Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 434: Ten shift squad leader

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Chapter 434 Ten Class Leader

At this time, the class became very silent because of the arrival of the five elders.

Almost everyone’s sight was swept away at the door.

On the stage of the class tutor, standing a young woman in her early thirties, when she saw the arrival of the five elders, she also respectfully bowed.

"Five elders, do you have anything?"

"This girl, called Yun Dance, is here today to come to the ten classes to join the students, I brought you, and you arrange it." When the five elders said this, they pointed to the cloud dance behind them.

The words of the female tutor also looked at the cloud dance.

When I saw the pale face of the cloud dance and the weak breath, I obviously blinked my eyebrows.

However, those who the five elders personally sent, dare to say anything.

I also respectfully nodded and said; "The five elders can rest assured, I will arrange it properly."

The five elders are satisfied with their nod.

Turning around and saying something to the cloud dance; "Cloud dance gimmicks, then you should take the class first. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask your tutor and classmates,"

"Thank you five elders." Cloud dance smiled and nodded.

"Then go in class." The five elders said, very kindly reaching for the shoulders of the cloud dance, as if it were just very casual movements.

However, the power of detection was detected in the movement of the shoulders in his movements.

When she felt that she was in the body, and did not expect a strong breath, but when it was excessively weak, the eyes passed a trace of doubt.

How can the body be so weak?

However, this kind of quiet detection behavior, the five elders quickly converge back.

As soon as something happened, I turned and left.

Yun Wu will not know the probe he just had, but at this time she does not have to deliberately cover up.

The blood of the bone marrow was taken out, and her body was temporarily in a weak state.

Therefore, the results of his detection can be imagined.

After seeing the five elders leave, the female tutor smiled at the cloud dance; "You call the cloud dance? Come in, you are sitting in the third position below my right hand row."

The cloud dance was also polite, and the female tutor nodded reverently, then walked along the position pointed by the tutor.

The third row, the third position, is a seat that is quite close to the front.

However, this class is not too big, plus her, just fifteen people.

However, the cloud dance just walked to the seat and sat down, and there was a low-pitched voice behind him.

"You are led by the five elders who are the oldest in the college. Are you coming in through the back door?"

Going behind the door?

Cloud dance raised his eyebrows, and the person who turned slightly behind him looked at him.

It was a 18-year-old young man who looked pretty good, but he looked at the clouds and dances with a skeptical look.

For that kind of look, cloud dance is too familiar.

Because, since she stepped into the Samurai Warriors College, that look is like a sign on her.

With a glance at him, the cloud dance took back his sight.

Her reaction was to let the young man squint, but the heart was automatically determined, she came in through the back door.

A face is sick and the breath is weak. This kind of person can enter the inner school. It is estimated that I don’t know how much thought I have spent before coming in!

The students around, as well as looking at the cloud dance, privately picked up.

"So weak, still coming into our class, this is not a drag on people!"

"That is, our class was originally at the bottom, and now we have come to such a waste, and let our class have no place to turn over in front of other classes."

"Our class is because of the useless waste, it is only suppressed by other classes every time the class is played. This time, with such a sick and weak background, when do we have to turn over when we have ten classes? what."


The snoring of the voice gradually spread throughout the class.

"Well, my classmates, now is not the time to chat, come on, we will continue the topic..."

With the strength of the female tutor, I can't hear the low voice in the classroom.

However, the revision of the tutor is much deeper than the students.

In particular, in this inner school that is so rigorous and difficult to enter, in some cases, it is necessary to close one eye.

As for cloud dance, this situation is naturally directly ignored.

A morning class.

Cloud dance is also understood, this year-level general course.

It is the decomposition of force, the tactics, the understanding of the formation, and even the geography...

There is no textbook, it is a simple story.

This kind of course is estimated to be more simple than modern universities.

In fact, those for cloud dance are not very useful, because the use of force to decompose tactical geography is not as useful as going directly to actual combat.

However, the only thing that makes Yun Dance interested is the law.

Although, in this grade, it seems that the course of this law is only the beginning of the understanding of the fur.

However, it is enough to evoke the interest of cloud dance.

I don't know, is there any book about the formation in the Tibetan Bukit Court?

Thinking of the Tibetan martial arts, Yun Dance can't help but start looking forward to the evening. As long as she gets the brand from the pharmacist elder, she can go to the Tibetan martial arts to see.

By the way, when the evening is over, it is also when she starts looking for the map.


Suddenly, a quirky whistle sounded and the course ended!

"Well, the students are finished. Today's class is over. Cloud dance students, you are a freshman. If you have any questions, please ask other students, or ask me." Female tutor looks at the clouds and laughs. Said a word.

"Okay, students, class." After that, the female tutor did not stop, and turned and left.

After the mentor left, the people in the class looked at the clouds and danced, and they didn't say anything more. They almost left in a hurry.

"You still don't leave? You are not ready to have lunch!" Just then, a voice came from behind.

Yun Dance turned to look at the young man behind his eyes, no words.

The young man saw her again, and his brow wrinkled.

However, she still got up from her seat and looked at her with her arms folded.

"I am the squad leader of this class. My name is Ling Feng. Although I am really indifferent to you, but since you entered our ten classes, that is our ten classes."

"You move faster, don't grind after class, look at your new life, I will take you to the cafeteria."

Listening to his words, Yun Dance can't help but pick a brow.

"Look at what you see, hurry, don't delay the time, or wait for everyone to have no food together." Looking at the cloud dance turned to look at him, Ling Feng tone is also intolerable.

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