side, looking at the uniform wearing the school uniform, can not cover his handsome British Zhou Fei, some shyly asked.

The girls who saw the non-feathers around the week were also somewhat mad.

This man, but identity and strength plus a handsome appearance, three representatives.

As long as it is a normal woman, I can't help but want to vote for the existence of the hug.

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