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Chapter 474 is destined

What kind of woman is that, can the master be so fascinated?

And when the Zero-Eye was musing, the voice of the black man suddenly came. "Zero, the seal seems to be broken?"

After hearing the sound of zero seven, this quickly turned to look at a seal.

I saw that there was some twisting of the impact above the seal, like what power was hitting at the other end.

This situation has never happened.

"This seal is set by the master and will not be easily broken."

"What do we do now?"

"The Lord has just told you to hear it, and he will go back and prepare for it, waiting for the command of the master."



Foreign college.

When he was holding the cloud dance, he did not hesitate, and went to his exclusive training room.

The power of the seal on the cloud dance seems to be more and more uncontrollable.

"Dr. Dean, I am afraid that this gimmick will break through. Now what to do, stop it or..." The pharmacist elders followed, and there was no bottom in my heart.

When he walked into the practice room, he immediately put the cloud dance on the stone bed.

"It should be able to isolate some aura's entry and see the situation. If it is not right, we will stop her at the same time." He looked at the cloud dance sitting on the stone bed.

Halfway to stop, the consequences do not need to understand.

The pharmacist elders can't help but look a little dignified. "Don't there be any better way?"

He shook his head.

If there is, he doesn't have to want to stop it at the beginning to stop it.

Just, why?

Every awakening of the saints takes time and opportunity to double and double.

The mother of Yun Dance spent a few decades, but only awakened for the fourth time.

After that, she has not been awakened for the fifth time and failed to become a true saint. This is why she needs to accept the witch's fate.

But this cloud dance is only fifteen years old. I am afraid that the process of her awakening has not been enough for a year.

She was awakened for the fourth time.

This awakening is too fast, but a burden to the body.

However, she was surprised by the talent of her potential.

However, no matter what, she is her daughter, then he will not let her die, no matter what means, she must not let her die.

However, at this time, there was one person outside the cultivation.

Director of the tutor Liu Zi.

"President, maybe there is someone you need to see." Walking into the cultivation room, Liu Zi, I was a little surprised to see the cloud dance, but still said to the stranger.

I don’t feel like I’m in the air; “Don’t see, don’t let anyone come to bother during this time.”

Liuzi hesitated, but still said; "It is the son of the national division, Nangong Yi, he said that his father is difficult to count today, and he has a way to solve for the dean."

His father?

Is it the current national teacher?

The name of the national teacher, no one has ever heard of the entire Zhou Dynasty.

"That Nangongyi, is there really a way?" The pharmacist elders couldn't help but open their mouths.

He really couldn't bear it, and he abolished this gimmick. If someone really has a way, it would be better to try it.

After rumored to hear the words, he turned his head and looked at the willow; "Let him come in."

Liu Zi looked at the cloud dance, full of doubts, but the more there was not too much, it turned and went out.


It didn't take a moment.

A figure of white baidousha came in from the door of the cultivation room.

"President, elders are good!" Nangong Yi that voice, very gentle came.

However, the pair of squints under the white veil have fallen on the cloud dance on the stone bed, and the brows are slightly wrinkled.

"She is not very optimistic, can I temporarily ask the elders to go out with the dean first!"

Please ask them to go out?

Hey, the elders of the pharmacist naturally refused to agree, and they can rest assured that this Nangongyi.

"To help her, we need to fade her clothes. If the dean is with the elders, it is not convenient." Nangongyi is not in a hurry, so elegantly explained.

Faded her clothes?

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Nangong Yi slightly shook his head, and the sight under the white gauze met the stranger. "My fate with her is destined, but please believe that I will not make any misconduct to her."

What is the fate of the day?

how come……

"Well, white and old don't have to worry, let him try, the seal on the skull seems to be unable to support." The pharmacist's elders saw the look of the cloud dance face, and quickly said.

At the end of the day, I went out with the pharmacist elder.

At the moment of Shimenguan, the figure of Bai Lao also appeared in the sky, staring at the white Nangongyi.

Nangong Yi politely nodded toward the white old, did not say anything, went forward, took off the cloud dance coat, then took off the white veil on his head and sat down with her face.

"Cloud dance, I am Nangongyi, listen to what I said, I teach you how to get out." Very gentle voice said.

And at the moment he fell, the third eye on his forehead suddenly opened.

Bai Lao, who floated on the side, looked at it when he saw Nan Gong’s take-up of the veil, but when he saw his third eye opened, the eyelids flashed a horror .

He is really...


The cloud dance is being silenced between the two doors, and my heart is also anxious.

Because, another crack in the space that has become empty, seems to begin to expand, urging her to choose.

However, she does not know how to choose, or say, can not choose.

Both, she does not want to give up.

However, the two doors could not be opened at the same time. The distance between the two doors seems to be two arcs that cannot be crossed. Only one can be selected.

However, just as the clouds danced, there was a gentle voice in my mind.

Nangong Yi?

Why is he here?

"Don't worry, breathe first, come slowly..."


The cloud dance listened to the voice in my mind. It was quite anxious, and it suddenly stabilized.

As he said, relax, exhale, inhale...

"Okay, very good, then now you listen to me seriously, your consciousness, this is what you are going to be the master. Since you don't want to choose, then you will be the master of your heart, it will give you the most you need. Now, don't force it, don't do it."

By her heart?

What do you mean? Is it for her not to pay attention to the choice?

still is……

Cloud Dance looked at the crack and it was getting closer and closer, but she still didn't know how to choose, still didn't want to give up two doors.

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