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Chapter 842 Dragon Enchantment

"You still don't leave, right? Just how those people have slandered me, I will exchange them for you thousands of times!"

Meng Bai looked at a few people, and when he was angry, he would rise up and pounce on a few people. He couldn’t recover the power. He took a few legs and didn’t help, and it looked funny.

Being used as a mouse with no dignity, can the anger in his heart burn a half of the original?

When they heard Meng Bai, they were not afraid. After all, it was a mouse. They were trampled on one foot, but they heard a mouse actually talking, and his face was pale.

"This is not an ordinary mouse!"

"Go away... hurry... hurry to report to the boss."


A group of people were glimpsed and disappeared.

"Dare to say that Laozi is a mouse, I am killing you!" Meng Bai looked at the figures of several people, hoarse voices screaming, a pair of eyes can not wait to overflow the fire.

He is a mole with a noble blood!

At this moment, Meng Bai absorbed the power of the magic grass, and his eyes had a focal length. Although he could not change back to the human form, the intensity of his speech began to rise, and he would soon be alive and kicking.

"Right brother, don't swear, let's leave." Yun Dance glanced at the angry Meng Bai, helpless.

It is estimated that if you don’t leave, the trouble will come.

"You also said that I am a mouse?"

Meng Bai is dissatisfied with the big man, but he is too short in the rat state. There is no threat of a single threat. The whole posture is still looking at the cloud dance...

Yun Yun coveted him and looked at him indifferently: "Can you say that you are not like a mouse now?"


Even if it is, it’s not so clear...

The cloud dance smashed Meng Bai, and the elements of the wind slammed into the city gate.

Halfway through the encounter with a few people who have just self-harm, deliberately speed up the speed of several people in the past, the power of the wind element directly smashed them a few steps.

After coming to the city gate, Yun Wu took out the magic core and handed it to the defending city guard, and rushed with the Meng Baichao dragon.

In the past few days, all the cities have been inquired. Except for Meng Bai, there is no such thing as the death of the dragon and the red fire dragon. There is only one possibility. The two of them are shocked to the dragon!

She is not too worried about the red fire dragon, the most worried is the dragon.

The red fire dragon itself is a dragon, even if there is a festival with the dragon, it will not be killed, and after so many years, even what happened is estimated to have been forgotten.

But the dragon is a person, if it is discovered by the dragons when he is in a coma, then the result...

Cloud Dance can't imagine, so now that he is in the Dragon, she must rush at the fastest speed.

After Yunwu left the evil city, just a few of the stuttering humans came back, and they also took their boss. Their boss was Qinglong.

"Your mother, I want you to give me back to me, what the **** are you saying?"

"No, no... isn't it just to tie her back?"

"I am going to your uncle!" Qinglong yelled.

Although the Dragon people hated human beings, he only instilled thoughts on human beings. Humans did not do anything to be sorry for him. He wanted to thank Yun Dance for not killing.

Second, because she was the summoner who saved Shacheng, there was a slight change in the view of human beings. I wanted to invite Yun Dance to eat.

As a result, his mouth is pleased to become a killer...

After this incident, the cloud dance was famous. Everyone knew that there was a summoner here. The people passed down and spread the cloud dance to the gods.

For a time, the reputation of Yun Dance carried out the ten cities in the desert.

Of course, all these cloud dances don’t know, and they thought they were looking around for her to provoke her...


Yunwu all the way to the south wind elements, and finally arrived at the Dragon enchantment the next morning, but did not expect the Dragon enchantment and the Dragon people are guarding, the purpose is to prevent humans and other ethnic groups from mixing in.

Come here, but now I can't go in.

- Black arrogant, can you help me develop some medicines that hide human breath?

Now that you want to enter the dragon family, you must suppress the human breath of the body. As long as you don't let the dragon people smell the smell of human beings, there will be no problem.

In the chaos hall, answering her is a silence, but the cloud dance knows that Hei He has heard it, not speaking, and resisting his temper and waiting for his answer.

After a long time.


There was a sigh in the chaos of the temple.

——I have a Wan Yandan here, which can suppress the breath of your body, but the effect can only last for one day.


Cloud dance has a glimpse of the sky.

- One day is enough?

Black arrogant tone, but with a trace of doubt.

- I mean that it is enough to develop medicinal herbs for you in one day.

It’s a silence to answer the cloud dance in the Chaos Hall...

in the afternoon!

Yunwu sneaked into the Chaos Temple, and Black AO gave her the drug. She discovered that the black arrogant figure seemed to be clearer. Although she still couldn’t see the five senses, it was much clearer than before.

When Wan Yandan left, the cloud dance suddenly remembered, looking back and looking at the black pride: "When will I come to take the medicine?"

"I am going to call you."

The cloud dance is slightly better, and if something happens to be imminent, if she forgets, the human breath is exposed, and the trouble is big.

Black arrogantly looked at her back and appointed a helpless start to develop the drug.

After leaving the Chaos Temple, after a rest in the afternoon, Meng Bai has completely absorbed the magical effect of the magic grass, and has now turned into a human form.

Because he is a mouse, the dragon does not hate him, so he can enter and leave at will, without the need for immortality.

After swallowing the medicinal herbs, the cloud dance entered the dragon enchantment, and this felt the power from the dragon enchantment. The power seemed to be suppressed, as if it had touched it, it would be out of control.

Under consideration, the cloud dance poked a finger, and when the bones were shaken, the strength of the rebound was several times greater than the power she used.

Such a strong force, even if the dragon's body is not necessarily able to break through, the cloud dance sneer, is really a good enchantment against the Dragon people's offense!

Just after the cloud dance touched the enchantment, suddenly a silver dragon appeared in the sky, a dragon, a slender body circling in the sky, and the momentum immediately came up.

The cloud dance looked at the silver dragon's micro-brows. The dragon guards in the distance still stood still, and the silver dragon, who didn't know what to do, appeared. Isn't the dragon guardian to open the enchantment for her?

The silver dragon figure suddenly turned, and it instantly became a human figure. It was a man wearing a silver armor cold face, and the armor was shining with brilliance, and suddenly a sense of sacred inviolability came to life.

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