Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 437: Superficial confession

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Chapter 437: Superficial confession

"Hey!" A loud flutter screamed and screamed, and even the ground was shaken.

"Ah..." A painful call sounded.

"Ha ha..."

At this time, a burst of laughter suddenly spread around.

I saw the chubby Wang fat man on the ground, crawling on the ground, sleek belly on the ground, fat hands and feet stretched out before and after, and the top of the head was buckled two dishes of soup, behind them were pressed two.

The image of the whole turtle, Wang Ba.

In particular, his appearance, which he still wants to climb and can't climb, is particularly ridiculous.

Even Ling Feng, who had just been angry, couldn’t help but laugh.

"Retribution!" Ling Feng laughed, and angered without a sigh.

The head of the cloud dance is also sketched out, looking at the three-person group on the ground with a smile, but the cold-slurry meaning of the flash of the eyes.

However, the cloud dance did not seem to notice, and there was no such thing as a sigh of indifference. When I just looked at her, there was a stream of fun in the eyes.

It’s natural to be a cloud dance.

Three anesthesia needles were inserted into their legs, enough for them to lie on the ground for a while.

"There is nothing to look at this turtle king. Let's go, I invite you to have a drink."

Unintentionally, this stood up, lazily patted the clothes, loosened the loose waist and looked down at the cloud dance and Ling Feng said.

When Ling Feng heard it, he couldn’t help but grin. "You treat yourself? This is what you said, no regrets."

I didn’t care about this, but turned and walked away from the square.

However, it was just that, after Wang Fatzi, who was trying to get up, he stepped on the chubby hand on the ground.

"Ah..." The pig-like cry, suddenly sounded.

Cloud dance sees this, and the corner of the mouth evokes a smile.

With that unintentional footsteps, it was just so good, and stepped on the back of the same hand of Wang Fatzi.

At this time of Ling Feng, if they still can't see that they are intentional, it is stupid.

In fact, he really does not have the heart.

Therefore, he deliberately avoided his wounded hand and bypassed the other side, but he was so careless that he stepped on the back of Wang Fatzi’s other hand.

When I left my feet, I did not forget to use my force to move.

Straight smashed a layer of skin before leaving the foot.

The pain of the king fat man screamed screaming, Ling Feng was satisfied with the busy dance to the cloud dance and unintentionally chased up.


"Silly is dead, that Wang Fatzi has such a day, it is really alive." I thought of just the foot, Ling Feng once caught up, I couldn't help but scream.

Just after the anger was swept away, there was only one face left to be refreshed.

Reaching out and taking a picture of the cloud dance and the unintentional shoulders, I was happy; "Just, your foot, it’s really good, really deflated."

Inadvertently turned his head and glanced at him. "You are also enough. Three years, others have risen to the third grade, but you are still a first-year student. No wonder you are being bullied."

Yunwu heard the words, Liu Mei picked it up.

Still a first-year student in three years?

Just the strength of Wang Fatzi is only the late seventh stage, and this Lingfeng strength has reached the beginning of the seventh stage, the difference is not too big, how can it not rise to the first level in three years?

"You are just a new life, you know what to do, OK, don't mention the fat man, suffocating, don't you say that we have a drink, then let's go."

Ling Feng seems to be less willing to explain.

Unwilling to glance at him, there is no intention to say anything.

However, I did not care but looked at the cloud dance, which was a bit more inexplicable in sight.

Cloud dance naturally feels unintentional sight, so it’s up, and the brightest meets his sight.

"Is there something?"

"No, I feel that you look good, it is my favorite dish." A phrase that seems to be lazy.

Can be seen from his eyes, but can not see a little joke.

Cloud dance brow wrinkles.

I always feel that my heart is very weird.

Who is he, in the end?

Ling Feng heard the words, but he snorted, "No heart, you confession is too superficial."

Of course, I didn’t answer him without my heart. After I finished that sentence, I was silent again.

Cloud dance seems to have never been open.

Seeing that both of them were silent, Ling Feng shrugged with boring.

"You two are really boring."

But no, the three finally came to the place where they had a drink.

Seeing that place, Yunwu is drunk.

A well.

The so-called drink is not just drinking, but just drinking water.

However, Yun Dance feels funny, even if you drink water at the well, you need to deduct the points in the token.


Deep in the southern part of the World of Warcraft, within a cave.

This morning, when Lan Yu took out the cold bonfire inside the bone marrow for the cloud dance, the white ink sitting inside the cave seemed to be inductive, and suddenly opened the sharp eyes.

"How could it be discovered?"

The voice of anger and annoyance seems to be squeezed out of the teeth.

When the cloud dance was sleeping in the cave, he could not sense her in that position.

It was not until a few days ago that he suddenly felt something.

It is in the direction of the Samurai Warrior Academy.

He has never been to, because it is the Shenwu Samurai College, he is not the time to show up, as long as the cold fire is still in her body, then he does not have to worry about not finding her position.

It’s a matter of time to catch her.

Not in a hurry.

However, now she not only found the cold bonfire that he injected into her bone marrow, but also pulled it out!

She wants to get rid of his tracking completely.


"I thought you could get rid of me? Then you are too naive..." The white ink looked at the hole, and the sharp eyes flashed a touch of color.


Since the wellhead drank the "so-called cup".

Ling Feng took her to the girls' dormitory. After the cloud dance took the dormitory number plate, she returned to her dormitory.

In the inner school, the only advantage is that the dormitory does not need to be squeezed by a few people, but one person.

The night falls.

Yunwu didn't wait at the dormitory door to wait for Lingfeng to pick her up to challenge the field, but she went to the college door first.

This afternoon, although some regional arrays have not yet been clarified, the road to school has been almost touched.

The entrance to the college is still the same as in the morning, no one is silent.

The cloud dance waited for about half a column at the door, and finally waited for the pharmacist elder.

"Shantou, I can give you something you want, then when did you lift the curse on me?"

The old man in the gray pharmacist is still the same as the morning, except that he has some blue marks on his left eye, like a punch.

"What is your eye?" The cloud dance pointed to his eyes.

Ps: YXCS72, the top 100 people who can exchange the cake can receive it.

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