Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 488: Return to the barracks

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Chapter 488 returns to the military camp

Hong Ling grinds his teeth, but still let go of the two black robes.

"You, you let your people solve the ice on him."

For the request of the black robe, the cloud dance did not say anything, and he handed a look to the blue secluded, and the blue secluded hand gave the solution.

The black robes who were untied, the cold teeth trembled. "You, you talk, count, we said, you will let us go."

Cloud dance hands clasped his chest; "That's a big surprise to see the answers you gave me."

The two black robes couldn’t help but look at each other before watching the cloud dance.

"We came here just to find someone. We didn't have the military camp here."

"Yes, our purpose is to find people, and we are not going to alarm anyone."

"Who are you looking for?" Yun Dance stared at them.

Two black robes screamed; "I don't know, we are only ordered to be in this area, looking for a young man."

"I don't know?" The cloud dance brows provoked.

The black robe saw this and was shocked. He added another sentence. "We really don't know. I only know that the man is in this jungle. It is just for us to look for his trace."

This jungle?

Is it...

"We have said everything, now you can let us go?" A black robe stared at the cloud dance.

Cloud dance looked at them and silenced for a few seconds.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, like laughing and laughing; "If you say that you are letting go, then you will not eat."

Said, the cloud dance will glance at Hongling.

This duck to the mouth, just let it go? Red Ling called a depressed, but still loosened the rattan wrapped around them.

As soon as the rattan was released, the two black robes were almost hesitant, and turned and quickly fled the forest.

"Ma Ma, do you let the two bad guys go?" The small stinky look at the two black robes, dissatisfied with a small mouth, not very satisfied.

Hong Ling is even more dissatisfied; "Master, those bad guys have been so bad for us last time, how can I just let them go, I have not eaten yet."

Yunxiao’s mouth smiled and deepened, and smiled lightly; “I said that I let them go, but I didn’t say that you let them go, hungry, go prey on your own, want to play, just go and have fun. This, they should be able to find more food."

"But, after you have had enough, come back yourself, don't be too late."

Hong Ling and the small smelly smell, after a sigh of relief, when the eyes are bright, the eyes are bright.

A lot of excitement is excited.

"I will go here." After the red diamonds laughed, they screamed.

"I have to go too."

In a blink of an eye, I did not see the traces of the two little guys, and the blue secluded, Junyi face did not have much expression, anyway, he seems to like the cloud dance.

"Don't lie, take the injured person back to the barracks. The cloud dance turned to the side and said to the soldiers who kept staring at her."

The soldiers reacted, respectfully and in unison; "Yes, Miss Nine!"

Yunwu is preparing to return to the military camp. However, after seeing many soldiers who have no breath in the surrounding area, they screamed; "Bring them back together and find a good underground burial."

The soldiers heard a glimpse of it, but then they immediately gratefully looked at the cloud dance.

The life of a soldier is sometimes worthless.

Many times, when you die at the top, you can help collect the corpse at the same time. There is nothing to pay attention to, or concern.

This sentence of Miss Nine, but they feel that there is a feeling of being valued and cared for, this is a very gratifying.

There is such a master, even if it can die for it, it is also a privilege.


Cloud dance has a lot of feelings about their emotional changes, but she has not said anything more.

After cleaning up, the soldiers returned to the barracks with their injured colleague and the body.


In Gao Yu’s room, Li Feng is wrapping the wound for the upper part.

But at this time, a soldier rushed to inform.

"General, Miss Nine is back."

I saw that the reporter’s words had just fallen, and Gao Yu, who was still wraping the wound, was excited and fiercely stood up from the bed.

Straight tears and blood leaked out of the wound, a pain.

"Come and take me quickly."

Li Feng also seems to have some emotions, but Gao Yu’s actions made him unable to reach and hold him.

"General, you have just wounded this wound, you are being swayed!"

"A little injury, I am fine, go, take me to see Miss Nine." Gao Yu insisted on getting dressed and eager to see the cloud dance.

Li Feng looked at his wound and wanted to stop it.

"Since you are injured, let Li Feng give you a good look." At this moment, the light voice came from the door.

Cloud dance and Lan You came in from the door, and the air in the room was significantly reduced.

However, Lan You also has some control, but it is still acceptable.

"Miss Nine!" Gao Yu saw the coming, and he couldn't help but get up.

And Li Feng is a respectful call; "Miss Jiu, you are back!"

After the cloud dance came in, he glanced at Gao Yu, who was injured in the abdomen. At a glance, Yun Dance knew that his injury was not heavy, so she did not do anything.

Instead, I sat down on the stool next to me and said; "I heard that someone is going to stab, what is it?"

Gao Yu shook his head. "I don't know. I suddenly came to a man wearing a black robe this afternoon. The sneak attack gave me a knife and then ran into the forest."

"In addition to this, is there anything else?"

"No." Gao Yu said with certainty.


For this answer, cloud dance does not seem to be surprising, and there is already some bottom in my heart.

At this time, the cloud dance turned to look at Li Feng; "The last time the poisoned soldiers, is it okay?"

"It’s okay, Miss Nine is very good at medical treatment. The six people recovered completely half a month ago."

"At that time, has anyone entered the depths of the forest?" Yun Dance stared at Li Feng and asked.

Li Feng glanced, then shook his head; "No, since Miss Nguyen ordered, everyone in the barracks is forbidden to enter that range."

"Yes!" Yunwu heard the words, and looked at Li Feng for a while.

When Li Feng was staring at the cloud dance, his eyes were inexplicably blinking, but they were quickly concealed.

Yunwu retracted his gaze and his mouth twitched; "Well, it didn't matter. I, this person, has always disliked people who are not honest. OK, nothing, then Gao Yujun will first recover, I will go see it. Only a young leopard."

Say, the cloud dance will get up and be ready to leave.

Li Feng suddenly spoke; "Miss Nine, the little young leopard is not in the military camp, and Chen will suddenly leave half a month ago. He took the little leopard."

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