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Chapter 481 Gifts of Heaven

When I saw those flies, I looked like a smoldering fire, and the man’s heart was called a cool one.

Every time I try it out!

However, for the man to think carefully, the cloud dance did not have much to guess.

When the figure flashed over the ruins, one hand passed by, and a purple light was like a rope lock, which brought the night out of the crowd.

And this move finally allowed those who were still stupid to react.

When Yun Yun took the night of the night, he blinked at the students with cold eyes; "If you don't want to die, give me a queue, if you dare to compete for congestion, you will find yourself dead."

When the cold voice of Yunwu fell, she took off at the end of the night and flew away.

Those students who came from the cold voice did not dare to scream in the pit. The people who squeezed me and squeezed you, and who did not give each other, did not really have the crowd.

Under the guidance of the mentor under the floor, people began to move down a little bit.

In fact, this is the strong person.

As long as you are strong enough and strong enough, who dares to say more?

Cloud dance is too lazy to pay attention to those people. Her support for the half-story building is estimated to last for people to evacuate.

However, what Yun Dance did not know was that after all the students had evacuated from the half-residue building, there was not much time left, and the entire building was so dusty in front of everyone and collapsed.

The huge sound of the bang, brought the rolling dust.

When I was awkward, I let a lot of students who had just come down from the building, I was a little scared at the bottom of my heart.


After leaving the end of the night, the cloud dance chose to land in a more remote place.

"The strength has reached the sixth order. Isn't it possible to fly in the air? In the future, if you encounter this kind of situation, you will fly directly away from the air." After dropping the night, the cloud dance said in a light voice.

And her words, but let the end of the night to determine the bottom of my doubts.

"You, are you really a cloud dance?" At the end of the night, he looked at the cloud dance with his eyes wide open, and his eyes were filled with surprise and stunning colors.

Obviously, I didn't expect to see it for a month. The memory of this sallow and morbid appearance turned into such a beautiful and amazing appearance, which really surprised and delighted her.

In fact, for the whole night, the cloud dance is not very good.

However, she has always been a good man, and there are hatreds!

At the end of the night, Yang is also a pretty good person, at least, making her feel comfortable.

"Yeah!" Yunwu nodded lightly.

At the end of the night, the CCTV line squinted at the dragon behind the cloud dance, curious and whispered; "That, he will not be that..."

In the latter case, she did not say anything.

However, the meaning is very obvious, but for the whole problem, the cloud dance remains silent.

The dragon is turning evil and the natural hook is like laughing and laughing.

At the end of the night, the central government is also very "intelligible", so I am not asking anything, but I have a lot of gossip about it.

Until the five elders came.

Yun Dance followed the five elders and they returned to the inner school.

The dragon sorrow restored the identity of Long San. As for how he did it without any doubt, he estimated that he had his means.

Zhou Feiyu has another heart to enter the inner school.

As for Nangongyi, he also became a member of the foreign academy. However, for this half-way case of the students, in the chaos of the earthquake and the collapse of the dormitory, it did not lead to much movement.


Cabin in the flower garden.

When the five elders returned to the inner school with a cloud dance, the tower had already waited.

When the cloud dance heard that the tower was the elder of the inner school, it seemed that it was not unexpected.

"I heard that this time, thanks to the great elders, thank you!" Yun Dance said to the tower.

For what happened, Yun Dance has already heard the old saying.

The fourth awakening!

Did she wake up for the fourth time without knowing it?

I really feel a little surprised.

However, when it comes to the third awakening, it is only a month or so. So, is it the fifth awakening, that is, after more than a month?

The awakening of the saint is five times in total!

This means that she only needs to be awakened for the fifth time, then she will become a real witch saint?

At that time, her strength could be greatly increased, and even the aura between the heavens and the earth could be manipulated for her own use.

This counts as if it is very simple.

However, when she thought of the old witches who had met in the cave in the southern forest, what he said to him, she did not want to awaken the fifth desire.

In fact, she always wanted to find the summoning temple, like the power of the Czech Republic, because she never thought about awakening for the fifth time.

She wants to be like a powerful player, and there are many ways.

She does not want to be a witch saint.

However, this fourth time, she was awakened by her unconsciousness, will it be the fifth time?

Thinking of this, the cloud dance can't be lifted by the mood.

"Hey, Shantou, the elders are talking to you, what do you want?" Just as Yunyun thought about it, the voice of the pharmacist elders was slightly thicker.

The cloud dance slowed down the gods, and looked up at the pharmacist elders before turning to the old tower; "Sorry, I just thought about something, what did the elders just say?"

"The elders just told you that after you go back, you go to the third grade class and start to learn some arrays and the like." The five elders said.

Obviously, it is rude to let the elders repeat.

However, the cloud dance heard the words, but it was a bright look.

She went back to the inner school, and she just wanted to learn some of the formations. It didn't wait for her to speak. This opportunity was sent to the door.

Cloud dance can't help but thank the old tower: "Thank you, great elder!"

"Don't be thankful, because these need to fight for yourself, there are still about two months, in addition to the promotion of the inner college, this year is also the time to pick the candidates for the three countries. And this year's three countries contest, I plan to promote The contestants are selected and selected, I hope that you can stand out from the crowd."

Tower old looked at the cloud dance and said.

"This, is it an exchange condition?" Yun Dance raised his eyebrows and looked at the old tower.

Tower old kindly raised his mouth slightly, "Okay."

"Then I need to add another small condition." Yun Dance said to him on the line of sight.

The five elders on the side talked with the elders of the pharmacist, and suddenly they were speechless. This gimmick still dared to add conditions to their elders. I don’t know. This speciality given to her is a great gift.

She seems to be really talking about conditions in the transaction.

However, the old man said that he had guessed that she would be like this, nod; "Talk about it."

“I heard that there is a first-year student in the inner school. I have been disqualified from the promotion competition for three consecutive years. My condition is very simple, that is, give him a chance to prove his innocence.”

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