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Chapter 820 Desert Top

Through the silver protective layer, it seems to be faintly visible, the channel is black lacquered cave.

In the forefront, you can see a little white spot.

That white point, as the speed advances faster and bigger, it is the exit of the transmission array.

In the eyes of others, the transmission array may be as fast as the other side.

However, at this time in the eyes of Yun Wu and others, it seems that it has entered the tunnel and has been slowed down.

"The front should be the export!"

In the silver protection light, the red fire dragon refers to the white point in front.

In the past, he passed the barrier himself. Of course, he did not say that there is another world within this barrier.

Anyway, I can see it later.



Suddenly, a shattered sound opened suddenly in the silent circle.

At first, a few people in the cloud dance did not find it.

Until an annoyed low voice came out: "Damn, there is a gap in the transmission array!"


A few people in the cloud dance haven't reacted yet. The silver light that originally surrounded a few people broke open in the darkness.


A powerful vortex directly sucked the cloud dance and the dragon into the evil spirits, an invisible oppression, and instantly infected the four people.

At that moment, the cloud dance dragon was succumbing to evil and was separated by the powerful and irresistible force.

"Dragons fall evil..."

"small thing……"


The exclamation of the four people has disappeared into the black lacquer vortex in an instant.

The straight cylindrical transmission array was forced to decompose at that moment, and the four figures disappeared completely into the dark vortex.

None of the four people knew what happened in the follow-up. They only remembered that under the huge whirlpool, under the powerful and different pressure, the consciousness gradually became blurred.

And in the consciousness, the cloud dance seems to be faintly seen, and there are a lot of dry bones in the darkness of the vortex.

It would be like a dark hole in the graveyard where the darkness of the bones is dead, but it is not at the bottom, but the bones are blank.

This whirlpool, isn't that the end of those who want to pass the enchantment?

Is it that their last place, really want to stay here?

Oh, it’s really a good destination that is not afraid of being disturbed...

In the end, the consciousness of cloud dance completely fell into the dark.


Quiet, here is surprisingly quiet.

Occasionally, a blast of wind blew, the yellow sand fluttered and the sound of the rubble rubbed.

So hot!

The consciousness is still wandering in the boundless darkness of the cloud dance, it feels like he was thrown into the oven, it is very uncomfortable.


The cloud dance lying on the sand suddenly burst into tears.

The closed scorpion trembled, and the next second, the brow was tightly locked.

what happened?

How does she feel that her body is like a scattered frame, and it hurts everywhere.


A hot wind came with a grit of friction.

Finally, the cloud dance strong support slowly opened his eyes.

But when you see a piece of earthy sand in front of you, you can't help it.

"How..." Yunwu just wanted to scream something, but did not expect a blast to sweep into the sand.


Yun Dance quickly propped up the painful body, sat up and quickly cleaned the sand in his mouth.

But very quickly, when the cloud dance is smothered by what I saw, the whole person seems to be reacting in an instant.

The yellow rolling visual effect, at first glance at the margin, except for the yellow sand, or the yellow sand, can not see any other colors.

Even the sky seems to be yellowed.

Under the glare of the sun, there is a high-temperature ray of light, covering the entire desert ground.

The endless heat of the heat seems to be almost steaming.

This, here is the desert?

what happened?

She doesn't ward off the dragon with them...

By the way, when they were in the transmission array, the transmission array suddenly burst into the gap without any words, after which they...

When I thought of it, I frowned when I was dancing.

How are they?

Will there be something?

Here... Is it the Dragon?

The clouds danced and looked around, and there was no shadow in the surroundings, and there was no life in the living, let alone the trail of the dragon.

According to the attitude of the proud dragon, it is impossible to survive in this harsh desert.

So where is this?

It will not, under the impact of the transmission array, she was taken to another place?

Or... Did she cross again?

The more I think about cloud dance, the more irritable and inexplicable my heart is.

Anyway, let's go out and say it first.

The cloud dance frowned slightly, just wanted to stand up, but fell in the air when it was halfway through.


She rubbed her chest and frowned.

The position of the chest seems to have been pierced by countless needles, and she is so painful that she **** in cold air.

What is going on here?

Cloud Dance almost subconsciously wants to adjust the internal vision and see how his body is.

However, she just wanted to transport Yuan Li, and the body slammed into a pain, an unstable breath, a sweet throat, and blood spilled over the corners of her mouth.

"How could this be?"

Yunwu stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flashed a bit of mistake.

Just when she tried to use power, the cloud dance found that the power could not be made, and the power just emerged as if it had been oppressed by something, and it instantly disappeared into nothing.

Moreover, as she wants to force it, the more oppressive it is.

That is to say, her power is oppressed?

How could this be?

- Shantou, here is the desert of the Dragon's enchantment, your body has been impacted by the power of the transmission, suffered a point of internal injury, or temporarily do not force capacity.

Suffered from internal injuries?

It is no wonder that she is stinging all over her body. It is estimated that the body is really suffering from a minor internal injury and her breath is unstable.

However, he said that this is the desert of the Dragon enchantment?

So, she is to the Dragons?

But without waiting for the cloud dance to ask for an exit, the dragon roll in the chaos hall suddenly flashed a piece of information.

The top of the desert: a solitude space between the dragon and the enchantment, not belonging to the dragon, is the abandoned three places, the dragon, the upper, the phoenix, etc. Those who appear in the top of the desert are generally murderers who are driven by their own people or who commit crimes.

In other words, this desert is a place where people are mixed, and everyone has it!

But the only characteristic is that people in the desert are either homeless or abandoned.

After the cloud dance has digested this information, I don’t know why, but my heart is calming down.

Perhaps, it is because she knows that this place was originally a model of this kind, and she has a bottom in her heart.

Or maybe, because she thinks that this place is too similar to the place where she lived in the past!

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