Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 499: Killing chickens and monkeys

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Chapter 499 killing chickens and monkeys

Is it that you want to give them the power to be in the public, so as to achieve the utility of receiving rights?

In this case, when some bureaucrats want to take over a certain unit, it is a common method, and some even need to make some dramas to kill chickens and monkeys.

Miss Nine summoned the leaders of the entire army, do they want that?

Of course, at this time, although these people are thinking about it, they have not shown it.

The entire military camp was quiet and silent, and even the sound of patrolling and moving around on weekdays was gone. When Yunwu returned to the military camp, he could not help but look at this quiet atmosphere.

Can be very quickly, but with the blue secluded towards the square.

"Miss Nine!"

When I saw the cloud dance coming from the road, Gao Yu sang a respectful dance.

However, Gao Yu called the sound, but let the other generals look at it, and some stupidly stared at the cloud dance for a while, then reacted.

Miss Nine?

what happened? The nine ladies they saw that day, obviously not long!

How are you now...

When the stupidity turned against God, the generals also converge and stunned their eyes, and immediately bowed their heads toward the cloud dance and bowed; "Miss Nine!"

After the cloud dance went to the position where Gao Yu and other generals stood, he looked at the hundred soldiers on the square.

"I let General Gao Yu gather you together. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Just want to say one thing." The cloud dance is not loud enough, but it is enough for everyone present to hear clearly. .

The leading soldiers above the square, after listening to the sound, looked up and looked at the cloud dancer in front.

The beautiful appearance, not accidentally let the soldiers present to levy a bit.

Doesn't it mean that Miss Nine looks ordinary and sick?

This can be a stunning enough presence.

"In the future, you, the Yunjia Army, will become an independent army that is sovereign by my Yun Dance." The people who watched the Yun Dance, still said with a small voice.

When the words of the cloud dance were heard, the soldiers present were not surprised.

How to say, I heard the news early, not to mention, they have been psychologically prepared, this nine Miss should come to Mawei.

So, even if there are any follow-up actions or words in the cloud dance, they are ready for psychology.

However, what they didn't expect was that after the cloud dance was finished, they turned and left.

No follow-up action, no action to kill chickens and monkeys.

Just gone like that?

I watched this cloud dance really say a back of the back, the soldiers present can not help but look at each other.

Even Gao Yu and Li Feng couldn’t help but look at each other.

"She, just saying such a sentence?"

"General, this nine ladies in the big night let us gather together, just to say such a sentence? What does it mean?" The generals on the side, can not help but wonder the Gao Gaoyu asked.

Gao Yu could not answer the doubts of the generals. He himself was full of doubts and doubts.

"General, let's go with the past." Li Feng then whispered to Gao Yu.

Gao Yu pondered a bit, nodded, and let the soldiers gathered in the square disbanded, and then went in the direction of the departure of the cloud dance.


Gao Yu’s barracks.

The most spacious barracks throughout the military camp.

When the cloud dance returned from the square, he poured himself a glass of water and sat down on the chair.

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