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Chapter 478 is coming back to me?

Looking at the woman who was sleeping, watching her still safe, the original anxious mood of the dragon dumping evil, finally settled down.

Naturally, I reached out and spoiled her beautiful face without any disguise.

In fact, he really doesn't like it, let others see her true face.

He thinks he is a man with a strong hegemonic possession, especially dislikes other men staring at her.

"You are very noisy!" Just as his hand just touched her face, a light voice rang from the red lips.

The cloud dance that was still asleep, I do not know when to wake up, slowly opened the eyes.

The eyes are purple 瞳眸 deeper than before, not a little red mouth, with her white skin, beautiful facial features, instantly seem so enchanting beauty, and dyed a few points The feeling of evil spirits.

However, at the moment when Yunwu opened his eyes, the violent earthquake around him began to gradually calm down.

The purple light around the cloud dance also began to move toward the cloud dance.

"Is it hurt again?" The cloud dance from the ground standing in the void, looking at the man's broken clothes and scars in front of him, could not help but frown.

The dragon smashed evil spirits and hooked his lips, reaching out to her thin waist.

Ignore the sight of someone at the place, slightly lowering her head, and licking her fat ear, the low-pitched voice lingers in her ear; "Soon, you should be very clear."

Yunwu naturally knows this little wound, and when he waits, he will heal automatically.

However, she still does not like how he looks like a wound.

"So come back so soon, this time I am ready to marry me?" Yun Dance looked up at the dragon and turned the evil, and asked without any evas.

Once she is identified, she will not escape.

Especially in terms of feelings.

Anyway, it is his man sooner or later, why should she not set the name early, this man's ability to provoke peach blossom, she has seen it.

Long Zhixie heard that she was so in public and asked him, especially in the face of such two rotten peaches, he was very happy.

"Although it is indeed rushed to come back in advance, however, you are doomed."


The cloud dance stared at the dragon, and frowned, for the first time seriously; "I never believe what is doomed, so the promise is not necessary, I just have to act."

The dragon fell in love with the evil words, and the smile on the handsome face deepened a bit; "Then you have to remember what you said today."

Destined! In fact, he does not believe that what day is destined.

Even if there is a day that is destined to make him like a stranger, he is a natural enemy with her, and that can't stop him.

She, he is sure.

However, the words of the cloud dance made the look of Nangong Yi’s face flash.

Does she really believe that it is destined?

She... Maybe she was special. He didn’t know it early, why should he be lost?

However, the two people had such a dialogue on the spot, but it was so stupid for everyone.

what's the situation?

Who is the young man who suddenly popped up?

When did this sacred warrior school be able to enter? A few lines of sight were tightly locked in the dragon.

However, compared with the mood change of Qi Mo and others, the non-feather of the week was a gloomy face.


Has she and the man developed into this place?

When the enthusiasm of the enthusiasm was cooled down, there was an inexplicable anger, and the anger of being robbed of the beloved was gradually rising in the bottom of my heart.

However, at this time, the practice room once again entered a figure.

The five elders, at the moment of the recent approach, glanced at the people in the room. When they saw the non-feathers and the dragons in the week, and the eyes of Nangongyi, the eyes flashed the color of the sinking.

“Who are these people?”

The low voice of inquiry is accompanied by a strong oppressive force.

When the dragon fell in love, when the feeling of the breath was felt, the line of sight swept toward him, and the light was slightly looked at.

When the elders of the pharmacist saw the five elders, it seemed that this reaction was over, and they opened their mouths; "That is the son of the national division, Nangongyi."

Nangong Yi Wenrun Ruya nodded to the five old, it was a polite greeting.

Liu Zi also explained the identity of Zhou Feiyu; "He is the seven princes of the Zhou Dynasty royal family, Zhou Feiyu, and is also a third-grade student in the current college."

As for the dragon dumping evil, no one introduced it.

Presumably, in addition to the cloud dance, the identity of the dragon is only the Nangongyi.

"What about him? Who is it?" The five elders were in sight and swept to the dragon-dipping evil spirits.

This kid, when he came in, he looked at him first.

He came from the order of the elders to bring the cloud dance head back to the inner school, and the man next to the cloud dance obviously did not wear the school uniform. He was not a college person.

The dragon pours evil and looks at the sight of the five elders.

However, he did not wait for the dragon to sneak into the mouth, but the cloud dance first said to him; "He is my man, what is the five elders?"

Although she just woke up, she did not know that she knew nothing about it.

However, when the five elders heard her, they were stunned.

Her man?

How old is she? It’s only fifteen years old on the record, and isn’t she the Miss Yunjia? It seems that the dragon son who came to the Zhou Dynasty from the dragon Xuguo was married again.

When did you pull such a man?

The five elders still want to say something.

"Director, it's not good, there is a crack in the girl's dormitory building, it seems to be falling down..."

But at this moment, a whisper of a mentor came from outside.

Female dormitory?

Hearing the shouting outside, the cloud dance star flashed through the chubby night-end figure. Now, she should not be in the dormitory.

The transformation in the body makes the sensory ability of the cloud dance body extremely sharp.

Including hearing.

This room, built on three sides with stone, is solid and well spaced, but she still seems to be able to hear it faintly, with a messy movement outside.

Just after the earthquake, is it really so serious?

As soon as the Liuzi heard it, the face changed, and there was almost no more salute. When he said something to him, he hurried away.

After the willows left.

"This time, I am coming to bring you back to the inner school according to the requirements of the elders." Five elders said to the cloud dance.

Internal college?

Her business has not been completed, she naturally wants to go back.

However, what she wants to know now is what the dragon will do next.

"If there are still things that haven't been completed, go ahead. During this time, I will restore the identity of Long San and wait for you at this college." The dragon whispered a whisper.

Knowing her, it seems that there is always only this man!

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