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Chapter 808 Mouse Mengbai

"jump down."

In the same second, a scent of light in the vortex came out.

Just as the two jumped into the whirlpool, the silver light suddenly disappeared, as if it had not appeared, it disappeared only in a blink of an eye.

At the moment of the fall, Yunwu finally understood the meaning of black arrogance.

It seems that her luck is really good.

In the vagueness, she actually seemed to see the mouse that met at the secret base that day - Meng Bai.

As the foreground of the eye becomes more and more blurred, the clouds dance dragons fall into the opposite direction, and they vaguely feel that they have already left the beast.

At this moment, the two finally couldn't help the physical disengagement.

In fact, the two have been acting like nothing.

Actually, against the Shangguan, they have consumed too much power.

The physical injury is even more tolerant.

Maybe I saw the mouse, I don’t know why, I felt a little relieved, and both of them felt that they were black and stunned.

Forget it!

Let it take them with you.

As long as you are not at the door of the beast, everything is alive...


At this moment, Shangguan and Nangongyi, who used illusion to get out of the cave, have already arrived at the inn and the night and night, and waited for the arrival of Yunwu and others.

"You said that there will be nothing wrong with Xiaowu?" Shangguan looked at the distance from time to time, still no figure of cloud dance, and the bad feelings in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"The crow's mouth." He glanced at him in the cold night.

Shangguan looked back and looked at the night, "dead duck mouth."

"Do not worry, their luck is both extraordinary and the chances of being together are not great."

Situ looked at the night and his mouth was slightly raised. "How do you know the little dance? Don't you know that the famous flower has the Lord? Is there any chance to chase you?"

In this dignified atmosphere, it seems that only Situ can put it down, and it seems that Yun Dance and Dragon Pour are all right.

I didn’t return to the night, but I wiped the snake sword in my hand and looked cold.

I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional. Under the sunlight, the reflection of the snake's sword happens to fall on Situ's eyes.

A cold woman!

Stuart blocked the light and the corner of his mouth rose.

The light that belongs to the sun is chilling at the moment.

"I like women who have a sense of threat, because it is particularly challenging." Stuart raised her eyebrows slightly at her.

Hearing the words, he stood up in the night and took the snake sword back into space, and turned and left.

"Hey, you haven't answered my question yet." Situ looked at the night and left, shouting at her back.

Next second!

"Hey!" A clear dagger was inserted directly into the palm of his hand on the table.

Situ looked at the dagger on the table, and the look remained the same. "It seems... oh..."

When the palm of the hand was drawn back between Stuart’s words, the moment of the entire table burst into a dead tree.

Shangguan and Situ Yu looked at this scene, and the look at the bottom of the eyes changed a little.

The only thing that hasn't changed is Nangongyi, because this scene was seen when I first met her.

This woman is too much like her!

Nangong Yi lips corner micro-hook, put down the teacup, a shake and disappeared.

“How do you feel that this woman is as terrible as the Little Five?”


They have left one after another, it seems that they have clearly escaped the cloud dance and they have fled the door of the beast.

As long as you escape the door of the beast, the rest of them need not worry.

Because they saw the beasts who had just passed, they were being investigated in large numbers.

As for who to search, it is estimated that everyone is very clear.



Looking at the blood flowing into the river, a smashing flood gate, the Shangguan dynasty eyelids emerged, bloodshots, and then look at the Liao verticals that have actually been abolished, the look is even more chilly.

At this moment, Liao Zongtian could not speak, his limbs were completely abolished, and his consciousness was unclear. He was already a waste man who could not return to heaven.

damn it!

The only powerful force that has seized the power has been cleared, and whoever will also suffer from liver pain.

"Bring her back to me at all costs!"

The screaming screams spread all over the entire floodgate.



On the quiet grass, there are a few wildflowers blooming, giving off a unique aroma.

Surrounded by the flowers, the two widows were on the grass and seemed to be resting.

Daddy, the purple figure has a touch of movement.

The cloud dance wrinkles the eyebrows, touches the forehead, and opens the eyes. After the eyes have a focal length, they instantly look around and find that they have really left the door of the beast. This is a slight relief.

She wanted to sit up, but she was unable to move by the arms of the hegemony of the waist. She sighed helplessly. "When I woke up, I still woke up and put on the equipment. I was careful to wear x."

The words of the dragon, the evil spirits of the dragon's mouth and the evil spirits evoke, "I still want to hold you for a while, and only in the arms of the husband, you have the attitude of a small woman."

"Go to death." Yun dance stretched out his arm, hitting his chest with a light and heavy punch.

In addition to teasing her, this guy is eating her tofu. Is it a tragedy that his life is less?

The real tragedy of her life is two more things!

"Just survived in the dead, you will be able to live alive and beggle." The sound of a distant smell is sounded.

It is the voice of Meng Bai!

The cloud dance Liu Mei slightly picks up, and the opportunity to get out of the embrace of the dragon and the evil spirits, sat up.

It’s really the mouse.

Although, there is only one side to the Mengbai, but the impression is not bad.

"Thank you for the help of the white brother again." Cloud dance is very polite.

Meng Baiyu gave her a look and said: "I regret it now."

"Then what do you want to do?" The cloud dance is black on the forehead, and the rescue is saved. Now it is regrettable to use it?

Meng Bai looked at the dragon who was sitting up, and twisted his head to the other side: "It was not saved."

Cloud Dance: "..."

The mouse's thoughts are really different from people...

Then she stood up and looked around and found that it was a beautiful place with herons and grasses, wildflowers and streams.

“Where is this?” Yun Dance looked up at Meng Baidao.

"The lower bound." Meng Bai sat on the stone, and returned to her without any anger.

Lower bound?

The cloud dance is a glimpse.

She originally wanted to ask where is the place where she is.

But his answer is enough, she doesn't have to know where this is...

But looking at the white man sitting on the stone, stinking a face, a pair of two grandfather's gesture, like who owes him millions of people, this guy is born with her characters can not get through?

"How long have we been fainted? What method did you use to get there in the lower bound?" I ignored the cold face of Meng Bai, and the cloud dance had to ask for hot ass.

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