Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 449: Worship her as a teacher

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Chapter 449, worship her as a teacher

Although, it may seem ridiculous to others.

However, he really felt it.

Ling Feng, this person, is not a person who wants to face death, has a strong sense of inferiority, otherwise, he will not teach Yun Dance to say that he will not be able to get down to the point of mixing.

Seeing the cloud dance "understand" him, he naturally reached out and grabbed her hand.

However, Ling Feng originally thought that Yun Dance wanted to pull him up.

However, at the moment of catching her hand, his body suddenly shocked.

Immediately, the eyes suddenly raised a horrible stunned color, staring straight at the cloud dance.

How, what happened?

How did he feel that when he touched her hand, the wound on his body that was tearing pain began to convey the feeling of quick healing?

It won't be, the situation is too scary, he has an illusion?

However, when Ling Feng saw it with his own eyes, the broken wound on his wrist, under the cover of a very light blue light, was healing at the speed of the naked eye, and his body was shaken again.

Is the wound really healing?

Cloud dance her...

Ling Feng kept his posture, but couldn't help but look up at the cloud dance, but never thought, just greeted her pair of purple flashes.

After squinting back to God.

Ling Feng felt that it was not very natural.

For the first time, such a high-profile close-up of a serious stupid staring at a woman.

For the first time, he felt that his heartbeat was not too calm to begin...

How could this be?

Isn't she magical on her body?

"There should be no problem with trauma. As for the internal injury, it needs to be conditioned for a few days." I felt that it was almost the same. The cloud dance also converges on the water element in the body, and said to Lingfeng.

Water element has the effect of healing trauma.

This is also what she said when she broke through Wu Sheng a few days ago.

Today she is also the first to use, it looks pretty good.

After the cloud dance was finished, I didn’t pay much attention to the slight difference in Lingfeng.

After converging the water element, he was able to pull him back from the ground and retracted his hand.

Turning his head and looking far behind him, the white clear water still on his knees.

"There is my site here. On my site, I can't allow someone to pick up the task and come to the scene." The cloud dance sounds very cold.

The look of Bai Qingshui’s eyes has already returned to coldness.

However, at this time, watching the cloud dance's line of sight, but a little more different color, as if ... like that worship.

"The mission failed, and I will seal the sword from now on!"

Sealed sword?

When I heard him, the cloud dance Liu Mei picked it up and seemed to be somewhat unexpected.

An assassin, saying that he wants to seal the sword, but needs a lot of determination.

However, the white water was added at this time; "I want to worship you as a teacher!"

Worship her as a teacher?

The brows that Yunwu just raised, squinted a little, and the eyes flashed a touch of inexplicable streamer.

However, after glance at him, he evoked the corner of his mouth; "Worm me as a teacher? You are a fifth-grade senior, want to come to my first-year class as a teacher? Do you think this will be funny?" ”

Bai Qingshui still has a cold face, but his eyes are very serious looking at the cloud dance, but he has said something quite mad.

"In the past 28 years, you are the only one who has let me lose even if I have not made a move. In this life, the only person who can qualify as my master is you."

It is said that the smile of the cloud dance mouth has deepened a few points. But watching him chill out.

"Is it? It's a pity that even people who can't take my shots are not interested in being apprentices."

When this was said, it was not unexpected that Bai Qingshui’s face changed slightly.

But very quickly, he looked up coldly and dyed a cloud of perseverance; "Is that, as long as I can catch you, can you accept me as a disciple?"

Yunwu heard the words, but he just looked at him with a sneer, and never answered.

Bai Qingshui saw this and stood up from the ground.

"Three days later, I am coming to you. By the time, I will definitely catch you."

When Bai Qingshui finished, he turned and fell off the platform.

Looking at the back of the white water, the smile in the eyes of the cloud dance seems to have deepened a bit, inexplicably passed deep into the bottom of my eyes.

Ling Feng has been watching her face change since she has been slowed down.

Her inscrutable smile, he naturally also has a view of the eyes, but he is not very understandable.

"Let's go back to the dormitory and have a good rest." Retracting the line of sight, Yunwu turned and looked at Ling Feng.

However, before leaving, the cloud dance went to the front of the king fat man, the water element healed his trauma and stopped the blood.

Of course, cloud dance can be limited without good intentions.

This injury is only to heal the surface, stop the blood.

At least, you also need to lie on the bed for a month or two.

However, Yun Wu also counted as a big "good thing", that is, the original big fat man, a piece of meat down, a whole lot of thin, which is definitely more effective than the liposuction of modern medical technology.


"You, is the summoner?" On the way back to the dormitory, the unintentional help of Xiao Zhu, suddenly looked at the cloud dance for no reason.

Cloud dance heard the words, but it did not hide.


Just after the death of the fire element, she was expected to be discovered.

However, it did not seem to be found, and it seems that it is not too bad. Anyway, her business in the gambling area and the ring will be spread sooner or later.

"Summoner?" Ling Feng heard from Xiao Zhu, but he was awkward.

Is she a summoner? Is she really a summoner?

Under the healing of the water element, Ling Feng’s heart flashed this possibility, but it was completely different from the real hearing.

Feeling, she is on the same level as him!

Xiao Zhu, but the heart is even more shocked, staring at the cloud dance's line of sight, gradually raised the kind of esteem for the strong.

"Just, what happened to you? Knowing that it is not good, how can you still hang around that white water?"

Cloud Dance remembered the doubts before, and looked at Ling Feng’s question.

Ling Feng heard the words, but there was a glimpse of the eyes, but it was covered up very quickly.

Grinning; "Nothing, I just don't want to lose."

However, Xiao Zhu on the side has interjected one sentence; "I can make you so lifeless, it must be that the fat man of the king has taken the matter to provoke you. I said that you are stupid and not stupid. It has been so long. What are you doing so?"

Xiao Zhuna’s words made Ling Feng’s face slightly change, and his brows wrinkled.

"Xiao Zhu, you don't talk, no one is when you are dumb."

When Yun Dance heard it, it was natural to ask: "What?"

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